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; KCPSM3 Program - Security control and design authentication.
; This program is provided for use with the reference design
; 'low_cost_design_authentication_for_spartan_3e.vhd' implemented on the Spartan-3E Starter
; Kit. The program provides design authentication control over the 'real' application as well
; as providing features to enable evaluation of the design authentication method.
; Ken Chapman - Xilinx Ltd
; Version v1.00 - 1st November 2006
; This code communicates with the StrataFLASH memory to implement a design authentication
; algorithm which then enables the main application design in various ways. To facilitate
; evaluation of design authentication this design also interacts with the LCD display
; and PC (via UART based RS232 link) to indicate authentication status and allow control
; over the authentication validity of the design. Therefore this program includes:-
; 1) Code required to check authorisation which would be included in a production design.
; 2) Code required to program the authentication value into FLASH memory which would
; typically only be implemented in a special design used at a secure programming
; facility as part of the production programming procedure.
; 3) Code to allow you to see what is happening at all stages which is code that should
; never be included in a real production design as it reveals secrets that should remain
; hidden in order to make the task of breaking the security as difficult as possible.
; IMPORTANT - Feel free to use this code as a reference for your own security scheme but
; never use this code unmodified.
; Copyright Xilinx, Inc. 2006. This code may be contain portions patented by other
; third parties. By providing this core as one possible implementation of a standard,
; Xilinx is making no representation that the provided implementation of this standard
; is free from any claims of infringement by any third party. Xilinx expressly
; disclaims any warranty with respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including
; but not limited to any warranty or representation that the implementation is free
; from claims of any third party. Furthermore, Xilinx is providing this core as a
; courtesy to you and suggests that you contact all third parties to obtain the
; necessary rights to use this implementation.
; Port definitions
; UART ports
; Connection to PC to allow display of progress information and to operate simple
; menu of commands.
CONSTANT status_port, 00 ;UART and memory status
CONSTANT tx_half_full, 01 ; Transmitter half full - bit0
CONSTANT tx_full, 02 ; FIFO tx_full - bit1
CONSTANT rx_data_present, 04 ; Receiver data present - bit2
CONSTANT rx_half_full, 08 ; FIFO half full - bit3
CONSTANT rx_full, 10 ; rx_full - bit4
CONSTANT spare1, 20 ; spare '0' - bit5
CONSTANT spare2, 40 ; spare '0' - bit6
CONSTANT strataflash_sts, 80 ; StrataFLASH STS - bit7
CONSTANT UART_read_port, 01 ;UART Rx data input
CONSTANT UART_write_port, 08 ;UART Tx data output
; LCD Display
;The master enable signal is not used by the LCD display itself
;but is used to prevent any contention with the StrataFLASH memory that
;is connected to the same data pins. In this design the StrataFLASH memory is
;used in 8-bit mode so not contention should exist but this master enable
;facilty is then available for anyone wanting to modify the design for use
;with a 16-bit interface.
CONSTANT LCD_output_port, 20 ;LCD character module output data and control
CONSTANT LCD_E, 01 ; active High Enable E - bit0
CONSTANT LCD_RW, 02 ; Read=1 Write=0 RW - bit1
CONSTANT LCD_RS, 04 ; Instruction=0 Data=1 RS - bit2
CONSTANT LCD_drive, 08 ; Master enable (active High) - bit3
CONSTANT LCD_DB4, 10 ; 4-bit Data DB4 - bit4
CONSTANT LCD_DB5, 20 ; interface Data DB5 - bit5
CONSTANT LCD_DB6, 40 ; Data DB6 - bit6
CONSTANT LCD_DB7, 80 ; Data DB7 - bit7
CONSTANT LCD_input_port, 03 ;LCD character module input data
CONSTANT LCD_read_spare0, 01 ; Spare bits - bit0
CONSTANT LCD_read_spare1, 02 ; are zero - bit1
CONSTANT LCD_read_spare2, 04 ; - bit2
CONSTANT LCD_read_spare3, 08 ; - bit3
CONSTANT LCD_read_DB4, 10 ; 4-bit Data DB4 - bit4
CONSTANT LCD_read_DB5, 20 ; interface Data DB5 - bit5
CONSTANT LCD_read_DB6, 40 ; Data DB6 - bit6
CONSTANT LCD_read_DB7, 80 ; Data DB7 - bit7
; StrataFLASH memory ports
; The FLASH memory is used to hold the authentication value as well as provide the
; unique serial number from which the authentication algorithm computes the value.
; In practice, the FLASH will also hold the configuration image for the Spartan device.
CONSTANT SF_data_in_port, 02 ;Read data from StrataFLASH device
CONSTANT SF_data_out_port, 80 ;Data to write into StrataFLASH device
CONSTANT SF_addr_hi_port, 83 ;StrataFLASH address[21:16] (6 LSB's)
CONSTANT SF_addr_mi_port, 82 ;StrataFLASH address[15:8]
CONSTANT SF_addr_lo_port, 81 ;StrataFLASH address[7:0]
CONSTANT SF_control_port, 40 ;StrataFLASH control
CONSTANT SF_read, 01 ; active High read - bit0
CONSTANT SF_ce, 02 ; active Low device enable - bit1
CONSTANT SF_we, 04 ; active Low write - bit2
; Design Authentication enable/disable signals.
; Hardware controls over the 'real' application.
CONSTANT authentication_control_port, 10 ;Design disable control port
CONSTANT security_disable_interrupts, 01 ; active High disable of interrupt generation - bit0
CONSTANT security_disable_outputs, 02 ; active High disable of output pins - bit1
; Pseudo Random number generator
CONSTANT random_value_port, 04 ;read LFSR counter value
; Link FIFO buffer
; Provides a connection to the 'real' application such that 'soft tokens' in the
; form of short messages to be passed to the 'real' application to enable or disable
; it depending on the authentication status.
CONSTANT link_FIFO_write_port, 04 ;write data to FIFO
; Special Register usage
NAMEREG sF, UART_data ;used to pass data to and from the UART
;Scratch Pad Memory Locations
CONSTANT ISR_preserve_s0, 00 ;preserve register contents during Interrupt Service Routine
CONSTANT serial_number0, 10 ;64-bit serial number of StrataFlash
CONSTANT serial_number1, 11 ;LS-Byte first
CONSTANT serial_number2, 12
CONSTANT serial_number3, 13
CONSTANT serial_number4, 14
CONSTANT serial_number5, 15
CONSTANT serial_number6, 16
CONSTANT serial_number7, 17
CONSTANT computed_CRC0, 18 ;computed 16-bit CRC based on the
CONSTANT computed_CRC1, 19 ; StrataFlash unique serial number (LS-Byte first)
CONSTANT authentication_CRC0, 1A ;16-bit CRC value read from authentication
CONSTANT authentication_CRC1, 1B ; area of StrataFLASH memory (LS-Byte first)
CONSTANT authentication_status, 1C ;Status of design authentication
;Useful data constants
;Constant to define a software delay of 1us. This must be adjusted to reflect the
;clock applied to KCPSM3. Every instruction executes in 2 clock cycles making the
;calculation highly predictable. The '6' in the following equation even allows for
;'CALL delay_1us' instruction in the initiating code.
; delay_1us_constant = (clock_rate - 6)/4 Where 'clock_rate' is in MHz
;Example: For a 50MHz clock the constant value is (10-6)/4 = 11 (0B Hex).
;For clock rates below 10MHz the value of 1 must be used and the operation will
;become lower than intended.
CONSTANT delay_1us_constant, 0B
;ASCII table
CONSTANT character_a, 61
CONSTANT character_b, 62
CONSTANT character_c, 63
CONSTANT character_d, 64
CONSTANT character_e, 65
CONSTANT character_f, 66
CONSTANT character_g, 67
CONSTANT character_h, 68
CONSTANT character_i, 69
CONSTANT character_j, 6A
CONSTANT character_k, 6B
CONSTANT character_l, 6C
CONSTANT character_m, 6D
CONSTANT character_n, 6E
CONSTANT character_o, 6F
CONSTANT character_p, 70
CONSTANT character_q, 71
CONSTANT character_r, 72
CONSTANT character_s, 73
CONSTANT character_t, 74
CONSTANT character_u, 75
CONSTANT character_v, 76
CONSTANT character_w, 77
CONSTANT character_x, 78
CONSTANT character_y, 79
CONSTANT character_z, 7A
CONSTANT character_A, 41
CONSTANT character_B, 42
CONSTANT character_C, 43
CONSTANT character_D, 44
CONSTANT character_E, 45
CONSTANT character_F, 46
CONSTANT character_G, 47
CONSTANT character_H, 48
CONSTANT character_I, 49
CONSTANT character_J, 4A
CONSTANT character_K, 4B
CONSTANT character_L, 4C
CONSTANT character_M, 4D
CONSTANT character_N, 4E
CONSTANT character_O, 4F
CONSTANT character_P, 50
CONSTANT character_Q, 51
CONSTANT character_R, 52
CONSTANT character_S, 53
CONSTANT character_T, 54
CONSTANT character_U, 55
CONSTANT character_V, 56
CONSTANT character_W, 57
CONSTANT character_X, 58
CONSTANT character_Y, 59
CONSTANT character_Z, 5A
CONSTANT character_0, 30
CONSTANT character_1, 31
CONSTANT character_2, 32
CONSTANT character_3, 33
CONSTANT character_4, 34
CONSTANT character_5, 35
CONSTANT character_6, 36
CONSTANT character_7, 37
CONSTANT character_8, 38
CONSTANT character_9, 39
CONSTANT character_colon, 3A
CONSTANT character_fullstop, 2E
CONSTANT character_semi_colon, 3B
CONSTANT character_minus, 2D
CONSTANT character_divide, 2F ;'/'
CONSTANT character_plus, 2B
CONSTANT character_comma, 2C
CONSTANT character_less_than, 3C
CONSTANT character_greater_than, 3E
CONSTANT character_equals, 3D
CONSTANT character_space, 20
CONSTANT character_CR, 0D ;carriage return
CONSTANT character_question, 3F ;'?'
CONSTANT character_dollar, 24
CONSTANT character_exclaim, 21 ;'!'
CONSTANT character_BS, 08 ;Back Space command character
;Initialise the system
cold_start: CALL SF_init ;initialise StrataFLASH controls
LOAD s0, 00 ;Start with application enabled in hardware
OUTPUT s0, authentication_control_port
LOAD s0, character_P ;start with design enabled by software (see ISR)
STORE s0, authentication_status
CALL delay_1s ;delay to allow system to settle
CALL LCD_reset ;Initialise the LCD
ENABLE INTERRUPT ;interrupts to provide software enable to application
; Main program
; The main program follows a logical sequence of events describing the power on and
; authentication process of a design. This process will is either successfully authorises
; the 'real' application to operate or fail to authenticate and disable the 'real'
; application in a similar way to a production design. The only difference that it keeps
; you informed about what it is doing on both the LCD display and PC terminal via the UART.
; A real production design should keep all details hidden.
; Following the authentication check and control over the 'real' application a simple menu
; is provided on the PC terminal to allow you to read, write and erase the authentication
; area of the StrataFLASH memory and therefore evaluate the design authentication security
; of this reference design.
; Write welcome message to LCD display
warm_start: LOAD s5, 12 ;Line 1 position 2
CALL LCD_cursor
CALL disp_PicoBlaze ;Display 'PicoBlaze'
LOAD s5, 25 ;Line 2 position 5
CALL LCD_cursor
CALL disp_Security ;Display 'Security'
; Write welcome message to PC via UART
CALL send_welcome
; Display 'Copyright Ken Chapman 2006' via the UART.
; This message is significant because it demonstrates that the design now has a 'watermark'.
; The ASCII codes for this string are part of the PicoBlaze program stored in a Block
; Memory and therefore are also part of the configuration bit stream. If someone tries to
; change or delete this copyright message the hardware design will detect the change to the
; Block memory contents and also inhibit the design.
CALL send_Copyright
; Delay of 10 seconds before performing any security checks.
; This allows the design to work for a short time which could be important for
; production testing.
; Having a significant time delay (days or weeks) before security checks means that someone
; attempting to clone the product may not be aware that there is any form of design security
; at all until products are in the field are failing. A time delay also impedes the ability to
; attempt to break the security and confirm if an attempt is or is not successful.
LOAD s5, 0A ;delay of 10 seconds.
CALL delay_Ns
; Read serial number of the StrataFLASH memory.
; The whole principle of low cost design security is based on this unique number. Clearly this
; number is not a secret, but what we then go on to do with it should normally be kept secret.
CALL read_SF_serial_number ;read serial number from FLASH memory
CALL send_serial_number ;send value to UART for display on PC
CALL disp_serial_number ;display serial number on LCD display.
CALL send_CR
LOAD s5, 0A ;delay of 10 seconds to read messages.
CALL delay_Ns
; Compute the 16-bit CRC for the serial number as an authentication value for the design.
; The CRC value is formed in register pair [sE,sD]. To complicate the authentication value
; the initial contents of the registers are seeded with a 'secret' number.
; Hint 1 - The CRC computation could be implemented in hardware where it is less visible.
; Hint 2 - There are more secure algorithms such as SHA-1 which could be used to generate
; authentication values that are extremely difficult to decode.
LOAD sE, 15 ;seed CRC register with an initial value provided by my daughter when asked :-)
CALL compute_seeded_CRC ;compute CRC for serial number and configuration memory
; Store CRC value in scratch pad memory and display computed CRC value on the PC via UART.
STORE sD, computed_CRC0 ;store CRC value
STORE sE, computed_CRC1
CALL send_Computed_CRC ;display computed CRC value on PC via UART
LOAD s0, sE
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, sD
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
; Read the authenticated CRC value stored in StrataFLASH memory.
; 16-bit value is hidden in 256 bytes of random numbers to make it more difficult
; for an attacker to identify.
; Read value is stored in scratch pad memory and displayed on the PC via UART.
CALL read_authentication ;read StrataFLASH memory into [sB,sA]
STORE sA, authentication_CRC0 ;store CRC value
STORE sB, authentication_CRC1
CALL send_FLASH_CRC ;display CRC value from FLASH on PC via UART
LOAD s0, sB
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, sA
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
; Compare the computed CRC value with the authentication value stored in StrataFLASH
; and determine if the design is authenticated. Then decide course of action.
CALL LCD_clear ;clear LCD display
CALL disp_Authentication ;prepare LCD display for result of authentication
CALL send_Authentication ;prepare PC display for result of authentication
COMPARE sA, sD ;Perform comparison of CRC values
JUMP NZ, auth_failure
JUMP NZ, auth_failure
; Authentication Successful Process
; In this mode the design continues to operate and for evaluation
; purposes this design transfers control to the simple menu immediately.
auth_passed: CALL disp_Passed ;display successful authentication on LCD display
CALL send_PASSED ;display successful authentication on PC via UART
; Authentication Failure Process
; When the authentication fails two hardware based disable methods are demonstrated. Then
; the failed status is remembered for future software token messages to demonstrate software
; based disabling of the 'real' application. Finally the simple menu of options is presented
; to allow evaluation to continue.
auth_failure: CALL disp_Failed ;display failure to authenticate on LCD display
CALL send_FAILED ;display failure to authenticate on PC via UART
CALL send_CR
CALL disable_app_hardware ;sequence hardware disable signals
LOAD s0, character_F ;change authentication status to 'F' for failed.
STORE s0, authentication_status ; so that application software disable is demonstrated
; Menu of options for authentication processing
Menu: CALL send_Menu ;display menu and prompt
CALL read_from_UART ;read character from PC
CALL upper_case ;convert to upper case
COMPARE UART_data, character_R
JUMP Z, read_command
COMPARE UART_data, character_E
JUMP Z, erase_command
COMPARE UART_data, character_A
JUMP Z, authorise_command
JUMP Menu ;repeat menu for invalid selection
read_command: CALL send_CR
CALL send_auth_page
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
erase_command: CALL send_Erase_in_progress
CALL erase_authentication
CALL send_OK
authorise_command: CALL send_Writing ;Send 'Writing Authorisation' message
CALL send_CR
FETCH sD, computed_CRC0 ;fetch computed CRC value
FETCH sE, computed_CRC1
CALL write_authentication ;write computed CRC to FLASH with random data
CALL send_OK
; Drive failure signals to the application.
; When the design fails to authorise, these controls cause the application to behave in
; a strange way!
; Disable interrupts to application PicoBlaze to stop PWM generation completely for 5 seconds
disable_app_hardware: LOAD s0, security_disable_interrupts
OUTPUT s0, authentication_control_port
LOAD s5, 05
CALL delay_Ns
; Enable application for 5 seconds
LOAD s0, 00
OUTPUT s0, authentication_control_port
LOAD s5, 05
CALL delay_Ns
; Disable and/or scramble outputs connected to application PicoBlaze for 5 seconds
LOAD s0, security_disable_outputs
OUTPUT s0, authentication_control_port
LOAD s5, 05
CALL delay_Ns
; Enable application in hardware so that software disable function can then be
; demonstrated until the design is reconfigured and authentication test repeated.
LOAD s0, 00
OUTPUT s0, authentication_control_port
; Send the 64-bit serial number stored in scratch pad memory to the UART
; The serial number should previously have been copied into the 8 ascending scratch pad
; memory locations called 'serial_number0' through to 'serial_number7'.
; The serial number is displayed MS-Byte first.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3
send_serial_number: CALL send_FLASH_Serial_Number ;display text message
LOAD s3, serial_number7 ;pointer to scratch pad memory
send_SN_loop: FETCH s0, (s3) ;read serial number byte
CALL send_hex_byte ;display byte
CALL send_space ;display byte
COMPARE s3, serial_number0 ;check for 8 bytes sent to UART
JUMP Z, end_send_SN
SUB s3, 01 ;increment memory pointer
JUMP send_SN_loop
end_send_SN: CALL send_CR
; Display the 64-bit serial number stored in scratch pad memory on the LCD display
; The serial number should previously have been copied into the 8 ascending scratch pad
; memory locations called 'serial_number0' through to 'serial_number7'.
; The serial number is displayed MS-Byte first.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6
disp_serial_number: CALL LCD_clear ;clear LCD display
LOAD s5, 10 ;Line 1 position 0
CALL LCD_cursor
CALL disp_FLASH_Serial_No ;display text message
LOAD s5, 20 ;Line 2 position 0
CALL LCD_cursor
LOAD s6, serial_number7 ;pointer to scratch pad memory
disp_SN_loop: FETCH s0, (s6) ;read serial number byte
CALL disp_hex_byte ;display byte
COMPARE s6, serial_number0 ;check for 8 bytes sent to UART
JUMP Z, end_disp_SN
SUB s6, 01 ;increment memory pointer
JUMP disp_SN_loop
end_disp_SN: CALL send_CR
; Compute a 16-bit CRC value for the StrataFLASH 64-bit serial number.
; This routing performs a 16-bit CRC calculation for the 64-bit unique serial number
; of the StrataFLASH memory which forms the authentication value for the design.
; The 16-bit CRC value returned in register pair [sE,sD] will be reflective of the unique
; serial number. This will be used as the authentication value for the design which is
; stored at known locations in the FLASH memory.
; A direct copy of the FLASH contents will not authorise a design to operate because the
; authentication value will not match the CRC value generated from the different serial number.
; To complicate the CRC value generation the CRC register can be seeded with a value rather
; than starting with a clear register.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3
compute_seeded_CRC: LOAD s4, serial_number0 ;pointer to scratch pad memory holding serial number
CRC_send_loop: FETCH s3, (s4) ;read serial number byte
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
COMPARE s4, serial_number7 ;check for 8 bytes processed
ADD s4, 01 ;increment memory pointer
JUMP CRC_send_loop
; Compute 16-bit CRC using the polynomial X16 + X15 + X2 + 1.
; This routine computes a 16-bit CRC in the register pair [sE,sD] and these
; registers must not be disturbed between calls of this routine.
; This routine has been written such that the CRC can be computed one
; byte at a time. The byte to be processed should be provided in register 's3'
; and the contents of this register are preserved.
; Before starting a CRC computation either clear or pre-load (seed) the register pair
; [sE,sD] and do not disturb the value of the register pair between calling this routine.
; Registers used s0,s1,s3,sD,sE
; s3 is preserved.
; sD and sE should not be disturbed between calls if CRC value is required.
compute_CRC16: LOAD s1, 08 ;8-bits to shift
crc16_loop: LOAD s0, sD ;copy current CRC value
XOR s0, s3 ;Need to know LSB XOR next input bit
TEST s0, 01 ;test result of XOR in LSB
JUMP NC, crc16_shift
XOR sD, 02 ;compliment bit 1 of CRC
XOR sE, 40 ;compliment bit 14 of CRC
crc16_shift: SR0 s0 ;Carry gets LSB XOR next input bit
SRA sE ;shift Carry into MSB to form new CRC value
RR s3 ;shift input value
SUB s1, 01 ;count bits
JUMP NZ, crc16_loop ;next bit
; Read 256 bytes of StrataFLASH memory including the authentication value.
; This routine reads the authentication value from the StrataFLASH memory. In this
; design the authentication value is only 2 bytes which once read will be returned
; in the register pair [sB,sA].
; To make the authentication value more difficult to identify, it is hidden in 256 bytes
; of pseudo random values which will also appear different in each FLASH device inspected.
; This routine deliberately reads all 256 bytes that are stored and abstracts the required
; 2 bytes of information from them otherwise it would be easy to observe which addresses
; of the block were being accessed.
; Another way that an attacker may deduce which address locations are important would be to
; observe the time between read accesses and note when there is any difference. In this case
; the attacker is attempting to detect when PicoBlaze takes slightly longer to execute the
; instructions which store the important bytes in scratch pad memory. So to avoid this
; detection this routine inserts an additional random delay between reads to mask any code
; execution differences.
; The 256 bytes are stored at addresses 060000 to 0600FF hex (the first block above the
; XC3S500E configuration image which occupies 000000 to 04547F hex). The 2 bytes forming the
; actual authentication value are stored as 4-bit nibbles in 4 different locations in this range.
; High Order Nibble Low Order Nibble
; (NNNNxxxx) (xxxxNNNN)
; LS-Byte in 'sA' Addr=060010 Addr=06007F
; MS-Byte in 'sB' Addr=060025 Addr=0600FA
read_authentication: LOAD s9, 06 ;start address in FLASH
LOAD s8, 00
LOAD s7, 00
auth_read_loop: CALL SF_byte_read ;read byte from FLASH into s0
COMPARE s7, 10 ;check for bytes/nibbles that contain real information
JUMP NZ, auth_check2
LOAD sA, s0 ;isolate upper order nibble for LS-Byte
AND sA, F0
auth_check2: COMPARE s7, 25
JUMP NZ, auth_check3
LOAD sB, s0 ;isolate upper order nibble for MS-Byte
AND sB, F0
auth_check3: COMPARE s7, 7F
JUMP NZ, auth_check4
AND s0, 0F ;isolate lower order nibble for LS-Byte
OR sA, s0 ; and merge with upper order nibble
auth_check4: COMPARE s7, FA
JUMP NZ, next_auth_read
AND s0, 0F ;isolate lower order nibble for MS-Byte
OR sB, s0 ; and merge with upper order nibble
next_auth_read: ADD s7, 01 ;increment address
RETURN Z ;complete after 256 reads
INPUT s0, random_value_port ;random delay between reads
auth_read_delay: SUB s0, 01
JUMP NZ, auth_read_delay
JUMP auth_read_loop
; Read 256 bytes (page) of StrataFLASH memory containing the authentication value.
; This routine reads the StrataFLASH memory and displays the contents on the PC display
; via the UART. The display will be 256 bytes from address range 060000 to 0600FF displayed
; as 16 lines of 16 bytes with each line commencing with the address of the first byte.
send_auth_page: LOAD s9, 06 ;start address in FLASH
LOAD s8, 00
LOAD s7, 00
auth_line_loop: CALL send_CR
CALL send_hex_3bytes ;display address
CALL send_space
auth_byte_loop: CALL send_space
CALL SF_byte_read ;read byte into s0
CALL send_hex_byte ;display byte
ADD s7, 01 ;increment FLASH address
TEST s7, 0F ;test for 16 byte boundary
JUMP NZ, auth_byte_loop
TEST s7, FF ;test for roll over of 256 bytes
JUMP NZ, auth_line_loop
CALL send_CR
; Write 256 bytes of StrataFLASH memory including the authentication value.
; This routine writes the authentication value to the StrataFLASH memory. This routine
; would normally be part of a production programming mechanism and not part of the
; final design which only reads and confirms authentication. This routine does not
; require and special measures to confuse an attacker if it is only used in a secure
; production environment.
; The 2 bytes forming the actual authentication value are stored as 4-bit nibbles in
; 4 different locations in the address range 600000 to 6000FF hex (256 bytes) with
; all remaining locations filled with pseudo random values.
; The authentication value to be stored in StrataFLASH memory should be provided in
; the register pair [sE,sD] and will be stored in the following locations.
; High Order Nibble Low Order Nibble
; (NNNNxxxx) (xxxxNNNN)
; LS-Byte in 'sD' Addr=060010 Addr=06007F
; MS-Byte in 'sE' Addr=060025 Addr=0600FA
write_authentication: LOAD s9, 06 ;start address in FLASH
LOAD s8, 00
LOAD s7, 00
auth_write_loop: INPUT s0, random_value_port ;Obtain random value
COMPARE s7, 10 ;check for bytes/nibbles that need to be real information
JUMP NZ, auth_write_check2
LOAD s1, sD ;merge upper order nibble for LS-Byte with random
AND s1, F0
AND s0, 0F
OR s0, s1
auth_write_check2: COMPARE s7, 25
JUMP NZ, auth_write_check3
LOAD s1, sE ;merge upper order nibble for MS-Byte with random
AND s1, F0
AND s0, 0F
OR s0, s1
auth_write_check3: COMPARE s7, 7F
JUMP NZ, auth_write_check4
LOAD s1, sD ;merge lower order nibble for LS-Byte with random
AND s1, 0F
AND s0, F0
OR s0, s1
auth_write_check4: COMPARE s7, FA
JUMP NZ, write_auth
LOAD s1, sE ;merge lower order nibble for MS-Byte with random
AND s1, 0F
AND s0, F0
OR s0, s1
write_auth: CALL SF_single_byte_write ;write byte to FLASH
ADD s7, 01 ;increment address
RETURN Z ;complete after 256 writes
JUMP auth_write_loop
; Erase authentication value from StrataFLASH memory.
; Erase block 3 of the StrataFLASH memory which covers the address range 060000 to 07FFFF.
; This erases the area containing the authentication value and random values which helps
; to hide it.
erase_authentication: LOAD s9, 06 ;set address to 06xxxx hex which defines block 3 (060000 to 07FFFF)
CALL SF_erase_block
; Initialise the StrataFlash Memory control signals.
; SF_read = 0 - Output enable off
; SF_ce = 1 - Deselect StrataFLASH memory
; SF_we = 1 - Write enable off
; Register used s0
SF_init: LOAD s0, 06
OUTPUT s0, SF_control_port
; StrataFLASH Block Erase
; This routine will erase one 128k-byte block of the StrataFLASH memory.
; The block to be erased is specified by the contents of register 's9'.
; s9=06 erases Block 3 (address range 060000 to 07FFFF)
; To erase a block the 24-bit address must be set and then the block erase command
; (20 hex) written to the memory followed by the write confirm command (D0 hex).
; The act of erasing a block may take up to 1 second to complete. This routine
; waits for the memory to be ready before restoring the normal read array mode and
; returning.
; Registers used s0,s1,s7,s8,s9
SF_erase_block: LOAD s8, 00 ;define lower address of block = xx0000
LOAD s7, 00
LOAD s1, 20 ;block erase command
CALL SF_byte_write
LOAD s1, D0 ;write confirm command
CALL SF_byte_write
CALL wait_SF_ready ;wait for erase to complete
; Write a single byte to StrataFlash Memory
; To write a single byte to StrataFLASH memory the address must be set and the
; single-word/byte program command (40 hex) sent to the memory. Then the data byte can
; be written to the memory using the same address.
; The 24-bit address should be supplied in register set [s9,s8,s7].
; Register s0 should contain the byte data to be written to the memory.
; The act of writing the memory array may take up to 175us to complete. This routine
; waits for the memory to be ready before restoring the normal read array mode and
; returning.
; Registers used s0,s1,s7,s8,s9 (s7,s8,s9 not changed)
; Registers used s0,s1,s7,s8,s9
SF_single_byte_write: LOAD s1, 40 ;command for single byte program
CALL SF_byte_write
LOAD s1, s0 ;write data to be programmed
CALL SF_byte_write
CALL wait_SF_ready ;wait for program to complete
; Read the unique 64-bit serial number of the StrataFLASH FLASH memory
; To read the device information the Read device information command (90)
; must be written to the memory. The information is read back from address 000102
; to 000109 (note these are byte access addresses).
; The serial number is copied to 8 ascending scratch pad memory locations called
; 'serial_number0' through to 'serial_number7' for future use.
; After reading the device information the read array command is written to the
; device to put it back to normal read mode.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s7,s8,s9
read_SF_serial_number: LOAD s9, 00 ;StrataFLASH address to read serial number = 000102
LOAD s8, 01
LOAD s7, 02
LOAD s2, serial_number0 ;pointer to scratch pad memory
LOAD s1, 90 ;command to read device information
CALL SF_byte_write
read_SN_loop: CALL SF_byte_read ;read serial number value
STORE s0, (s2)
COMPARE s2, serial_number7 ;check for 8 bytes copied
JUMP Z, end_read_SN
ADD s7, 01 ;increment StrataFLASH address
ADD s2, 01 ;increment memory pointer
JUMP read_SN_loop
end_read_SN: CALL set_SF_read_array_mode ;restore normal read array mode
; Read a byte from StrataFlash Memory
; The 24-bit address should be supplied in register set [s9,s8,s7].
; Register s0 will return the byte data retrieved from the memory.
; To read a byte, the address needs to be set up on the address lines
; and the controls set as follows
; SF_read = 1 - disable Spartan data outputs and enable StrataFlash outputs (OE=0)
; SF_ce = 0 - enable StrataFLASH memory
; SF_we = 1 - Write enable off
; The access time of the memory is 75ns. This is equivalent to 3.75 clock cycles at
; 50MHz. Since each KCPSM3 instruction takes 2 clock cycles to execute, two instructions
; provides adequate delay for the memory to be accessed.
; Registers used s0,s1,s7,s8,s9
SF_byte_read: OUTPUT s9, SF_addr_hi_port ;set 24-bit address
OUTPUT s8, SF_addr_mi_port
OUTPUT s7, SF_addr_lo_port
LOAD s1, 05 ;set controls
OUTPUT s1, SF_control_port
LOAD s1, 06 ;>75ns delay
LOAD s1, 06 ;but do something useful!
INPUT s0, SF_data_in_port ;read data byte
OUTPUT s1, SF_control_port ;clear controls
; Write data or command byte to StrataFlash Memory
; The 24-bit address should be supplied in register set [s9,s8,s7].
; Register s1 should contain the byte to be written to the memory.
; To write a byte, the address needs to be set up on the address lines
; and the controls set as follows
; SF_read = 0 - enable Spartan data outputs and disable StrataFlash outputs (OE=1)
; SF_ce = 0 - enable StrataFLASH memory
; SF_we = 0 - Write enable on
; The setup time of the memory is 60ns. This is equivalent to 3 clock cycles at
; 50MHz. Since each KCPSM3 instruction takes 2 clock cycles to execute, two instructions
; provides adequate delay for the memory.
; Registers used s1,s7,s8,s9
SF_byte_write: OUTPUT s9, SF_addr_hi_port ;set 24-bit address
OUTPUT s8, SF_addr_mi_port
OUTPUT s7, SF_addr_lo_port
OUTPUT s1, SF_data_out_port ;set data byte to be written
LOAD s1, 00 ;set controls
OUTPUT s1, SF_control_port
LOAD s1, 06 ;>60ns delay
LOAD s1, 06 ;but do something useful!
OUTPUT s1, SF_control_port ;clear controls
; Set 'Read Array' mode on StrataFLASH
; The read array mode is the default mode of the memory and allows the contents
; of the memory to be read based on the supplied address.
; Read array is the default mode of the device, but it must also be placed back
; into this mode after programming, erasing or reading the status register.
; The read array command (FF hex) is written to the Strata flash memory.
; Registers used s1,s7,s8,s9
set_SF_read_array_mode: LOAD s1, FF ;command to read array
CALL SF_byte_write
; Wait for StrataFLASH to be ready
; This routine will typically be used after instigating a program or erase
; command. It continuously reads the StrataFLASH status register and tests the
; information provided by bit7 which indicates if the memory is busy(0) or ready(1).
; The routine waits for the ready condition before sending a read array command
; which puts the memory back to normal read mode.
; Registers used s0,s1,s7,s8,s9 (s7,s8,s9 not changed)
wait_SF_ready: CALL SF_byte_read ;read status register into s0
TEST s0, 80 ;test ready/busy flag
JUMP Z, wait_SF_ready
CALL set_SF_read_array_mode ;restore normal read array mode
; UART communication routines
; Read one character from the UART
; Character read will be returned in a register called 'UART_data'.
; The routine first tests the receiver FIFO buffer to see if data is present.
; If the FIFO is empty, the routine waits until there is a character to read.
; As this could take any amount of time the wait loop could include a call to a
; subroutine which performs a useful function.
; Registers used s0 and UART_data
read_from_UART: INPUT s0, status_port ;test Rx_FIFO buffer
TEST s0, rx_data_present ;wait if empty
JUMP NZ, read_character
JUMP read_from_UART
read_character: INPUT UART_data, UART_read_port ;read from FIFO
; Transmit one character to the UART
; Character supplied in register called 'UART_data'.
; The routine first tests the transmit FIFO buffer to see if it is full.
; If the FIFO is full, then the routine waits until it there is space.
; Registers used s0
send_to_UART: INPUT s0, status_port ;test Tx_FIFO buffer
TEST s0, tx_full ;wait if full
JUMP Z, UART_write
JUMP send_to_UART
UART_write: OUTPUT UART_data, UART_write_port
;Useful ASCII conversion and handling routines
;Convert character to upper case
;The character supplied in register UART_data.
;If the character is in the range 'a' to 'z', it is converted
;to the equivalent upper case character in the range 'A' to 'Z'.
;All other characters remain unchanged.
;Registers used s0.
upper_case: COMPARE UART_data, 61 ;eliminate character codes below 'a' (61 hex)
COMPARE UART_data, 7B ;eliminate character codes above 'z' (7A hex)
AND UART_data, DF ;mask bit5 to convert to upper case
;Convert hexadecimal value provided in register s0 into ASCII characters
;The value provided must can be any value in the range 00 to FF and will be converted into
;two ASCII characters.
; The upper nibble will be represented by an ASCII character returned in register s2.
; The lower nibble will be represented by an ASCII character returned in register s1.
;The ASCII representations of '0' to '9' are 30 to 39 hexadecimal which is simply 30 hex
;added to the actual decimal value. The ASCII representations of 'A' to 'F' are 41 to 46
;hexadecimal requiring a further addition of 07 to the 30 already added.
;Registers used s0, s1 and s2.
hex_byte_to_ASCII: LOAD s1, s0 ;remember value supplied
SR0 s0 ;isolate upper nibble
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
CALL hex_to_ASCII ;convert
LOAD s2, s0 ;upper nibble value in s2
LOAD s0, s1 ;restore complete value
AND s0, 0F ;isolate lower nibble
CALL hex_to_ASCII ;convert
LOAD s1, s0 ;lower nibble value in s1
;Convert hexadecimal value provided in register s0 into ASCII character
;Register used s0
hex_to_ASCII: SUB s0, 0A ;test if value is in range 0 to 9
JUMP C, number_char
ADD s0, 07 ;ASCII char A to F in range 41 to 46
number_char: ADD s0, 3A ;ASCII char 0 to 9 in range 30 to 40
;Send the two character HEX value of the register contents 's0' to the UART
;Registers used s0, s1, s2
send_hex_byte: CALL hex_byte_to_ASCII
LOAD UART_data, s2
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, s1
CALL send_to_UART
;Send the six character HEX value of the register contents [s9,s8,s7] to the UART
;Registers used s0, s1, s2
send_hex_3bytes: LOAD s0, s9
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, s8
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, s7
CALL send_hex_byte
;Display the two character HEX value of the register contents 's0' on the LCD display
;Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5
disp_hex_byte: CALL hex_byte_to_ASCII
LOAD s3, s1 ;remember least significant digit
LOAD s5, s2
CALL LCD_write_data ;display most significant digit
LOAD s5, s3
CALL LCD_write_data ;display least significant digit
; UART Text messages
;Send Carriage Return to the UART
send_CR: LOAD UART_data, character_CR
CALL send_to_UART
;Send a space to the UART
send_space: LOAD UART_data, character_space
CALL send_to_UART
;Send an equals sign to the UART with a space each side
send_equals: CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_equals
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
;Send an minus sign (dash) to the UART with a space each side
send_dash: CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_minus
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
;Send 'PicoBlaze Low Cost Design Security v1.00' string to the UART
send_welcome: CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_c
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_B
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_l
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_z
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_L
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_w
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_D
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_c
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_y
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_v
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_1
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_fullstop
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_0
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_0
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
;Send 'Copyright Ken Chapman 2006' string to the UART
;This message is significant because it demonstrates that the design
;now has a 'watermark'. The ASCII codes for this string will be
;stored in the design configuration bit stream somewhere as well as
;being played out by the UART. If someone tries to change or delete
;this message the contents of the BRAM will change and the hardware
;check of the BRAM contents will fail to match the expected value and
;the design will again be disabled.
send_Copyright: LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_p
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_y
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_K
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_p
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_m
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_2
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_0
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_6
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
;Send 'FLASH ' string to the UART
send_FLASH: LOAD UART_data, character_F
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_L
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_H
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'FLASH Serial Number = ' string to the UART
send_FLASH_Serial_Number: CALL send_FLASH
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_l
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_N
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_m
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_b
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_equals
;Send 'Auth' string to the UART
send_Auth: LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Authoris' to the UART
send_Authoris: CALL send_Auth
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Authorisation' to the UART
send_Authorisation: CALL send_Authoris
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Authorise' to the UART
send_Authorise: CALL send_Authoris
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Authentication' string to the UART
send_Authentication: CALL send_Auth
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_c
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'FLASH CRC = ' string to the UART
;Send ' CRC = ' string to the UART
send_CRC: CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_R
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_equals
;Send 'Computed CRC = ' string to the UART
send_Computed_CRC: LOAD UART_data, character_C
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_m
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_p
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_d
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Erase ' string to the UART
send_Erase: LOAD UART_data, character_E
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
;Send 'Erase Authorisation in progress' string to the UART
send_Erase_in_progress: CALL send_CR
CALL send_Erase
CALL send_Authorisation
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
;Send 'OK' to the UART
send_OK: LOAD UART_data, character_O
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_K
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
;Send ' FAILED' to the UART
send_FAILED: CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_F
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_I
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_L
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_E
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_D
CALL send_to_UART
;Send ' PASSED' to the UART
send_PASSED: CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_E
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_D
CALL send_to_UART
;Send 'Writing Authorisation' to the UART
send_Writing: CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_W
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
CALL send_Authorisation
;Send simple menu of options to the UART
send_Menu: CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_M
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_R
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_dash
LOAD UART_data, character_R
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_d
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
CALL send_Authorisation
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_E
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_dash
CALL send_Erase
CALL send_Authorisation
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_dash
CALL send_Authorise
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_greater_than ;prompt for input
CALL send_to_UART
;LCD Character Module Routines
;LCD module is a 16 character by 2 line display but all displays are very similar
;The 4-wire data interface will be used (DB4 to DB7).
;The LCD modules are relatively slow and software delay loops are used to slow down
;KCPSM3 adequately for the LCD to communicate. The delay routines are provided in
;a different section (see above in this case).
;Pulse LCD enable signal 'E' high for greater than 230ns (1us is used).
;Register s4 should define the current state of the LCD output port.
;Registers used s0, s4
LCD_pulse_E: XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=1
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
CALL delay_1us
XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
;Write 4-bit instruction to LCD display.
;The 4-bit instruction should be provided in the upper 4-bits of register s4.
;Note that this routine does not release the master enable but as it is only
;used during initialisation and as part of the 8-bit instruction write it
;should be acceptable.
;Registers used s4
LCD_write_inst4: AND s4, F8 ;Enable=1 RS=0 Instruction, RW=0 Write, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;set up RS and RW >40ns before enable pulse
CALL LCD_pulse_E
;Write 8-bit instruction to LCD display.
;The 8-bit instruction should be provided in register s5.
;Instructions are written using the following sequence
; Upper nibble
; wait >1us
; Lower nibble
; wait >40us
;Registers used s0, s1, s4, s5
LCD_write_inst8: LOAD s4, s5
AND s4, F0 ;Enable=0 RS=0 Instruction, RW=0 Write, E=0
OR s4, LCD_drive ;Enable=1
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;write upper nibble
CALL delay_1us ;wait >1us
LOAD s4, s5 ;select lower nibble with
SL1 s4 ;Enable=1
SL0 s4 ;RS=0 Instruction
SL0 s4 ;RW=0 Write
SL0 s4 ;E=0
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;write lower nibble
CALL delay_40us ;wait >40us
LOAD s4, F0 ;Enable=0 RS=0 Instruction, RW=0 Write, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;Release master enable
;Write 8-bit data to LCD display.
;The 8-bit data should be provided in register s5.
;Data bytes are written using the following sequence
; Upper nibble
; wait >1us
; Lower nibble
; wait >40us
;Registers used s0, s1, s4, s5
LCD_write_data: LOAD s4, s5
AND s4, F0 ;Enable=0 RS=0 Instruction, RW=0 Write, E=0
OR s4, 0C ;Enable=1 RS=1 Data, RW=0 Write, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;set up RS and RW >40ns before enable pulse
CALL LCD_pulse_E ;write upper nibble
CALL delay_1us ;wait >1us
LOAD s4, s5 ;select lower nibble with
SL1 s4 ;Enable=1
SL1 s4 ;RS=1 Data
SL0 s4 ;RW=0 Write
SL0 s4 ;E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;set up RS and RW >40ns before enable pulse
CALL LCD_pulse_E ;write lower nibble
CALL delay_40us ;wait >40us
LOAD s4, F0 ;Enable=0 RS=0 Instruction, RW=0 Write, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;Release master enable
;Read 8-bit data from LCD display.
;The 8-bit data will be read from the current LCD memory address
;and will be returned in register s5.
;It is advisable to set the LCD address (cursor position) before
;using the data read for the first time otherwise the display may
;generate invalid data on the first read.
;Data bytes are read using the following sequence
; Upper nibble
; wait >1us
; Lower nibble
; wait >40us
;Registers used s0, s1, s4, s5
LCD_read_data8: LOAD s4, 0E ;Enable=1 RS=1 Data, RW=1 Read, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;set up RS and RW >40ns before enable pulse
XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=1
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
CALL delay_1us ;wait >260ns to access data
INPUT s5, LCD_input_port ;read upper nibble
XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
CALL delay_1us ;wait >1us
XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=1
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
CALL delay_1us ;wait >260ns to access data
INPUT s0, LCD_input_port ;read lower nibble
XOR s4, LCD_E ;E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port
AND s5, F0 ;merge upper and lower nibbles
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
OR s5, s0
LOAD s4, 04 ;Enable=0 RS=1 Data, RW=0 Write, E=0
OUTPUT s4, LCD_output_port ;Stop reading 5V device and release master enable
CALL delay_40us ;wait >40us
;Reset and initialise display to communicate using 4-bit data mode
;Includes routine to clear the display.
;Requires the 4-bit instructions 3,3,3,2 to be sent with suitable delays
;following by the 8-bit instructions to set up the display.
; 28 = '001' Function set, '0' 4-bit mode, '1' 2-line, '0' 5x7 dot matrix, 'xx'
; 06 = '000001' Entry mode, '1' increment, '0' no display shift
; 0C = '00001' Display control, '1' display on, '0' cursor off, '0' cursor blink off
; 01 = '00000001' Display clear
;Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3, s4
LCD_reset: CALL delay_20ms ;wait more that 15ms for display to be ready
LOAD s4, 30
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;send '3'
CALL delay_20ms ;wait >4.1ms
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;send '3'
CALL delay_1ms ;wait >100us
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;send '3'
CALL delay_40us ;wait >40us
LOAD s4, 20
CALL LCD_write_inst4 ;send '2'
CALL delay_40us ;wait >40us
LOAD s5, 28 ;Function set
CALL LCD_write_inst8
LOAD s5, 06 ;Entry mode
CALL LCD_write_inst8
LOAD s5, 0C ;Display control
CALL LCD_write_inst8
LCD_clear: LOAD s5, 01 ;Display clear
CALL LCD_write_inst8
CALL delay_1ms ;wait >1.64ms for display to clear
CALL delay_1ms
;Position the cursor ready for characters to be written.
;The display is formed of 2 lines of 16 characters and each
;position has a corresponding address as indicated below.
; Character position
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
; Line 1 - 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F
; Line 2 - C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF
;This routine will set the cursor position using the value provided
;in register s5. The upper nibble will define the line and the lower
;nibble the character position on the line.
; Example s5 = 2B will position the cursor on line 2 position 11
;Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3, s4
LCD_cursor: TEST s5, 10 ;test for line 1
JUMP Z, set_line2
AND s5, 0F ;make address in range 80 to 8F for line 1
OR s5, 80
CALL LCD_write_inst8 ;instruction write to set cursor
set_line2: AND s5, 0F ;make address in range C0 to CF for line 2
OR s5, C0
CALL LCD_write_inst8 ;instruction write to set cursor
;Software delay routines
;Delay of 1us.
;Constant value defines reflects the clock applied to KCPSM3. Every instruction
;executes in 2 clock cycles making the calculation highly predictable. The '6' in
;the following equation even allows for 'CALL delay_1us' instruction in the initiating code.
; delay_1us_constant = (clock_rate - 6)/4 Where 'clock_rate' is in MHz
;Registers used s0
delay_1us: LOAD s0, delay_1us_constant
wait_1us: SUB s0, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1us
;Delay of 40us.
;Registers used s0, s1
delay_40us: LOAD s1, 28 ;40 x 1us = 40us
wait_40us: CALL delay_1us
SUB s1, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_40us
;Delay of 1ms.
;Registers used s0, s1, s2
delay_1ms: LOAD s2, 19 ;25 x 40us = 1ms
wait_1ms: CALL delay_40us
SUB s2, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1ms
;Delay of 20ms.
;Delay of 20ms used during initialisation.
;Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3
delay_20ms: LOAD s3, 14 ;20 x 1ms = 20ms
wait_20ms: CALL delay_1ms
SUB s3, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_20ms
;Delay of approximately 1 second.
;Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3, s4
delay_1s: LOAD s4, 32 ;50 x 20ms = 1000ms
wait_1s: CALL delay_20ms
SUB s4, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1s
;Delay of approximately N seconds where 'N' is provided in register s5.
;Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5
delay_Ns: CALL delay_1s
SUB s5, 01
JUMP NZ, delay_Ns
;LCD text messages
;Display 'PicoBlaze' on LCD at current cursor position
disp_PicoBlaze: LOAD s5, character_P
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_c
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_o
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_B
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_l
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_a
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_z
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
;Display 'Security' on LCD at current cursor position
disp_Security: LOAD s5, character_S
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_c
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_u
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_r
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_t
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_y
CALL LCD_write_data
;Display 'FLASH Serial No.' on LCD at current cursor position
disp_FLASH_Serial_No: LOAD s5, character_F
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_L
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_A
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_S
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_H
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_space
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_S
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_r
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_a
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_l
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_space
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_N
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_o
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_fullstop
CALL LCD_write_data
;Display 'Authentication' on top line of the LCD
disp_Authentication: LOAD s5, 11 ;Line 1 position 1
CALL LCD_cursor
LOAD s5, character_A
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_u
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_t
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_h
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_n
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_t
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_c
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_a
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_t
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_o
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_n
CALL LCD_write_data
;Display 'Passed' on lower line of the LCD
disp_Passed: LOAD s5, 25 ;Line 2 position 5
CALL LCD_cursor
LOAD s5, character_P
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_a
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_s
CALL LCD_write_data
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_d
CALL LCD_write_data
;Display 'Failed' on lower line of the LCD
disp_Failed: LOAD s5, 25 ;Line 2 position 5
CALL LCD_cursor
LOAD s5, character_F
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_a
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_i
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_l
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_e
CALL LCD_write_data
LOAD s5, character_d
CALL LCD_write_data
; Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
; Interrupts occur when the application processor is requesting a design authorisation
; message. Therefore an interrupt results in a message being sent to the Link FIFO
; depending on the authentication status.
ISR: STORE s0, ISR_preserve_s0 ;save register contents
FETCH s0, authentication_status ;read authentication status
COMPARE s0, character_P ;test for pass 'P' or fail 'F'
JUMP Z, pass_token
LOAD s0, character_F ;send FAIL to link FIFO
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
LOAD s0, character_A
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
LOAD s0, character_I
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
LOAD s0, character_L
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
pass_token: OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port ;send PASS to link FIFO
LOAD s0, character_A
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
LOAD s0, character_S
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
OUTPUT s0, link_FIFO_write_port
end_ISR: FETCH s0, ISR_preserve_s0 ;restore register contents
; Interrupt Vector
; End of Program