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// Copyright (c) 2004 Xilinx, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved
// ____ ____
// / /\/ /
// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
// \ \ \/ Version: 1.30
// \ \ Filename: kcpsm3.v
// / / Date Last Modified: August 5 2004
// /___/ /\ Date Created: May 19 2003
// \ \ / \
// \___\/\___\
//Device: Xilinx
// Constant (K) Coded Programmable State Machine for Spartan-3 Devices.
// Also suitable for use with Virtex-II and Virtex-IIPRO devices.
// Includes additional code for enhanced verilog simulation.
// Instruction disassembly concept inspired by the work of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Lang.
// University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck, Germany.
// Format of this file.
// --------------------
// This file contains the definition of KCPSM3 as one complete module This 'flat'
// approach has been adopted to decrease
// the time taken to load the module into simulators and the synthesis process.
// The module defines the implementation of the logic using Xilinx primitives.
// These ensure predictable synthesis results and maximise the density of the implementation.
// None
//Revision History:
// Rev 1.00 - kc - Start of design entry, May 19 2003.
// Rev 1.20 - njs - Converted to verilog, July 20 2004.
// Verilog version creation supported by Chip Lukes,
// Advanced Electronic Designs, Inc.
// www.aedbozeman.com,
// chip.lukes@aedmt.com
// Rev 1.21 - sus - Added text to adhere to HDL standard, August 4 2004.
// Rev 1.30 - njs - Updated as per VHDL version 1.30 August 5 2004.
// Contact: e-mail picoblaze@xilinx.com
// Disclaimer:
// provided to you "as is". Xilinx and its licensors make and you
// receive no warranties or conditions, express, implied,
// statutory or otherwise, and Xilinx specifically disclaims any
// implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or
// fitness for a particular purpose. Xilinx does not warrant that
// the functions contained in these designs will meet your
// requirements, or that the operation of these designs will be
// uninterrupted or error free, or that defects in the Designs
// will be corrected. Furthermore, Xilinx does not warrant or
// make any representations regarding use or the results of the
// use of the designs in terms of correctness, accuracy,
// reliability, or otherwise.
// LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no event will Xilinx or its
// licensors be liable for any loss of data, lost profits, cost
// or procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any
// special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages
// arising from the use or operation of the designs or
// accompanying documentation, however caused and on any theory
// of liability. This limitation will apply even if Xilinx
// has been advised of the possibility of such damage. This
// limitation shall apply not-withstanding the failure of the
// essential purpose of any limited remedies herein.
`timescale 1 ps / 1ps
module kcpsm3(
clk) ;
output [9:0] address ;
input [17:0] instruction ;
output [7:0] port_id ;
output write_strobe, read_strobe, interrupt_ack ;
output [7:0] out_port ;
input [7:0] in_port ;
input interrupt, reset, clk ;
// Start of Main Architecture for KCPSM3
// Signals used in KCPSM3
// Fundamental control and decode signals
wire t_state ;
wire not_t_state ;
wire internal_reset ;
wire reset_delay ;
wire move_group ;
wire condition_met ;
wire normal_count ;
wire call_type ;
wire push_or_pop_type ;
wire valid_to_move ;
// Flag signals
wire flag_type ;
wire flag_write ;
wire flag_enable ;
wire zero_flag ;
wire sel_shadow_zero ;
wire low_zero ;
wire high_zero ;
wire low_zero_carry ;
wire high_zero_carry ;
wire zero_carry ;
wire zero_fast_route ;
wire low_parity ;
wire high_parity ;
wire parity_carry ;
wire parity ;
wire carry_flag ;
wire sel_parity ;
wire sel_arith_carry ;
wire sel_shift_carry ;
wire sel_shadow_carry ;
wire [3:0] sel_carry ;
wire carry_fast_route ;
// Interrupt signals
wire active_interrupt ;
wire int_pulse ;
wire clean_int ;
wire shadow_carry ;
wire shadow_zero ;
wire int_enable ;
wire int_update_enable ;
wire int_enable_value ;
wire interrupt_ack_internal ;
// Program Counter signals
wire [9:0] pc ;
wire [9:0] pc_vector ;
wire [8:0] pc_vector_carry ;
wire [9:0] inc_pc_vector ;
wire [9:0] pc_value ;
wire [8:0] pc_value_carry ;
wire [9:0] inc_pc_value ;
wire pc_enable ;
// Data Register signals
wire [7:0] sx ;
wire [7:0] sy ;
wire register_type ;
wire register_write ;
wire register_enable ;
wire [7:0] second_operand ;
// Scratch Pad Memory signals
wire [7:0] memory_data ;
wire [7:0] store_data ;
wire memory_type ;
wire memory_write ;
wire memory_enable ;
// Stack signals
wire [9:0] stack_pop_data ;
wire [9:0] stack_ram_data ;
wire [4:0] stack_address ;
wire [4:0] half_stack_address ;
wire [3:0] stack_address_carry ;
wire [4:0] next_stack_address ;
wire stack_write_enable ;
wire not_active_interrupt ;
// ALU signals
wire [7:0] logical_result ;
wire [7:0] logical_value ;
wire sel_logical ;
wire [7:0] shift_result ;
wire [7:0] shift_value ;
wire sel_shift ;
wire high_shift_in ;
wire low_shift_in ;
wire shift_in ;
wire shift_carry ;
wire shift_carry_value ;
wire [7:0] arith_result ;
wire [7:0] arith_value ;
wire [7:0] half_arith ;
wire [7:0] arith_internal_carry ;
wire sel_arith_carry_in ;
wire arith_carry_in ;
wire invert_arith_carry ;
wire arith_carry_out ;
wire sel_arith ;
wire arith_carry ;
// ALU multiplexer signals
wire input_fetch_type ;
wire sel_group ;
wire [7:0] alu_group ;
wire [7:0] input_group ;
wire [7:0] alu_result ;
// read and write strobes
wire io_initial_decode ;
wire write_active ;
wire read_active ;
// XST attributes (Synplicity attributes are inline)
//synthesis attribute INIT of t_state_lut "1";
//synthesis attribute INIT of int_pulse_lut "0080";
//synthesis attribute INIT of int_update_lut "EAAA";
//synthesis attribute INIT of int_value_lut "04";
//synthesis attribute INIT of move_group_lut "7400";
//synthesis attribute INIT of condition_met_lut "5A3C";
//synthesis attribute INIT of normal_count_lut "2F";
//synthesis attribute INIT of call_type_lut "1000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of push_pop_lut "5400";
//synthesis attribute INIT of valid_move_lut "D";
//synthesis attribute INIT of flag_type_lut "41FC";
//synthesis attribute INIT of flag_enable_lut "8";
//synthesis attribute INIT of low_zero_lut "0001";
//synthesis attribute INIT of high_zero_lut "0001";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_shadow_zero_lut "3F";
//synthesis attribute INIT of low_parity_lut "6996";
//synthesis attribute INIT of high_parity_lut "6996";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_parity_lut "F3FF";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_arith_carry_lut "F3";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_shift_carry_lut "C";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_shadow_carry_lut "3";
//synthesis attribute INIT of register_type_lut "0145";
//synthesis attribute INIT of register_enable_lut "8";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_type_lut "0400";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_enable_lut "8000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_logical_lut "FFE2";
//synthesis attribute INIT of low_shift_in_lut "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of high_shift_in_lut "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_carry_lut "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of sel_arith_lut "1F";
//synthesis attribute INIT of input_fetch_type_lut "0002";
//synthesis attribute INIT of io_decode_lut "0010";
//synthesis attribute INIT of write_active_lut "4000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of read_active_lut "0100";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_0 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_1 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_2 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_3 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_4 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_5 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_6 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_7 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_8 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of vector_select_mux_9 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_0 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_1 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_2 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_3 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_4 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_5 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_6 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_7 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_8 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of value_select_mux_9 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_0 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_1 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_2 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_3 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_4 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_5 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_6 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of reg_loop_register_bit_7 "0000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_0 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_1 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_2 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_3 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_4 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_5 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_6 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of operand_select_mux_7 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_0 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_1 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_2 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_3 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_4 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_5 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_6 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of memory_bit_7 "0000000000000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_0 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_1 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_2 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_3 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_4 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_5 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_6 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of logical_lut_7 "6E8A";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_0 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_1 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_2 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_3 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_4 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_5 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_6 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of shift_mux_lut_7 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_carry_in_lut "6C";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_carry_out_lut "2";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_0 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_1 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_2 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_3 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_4 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_5 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_6 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of arith_lut_7 "96";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_0 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_1 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_2 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_3 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_4 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_5 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_6 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of or_lut_7 "FE";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_0 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_1 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_2 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_3 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_4 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_5 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_6 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of mux_lut_7 "E4";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_0 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_1 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_2 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_3 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_4 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_5 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_6 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_7 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_8 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of stack_bit_9 "00000000";
//synthesis attribute INIT of count_lut_0 "6555";
//synthesis attribute INIT of count_lut_1 "A999";
//synthesis attribute INIT of count_lut_2 "A999";
//synthesis attribute INIT of count_lut_3 "A999";
//synthesis attribute INIT of count_lut_4 "A999";
// Start of KCPSM3 circuit description
// Fundamental Control
// Definition of T-state and internal reset
// synthesis translate_off
defparam t_state_lut.INIT = 2'h1 ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT1 t_state_lut(
.O(not_t_state))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=1"*/;
FDR toggle_flop (
FDS reset_flop1 (
FDS reset_flop2 (
// Interrupt input logic, Interrupt enable and shadow Flags.
// Captures interrupt input and enables the shadow flags.
// Decodes instructions which set and reset the interrupt enable flip-flop.
// Interrupt capture
FDR int_capture_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam int_pulse_lut.INIT = 16'h0080 ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 int_pulse_lut (
.O(int_pulse ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0080"*/;
FDR int_flop (
FD ack_flop (
assign interrupt_ack = interrupt_ack_internal ;
// Shadow flags
FDE shadow_carry_flop (
FDE shadow_zero_flop (
// Decode instructions that set or reset interrupt enable
// synthesis translate_off
defparam int_update_lut.INIT = 16'hEAAA ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 int_update_lut(
.O(int_update_enable) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=EAAA"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam int_value_lut.INIT = 8'h04 ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 int_value_lut (
.O(int_enable_value ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=04"*/;
FDRE int_enable_flop (
// Decodes for the control of the program counter and CALL/RETURN stack
// synthesis translate_off
defparam move_group_lut.INIT = 16'h7400 ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 move_group_lut (
.O(move_group))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=7400"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam condition_met_lut.INIT = 16'h5A3C ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 condition_met_lut (
.O(condition_met))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=5A3C"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam normal_count_lut.INIT = 8'h2F ;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 normal_count_lut (
.O(normal_count ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=2F"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam call_type_lut.INIT = 16'h1000;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 call_type_lut (
.O(call_type ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=1000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam push_pop_lut.INIT = 16'h5400;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 push_pop_lut (
.O(push_or_pop_type))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=5400"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam valid_move_lut.INIT = 4'hD;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT2 valid_move_lut (
.O(valid_to_move ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=D"*/;
// The ZERO and CARRY Flags
// Enable for flags
// synthesis translate_off
defparam flag_type_lut.INIT = 16'h41FC;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 flag_type_lut (
.O(flag_type ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=41FC"*/;
FD flag_write_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam flag_enable_lut.INIT = 4'h8;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT2 flag_enable_lut (
.O(flag_enable))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=8"*/;
// Zero Flag
// synthesis translate_off
defparam low_zero_lut.INIT = 16'h0001;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 low_zero_lut (
.O(low_zero ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0001"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam high_zero_lut.INIT = 16'h0001;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 high_zero_lut (
.O(high_zero ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0001"*/;
MUXCY low_zero_muxcy (
MUXCY high_zero_cymux (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_shadow_zero_lut.INIT = 8'h3F;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 sel_shadow_zero_lut (
.O(sel_shadow_zero ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=3F"*/;
MUXCY zero_cymux (
.O(zero_carry ));
XORCY zero_xor(
FDRE zero_flag_flop (
// Parity detection
// synthesis translate_off
defparam low_parity_lut.INIT = 16'h6996;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 low_parity_lut (
.O(low_parity ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6996"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam high_parity_lut.INIT = 16'h6996;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 high_parity_lut (
.O(high_parity ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6996"*/;
MUXCY parity_muxcy (
.O(parity_carry) );
XORCY parity_xor (
// CARRY flag selection
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_parity_lut.INIT = 16'hF3FF;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 sel_parity_lut (
.O(sel_parity ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=F3FF"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_arith_carry_lut.INIT = 8'hF3;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 sel_arith_carry_lut (
.O(sel_arith_carry ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=F3"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_shift_carry_lut.INIT = 4'hC;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT2 sel_shift_carry_lut (
.O(sel_shift_carry ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=C"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_shadow_carry_lut.INIT = 4'h3;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT2 sel_shadow_carry_lut (
.O(sel_shadow_carry ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=3"*/;
MUXCY sel_shadow_muxcy (
.O(sel_carry[0]) );
MUXCY sel_shift_muxcy (
.O(sel_carry[1]) );
MUXCY sel_arith_muxcy (
.O(sel_carry[2]) );
MUXCY sel_parity_muxcy (
.O(sel_carry[3]) );
XORCY carry_xor(
FDRE carry_flag_flop (
// The Program Counter
// Definition of a 10-bit counter which can be loaded from two sources
INV invert_enable(// Inverter should be implemented in the CE to flip flops
// pc_loop
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_0.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_0 (
.O(pc_vector[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_0.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_0(
.O(pc_value[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_0 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_0 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_0 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_0 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_1.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_1 (
.O(pc_vector[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_1.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_1(
.O(pc_value[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_1 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_1 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_1 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_1 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_2.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_2 (
.O(pc_vector[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_2.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_2(
.O(pc_value[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_2 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_2 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_2 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_2 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_3.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_3 (
.O(pc_vector[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_3.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_3(
.O(pc_value[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_3 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_3 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_3 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_3 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_4.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_4 (
.O(pc_vector[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_4.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_4(
.O(pc_value[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_4 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_4 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_4 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_4 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_5.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_5 (
.O(pc_vector[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_5.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_5(
.O(pc_value[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_5 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_5 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_5 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_5 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_6.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_6 (
.O(pc_vector[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_6.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_6(
.O(pc_value[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_6 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_6 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_6 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_6 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_7.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_7 (
.O(pc_vector[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_7.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_7(
.O(pc_value[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_7 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_7 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_7 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_7 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_7 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_8.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_8 (
.O(pc_vector[8]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_8.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_8(
.O(pc_value[8]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_8 (
MUXCY pc_vector_muxcy_8 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_8 (
MUXCY pc_value_muxcy_8 (
XORCY pc_value_xor_8 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam vector_select_mux_9.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 vector_select_mux_9 (
.O(pc_vector[9]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam value_select_mux_9.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 value_select_mux_9(
.O(pc_value[9]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDRSE pc_loop_register_bit_9 (
XORCY pc_vector_xor_high (
XORCY pc_value_xor_high (
//end pc_loop;
assign address = pc;
// Register Bank and second operand selection.
// Definition of an 8-bit dual port RAM with 16 locations
// including write enable decode.
// Outputs are assigned to PORT_ID and OUT_PORT.
// Forming decode signal
// synthesis translate_off
defparam register_type_lut.INIT = 16'h0145;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 register_type_lut (
.O(register_type ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0145"*/;
FD register_write_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam register_enable_lut.INIT = 4'h8;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT2 register_enable_lut (
.O(register_enable))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=8"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_0.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_0 (
.DPO(sy[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_0.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_0 (
.O(second_operand[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_1.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_1 (
.DPO(sy[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_1.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_1 (
.O(second_operand[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_2.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_2 (
.DPO(sy[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_2.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_2 (
.O(second_operand[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_3.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_3 (
.DPO(sy[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_3.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_3 (
.O(second_operand[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_4.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_4 (
.DPO(sy[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_4.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_4 (
.O(second_operand[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_5.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_5 (
.DPO(sy[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_5.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_5 (
.O(second_operand[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_6.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_6 (
.DPO(sy[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_6.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_6 (
.O(second_operand[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam reg_loop_register_bit_7.INIT = 16'h0000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM16X1D reg_loop_register_bit_7 (
.DPO(sy[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam operand_select_mux_7.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 operand_select_mux_7 (
.O(second_operand[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
assign out_port = sx;
assign port_id = second_operand;
// Store Memory
// Definition of an 8-bit single port RAM with 64 locations
// including write enable decode.
// Forming decode signal
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_type_lut.INIT = 16'h0400;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 memory_type_lut (
.O(memory_type ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0400"*/;
FD memory_write_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_enable_lut.INIT = 16'h8000;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 memory_enable_lut (
.O(memory_enable ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=8000"*/;
// store_loop
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_0.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_0 (
.O(memory_data[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_1.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_1 (
.O(memory_data[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_2.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_2 (
.O(memory_data[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_3.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_3 (
.O(memory_data[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_4.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_4 (
.O(memory_data[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_5.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_5 (
.O(memory_data[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_6.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_6 (
.O(memory_data[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam memory_bit_7.INIT = 64'h0000000000000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM64X1S memory_bit_7 (
.O(memory_data[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0000000000000000"*/;
FD store_flop_7 (
// Logical operations
// Definition of AND, OR, XOR and LOAD functions which also provides TEST.
// Includes pipeline stage used to form ALU multiplexer including decode.
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_logical_lut.INIT = 16'hFFE2;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 sel_logical_lut (
.O(sel_logical ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FFE2"*/;
// logical_loop
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_0.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_0 (
.O(logical_value[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_1.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_1 (
.O(logical_value[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_2.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_2 (
.O(logical_value[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_3.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_3 (
.O(logical_value[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_4.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_4 (
.O(logical_value[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_5.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_5 (
.O(logical_value[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_6.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_6 (
.O(logical_value[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam logical_lut_7.INIT = 16'h6E8A;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 logical_lut_7 (
.O(logical_value[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6E8A"*/;
FDR logical_flop_7 (
// Shift and Rotate operations
// Includes pipeline stage used to form ALU multiplexer including decode.
INV sel_shift_inv( // Inverter should be implemented in the reset to flip flops
// Bit to input to shift register
// synthesis translate_off
defparam high_shift_in_lut.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 high_shift_in_lut (
.O(high_shift_in ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam low_shift_in_lut.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 low_shift_in_lut (
.O(low_shift_in))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5 (
.O(shift_in ));
// Forming shift carry signal
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_carry_lut.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_carry_lut (
.O(shift_carry_value ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FD pipeline_bit (
// shift_loop
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_0.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_0 (
.O(shift_value[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_1.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_1 (
.O(shift_value[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_2.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_2 (
.O(shift_value[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_3.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_3 (
.O(shift_value[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_4.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_4 (
.O(shift_value[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_5.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_5 (
.O(shift_value[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_6.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_6 (
.O(shift_value[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam shift_mux_lut_7.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 shift_mux_lut_7 (
.O(shift_value[7]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
FDR shift_flop_7 (
// Arithmetic operations
// Definition of ADD, ADDCY, SUB and SUBCY functions which also provides COMPARE.
// Includes pipeline stage used to form ALU multiplexer including decode.
// synthesis translate_off
defparam sel_arith_lut.INIT = 8'h1F;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 sel_arith_lut (
.O(sel_arith))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=1F"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_carry_in_lut.INIT = 8'h6C;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_carry_in_lut (
.O(sel_arith_carry_in ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6C"*/;
MUXCY arith_carry_in_muxcy (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_0 (
XORCY arith_xor_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_0.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_0 (
.O(half_arith[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_0 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_1 (
XORCY arith_xor_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_1.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_1 (
.O(half_arith[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_1 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_2 (
XORCY arith_xor_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_2.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_2 (
.O(half_arith[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_2 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_3 (
XORCY arith_xor_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_3.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_3 (
.O(half_arith[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_3 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_4 (
XORCY arith_xor_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_4.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_4 (
.O(half_arith[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_4 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_5 (
XORCY arith_xor_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_5.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_5 (
.O(half_arith[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_5 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_6 (
XORCY arith_xor_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_6.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_6 (
.O(half_arith[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_6 (
MUXCY arith_muxcy_7 (
XORCY arith_xor_7 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_carry_out_lut.INIT = 2'h2;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT1 arith_carry_out_lut (
.O(invert_arith_carry ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=2"*/;
XORCY arith_carry_out_xor (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam arith_lut_7.INIT = 8'h96;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 arith_lut_7 (
.O(half_arith[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=96"*/;
FDR arith_flop_7 (
FDR arith_carry_flop (
// ALU multiplexer
// synthesis translate_off
defparam input_fetch_type_lut.INIT = 16'h0002;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 input_fetch_type_lut (
.O(input_fetch_type ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0002"*/;
FD sel_group_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_0.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_0 (
.O(alu_group[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_0.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_0 (
.O(input_group[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_0 (
.O(alu_result[0]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_1.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_1 (
.O(alu_group[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_1.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_1 (
.O(input_group[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_1 (
.O(alu_result[1]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_2.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_2 (
.O(alu_group[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_2.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_2 (
.O(input_group[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_2 (
.O(alu_result[2]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_3.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_3 (
.O(alu_group[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_3.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_3 (
.O(input_group[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_3 (
.O(alu_result[3]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_4.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_4 (
.O(alu_group[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_4.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_4 (
.O(input_group[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_4 (
.O(alu_result[4]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_5.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_5 (
.O(alu_group[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_5.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_5 (
.O(input_group[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_5 (
.O(alu_result[5]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_6.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_6 (
.O(alu_group[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_6.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_6 (
.O(input_group[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_6 (
.O(alu_result[6]) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam or_lut_7.INIT = 8'hFE;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 or_lut_7 (
.O(alu_group[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=FE"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam mux_lut_7.INIT = 8'hE4;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT3 mux_lut_7 (
.O(input_group[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=E4"*/;
MUXF5 shift_in_muxf5_7 (
.O(alu_result[7]) );
// Read and Write Strobes
// synthesis translate_off
defparam io_decode_lut.INIT = 16'h0010;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 io_decode_lut (
.O(io_initial_decode ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0010"*/;
// synthesis translate_off
defparam write_active_lut.INIT = 16'h4000;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 write_active_lut (
.O(write_active ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=4000"*/;
FDR write_strobe_flop (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam read_active_lut.INIT = 16'h0100;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 read_active_lut (
.O(read_active ))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=0100"*/;
FDR read_strobe_flop (
// Program CALL/RETURN stack
// Provided the counter and memory for a 32 deep stack supporting nested
// subroutine calls to a depth of 31 levels.
// Stack memory is 32 locations of 10-bit single port.
INV stack_ram_inv ( // Inverter should be implemented in the WE to RAM
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_0.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_0 (
.O(stack_ram_data[0]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_1.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_1 (
.O(stack_ram_data[1]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_2.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_2 (
.O(stack_ram_data[2]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_3.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_3 (
.O(stack_ram_data[3]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_4.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_4 (
.O(stack_ram_data[4]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_4 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_5.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_5 (
.O(stack_ram_data[5]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_5 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_6.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_6 (
.O(stack_ram_data[6]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_6 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_7.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_7 (
.O(stack_ram_data[7]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_7 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_8.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_8 (
.O(stack_ram_data[8]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_8 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam stack_bit_9.INIT = 32'h00000000;
// synthesis translate_on
RAM32X1S stack_bit_9 (
.O(stack_ram_data[9]))/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=00000000"*/;
FD stack_flop_9 (
// Stack address pointer is a 5-bit counter
INV stack_count_inv( // Inverter should be implemented in the CE to the flip-flops
// synthesis translate_off
defparam count_lut_0.INIT = 16'h6555;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 count_lut_0 (
.O(half_stack_address[0]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=6555"*/;
MUXCY count_muxcy_0 (
XORCY count_xor_0 (
FDRE stack_count_loop_register_bit_0 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam count_lut_1.INIT = 16'hA999;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 count_lut_1 (
.O(half_stack_address[1]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=A999"*/;
MUXCY count_muxcy_1 (
XORCY count_xor_1 (
FDRE stack_count_loop_register_bit_1 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam count_lut_2.INIT = 16'hA999;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 count_lut_2 (
.O(half_stack_address[2]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=A999"*/;
MUXCY count_muxcy_2 (
XORCY count_xor_2 (
FDRE stack_count_loop_register_bit_2 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam count_lut_3.INIT = 16'hA999;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 count_lut_3 (
.O(half_stack_address[3]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=A999"*/;
MUXCY count_muxcy_3 (
XORCY count_xor_3 (
FDRE stack_count_loop_register_bit_3 (
// synthesis translate_off
defparam count_lut_4.INIT = 16'hA999;
// synthesis translate_on
LUT4 count_lut_4 (
.O(half_stack_address[4]) )/* synthesis xc_props = "INIT=A999"*/;
XORCY count_xor_4 (
FDRE stack_count_loop_register_bit_4 (
// End of description for KCPSM3 macro.
// Code for simulation purposes only after this line
// Code for simulation.
// Disassemble the instruction codes to form a text string for display.
// Determine status of reset and flags and present in the form of a text string.
// Provide local variables to simulate the contents of each register and scratch
// pad memory location.
//All of this section is ignored during synthesis.
//synthesis translate_off
//complete instruction decode
reg [1:152] kcpsm3_opcode ;
//Status of flags and processor
reg [1:104] kcpsm3_status ;
//contents of each register
reg [7:0] s0_contents ;
reg [7:0] s1_contents ;
reg [7:0] s2_contents ;
reg [7:0] s3_contents ;
reg [7:0] s4_contents ;
reg [7:0] s5_contents ;
reg [7:0] s6_contents ;
reg [7:0] s7_contents ;
reg [7:0] s8_contents ;
reg [7:0] s9_contents ;
reg [7:0] sa_contents ;
reg [7:0] sb_contents ;
reg [7:0] sc_contents ;
reg [7:0] sd_contents ;
reg [7:0] se_contents ;
reg [7:0] sf_contents ;
//contents of each scratch pad memory location
reg [7:0] spm00_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm01_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm02_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm03_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm04_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm05_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm06_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm07_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm08_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm09_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0a_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0b_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0c_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0d_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0e_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm0f_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm10_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm11_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm12_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm13_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm14_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm15_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm16_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm17_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm18_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm19_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1a_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1b_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1c_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1d_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1e_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm1f_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm20_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm21_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm22_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm23_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm24_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm25_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm26_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm27_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm28_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm29_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2a_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2b_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2c_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2d_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2e_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm2f_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm30_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm31_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm32_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm33_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm34_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm35_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm36_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm37_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm38_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm39_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3a_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3b_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3c_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3d_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3e_contents ;
reg [7:0] spm3f_contents ;
// initialise the values
initial begin
kcpsm3_status = "NZ, NC, Reset";
s0_contents = 8'h00 ;
s1_contents = 8'h00 ;
s2_contents = 8'h00 ;
s3_contents = 8'h00 ;
s4_contents = 8'h00 ;
s5_contents = 8'h00 ;
s6_contents = 8'h00 ;
s7_contents = 8'h00 ;
s8_contents = 8'h00 ;
s9_contents = 8'h00 ;
sa_contents = 8'h00 ;
sb_contents = 8'h00 ;
sc_contents = 8'h00 ;
sd_contents = 8'h00 ;
se_contents = 8'h00 ;
sf_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm00_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm01_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm02_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm03_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm04_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm05_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm06_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm07_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm08_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm09_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0a_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0b_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0c_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0d_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0e_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm0f_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm10_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm11_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm12_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm13_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm14_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm15_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm16_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm17_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm18_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm19_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1a_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1b_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1c_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1d_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1e_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm1f_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm20_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm21_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm22_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm23_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm24_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm25_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm26_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm27_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm28_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm29_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2a_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2b_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2c_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2d_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2e_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm2f_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm30_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm31_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm32_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm33_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm34_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm35_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm36_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm37_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm38_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm39_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3a_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3b_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3c_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3d_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3e_contents = 8'h00 ;
spm3f_contents = 8'h00 ;
wire [1:16] sx_decode ; //sX register specification
wire [1:16] sy_decode ; //sY register specification
wire [1:16] kk_decode ; //constant value specification
wire [1:24] aaa_decode ; //address specification
// Function to convert 4-bit binary nibble to hexadecimal character
function [1:8] hexcharacter ;
input [3:0] nibble ;
case (nibble)
4'b0000 : hexcharacter = "0" ;
4'b0001 : hexcharacter = "1" ;
4'b0010 : hexcharacter = "2" ;
4'b0011 : hexcharacter = "3" ;
4'b0100 : hexcharacter = "4" ;
4'b0101 : hexcharacter = "5" ;
4'b0110 : hexcharacter = "6" ;
4'b0111 : hexcharacter = "7" ;
4'b1000 : hexcharacter = "8" ;
4'b1001 : hexcharacter = "9" ;
4'b1010 : hexcharacter = "A" ;
4'b1011 : hexcharacter = "B" ;
4'b1100 : hexcharacter = "C" ;
4'b1101 : hexcharacter = "D" ;
4'b1110 : hexcharacter = "E" ;
4'b1111 : hexcharacter = "F" ;
// decode first register
assign sx_decode[1:8] = "s" ;
assign sx_decode[9:16] = hexcharacter(instruction[11:8]) ;
// decode second register
assign sy_decode[1:8] = "s";
assign sy_decode[9:16] = hexcharacter(instruction[7:4]);
// decode constant value
assign kk_decode[1:8] = hexcharacter(instruction[7:4]);
assign kk_decode[9:16] = hexcharacter(instruction[3:0]);
// address value
assign aaa_decode[1:8] = hexcharacter({2'b00, instruction[9:8]});
assign aaa_decode[9:16] = hexcharacter(instruction[7:4]);
assign aaa_decode[17:24] = hexcharacter(instruction[3:0]);
// decode instruction
always @ (instruction or kk_decode or sy_decode or sx_decode or aaa_decode)
case (instruction[17:12])
6'b000000 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"LOAD ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b000001 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"LOAD ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"AND ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001011 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"AND ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"OR ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001101 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"OR ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"XOR ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b001111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"XOR ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b010010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"TEST ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b010011 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"TEST ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011000 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"ADD ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011001 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"ADD ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"ADDCY", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011011 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"ADDCY", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SUB ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011101 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SUB ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SUBCY", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b011111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SUBCY", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b010100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"COMPARE ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "} ; end
6'b010101 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"COMPARE ", sx_decode, ",", sy_decode, " "} ; end
6'b100000 : begin
case (instruction[3:0])
4'b0110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SL0 ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b0111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SL1 ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b0100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SLX ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b0000 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SLA ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b0010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"RL ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b1110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SR0 ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b1111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SR1 ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b1010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SRX ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b1000 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"SRA ", sx_decode, " "}; end
4'b1100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"RR ", sx_decode, " "}; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
6'b101100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"OUTPUT ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "}; end
6'b101101 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"OUTPUT ", sx_decode, ",(", sy_decode, ") "}; end
6'b000100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"INPUT ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "}; end
6'b000101 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"INPUT ", sx_decode, ",(", sy_decode, ") "}; end
6'b101110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"STORE ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "}; end
6'b101111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"STORE ", sx_decode, ",(", sy_decode, ") "}; end
6'b000110 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"FETCH ", sx_decode, ",", kk_decode, " "}; end
6'b000111 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"FETCH ", sx_decode, ",(", sy_decode, ") "}; end
6'b110100 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"JUMP ", aaa_decode, " "}; end
6'b110101 : begin
case (instruction[11:10])
2'b00 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"JUMP Z,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b01 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"JUMP NZ,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b10 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"JUMP C,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b11 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"JUMP NC,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
6'b110000 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"CALL ", aaa_decode, " "}; end
6'b110001 : begin
case (instruction[11:10])
2'b00 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"CALL Z,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b01 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"CALL NZ,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b10 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"CALL C,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
2'b11 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= {"CALL NC,", aaa_decode, " "}; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
6'b101010 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURN "; end
6'b101011 : begin
case (instruction[11:10])
2'b00 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURN Z "; end
2'b01 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURN NZ "; end
2'b10 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURN C "; end
2'b11 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURN NC "; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
6'b111000 : begin
case (instruction[0])
1'b0 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURNI DISABLE "; end
1'b1 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "RETURNI ENABLE "; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
6'b111100 : begin
case (instruction[0])
1'b0 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "DISABLE INTERRUPT "; end
1'b1 : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "ENABLE INTERRUPT "; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
default : begin kcpsm3_opcode <= "Invalid Instruction"; end
//reset and flag status information
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (reset==1'b1 || reset_delay==1'b1) begin
kcpsm3_status = "NZ, NC, Reset";
else begin
kcpsm3_status[65:104] <= " ";
if (flag_enable == 1'b1) begin
if (zero_carry == 1'b1) begin
kcpsm3_status[1:32] <= " Z, ";
else begin
kcpsm3_status[1:32] <= "NZ, ";
if (sel_carry[3] == 1'b1) begin
kcpsm3_status[33:48] <= " C";
else begin
kcpsm3_status[33:48] <= "NC";
//simulation of register contents
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (register_enable == 1'b1) begin
case (instruction[11:8])
4'b0000 : begin s0_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0001 : begin s1_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0010 : begin s2_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0011 : begin s3_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0100 : begin s4_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0101 : begin s5_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0110 : begin s6_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b0111 : begin s7_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1000 : begin s8_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1001 : begin s9_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1010 : begin sa_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1011 : begin sb_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1100 : begin sc_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1101 : begin sd_contents <= alu_result; end
4'b1110 : begin se_contents <= alu_result; end
default : begin sf_contents <= alu_result; end
//simulation of scratch pad memory contents
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (memory_enable==1'b1) begin
case (second_operand[5:0])
6'b000000 : begin spm00_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000001 : begin spm01_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000010 : begin spm02_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000011 : begin spm03_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000100 : begin spm04_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000101 : begin spm05_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000110 : begin spm06_contents <= sx ; end
6'b000111 : begin spm07_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001000 : begin spm08_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001001 : begin spm09_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001010 : begin spm0a_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001011 : begin spm0b_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001100 : begin spm0c_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001101 : begin spm0d_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001110 : begin spm0e_contents <= sx ; end
6'b001111 : begin spm0f_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010000 : begin spm10_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010001 : begin spm11_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010010 : begin spm12_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010011 : begin spm13_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010100 : begin spm14_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010101 : begin spm15_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010110 : begin spm16_contents <= sx ; end
6'b010111 : begin spm17_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011000 : begin spm18_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011001 : begin spm19_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011010 : begin spm1a_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011011 : begin spm1b_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011100 : begin spm1c_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011101 : begin spm1d_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011110 : begin spm1e_contents <= sx ; end
6'b011111 : begin spm1f_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100000 : begin spm20_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100001 : begin spm21_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100010 : begin spm22_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100011 : begin spm23_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100100 : begin spm24_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100101 : begin spm25_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100110 : begin spm26_contents <= sx ; end
6'b100111 : begin spm27_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101000 : begin spm28_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101001 : begin spm29_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101010 : begin spm2a_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101011 : begin spm2b_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101100 : begin spm2c_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101101 : begin spm2d_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101110 : begin spm2e_contents <= sx ; end
6'b101111 : begin spm2f_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110000 : begin spm30_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110001 : begin spm31_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110010 : begin spm32_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110011 : begin spm33_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110100 : begin spm34_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110101 : begin spm35_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110110 : begin spm36_contents <= sx ; end
6'b110111 : begin spm37_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111000 : begin spm38_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111001 : begin spm39_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111010 : begin spm3a_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111011 : begin spm3b_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111100 : begin spm3c_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111101 : begin spm3d_contents <= sx ; end
6'b111110 : begin spm3e_contents <= sx ; end
default : begin spm3f_contents <= sx ; end
// End of simulation code.
//synthesis translate_on