The PTP period output register block has a header with type 0x0000C081, version 0x00000100, and carries several control registers for the PTP period output module.
The period output module keeps track of the times for the next rising edge and next falling edge. Initially, it starts with the specified start time for the rising edge, and start time plus width for the falling edge. If the computed next rising edge time is in the past, the period will be added and it will be checked again, repeating this process until the next rising edge is in the future. Note that the period is added once per clock cycle, so it is recommended to compute a start time that is close to the current time, particularly when using a small period setting, so that the period output module can lock quickly.
The enable bit enables/disables output of the period output module. Note that this bit does not cause the module to lose lock when clear, only to stop generating pulses.
The pulse bit reflects the current output of the PTP period output module.
The locked bit indicates that the period output module has locked on to the current PTP time and is ready to generate pulses. The output is disabled while the period output module is unlocked, so it is not necessary to wait for the module to lock before enabling the output. The module will unlock whenever the start time, period, or width setting is changed.
The error bit indicates that the period output module came out of lock due to the PTP clock being stepped. The error bit is self-clearing on either reacquisition of lock or a setting change.
..object:: Start time
The start time registers determine the absolute start time for the output waveform (rising edge), with all values latched coincident with writing the upper 32 bits of the seconds field.
The period registers control the period of the output waveform (rising edge to rising edge), with all values latched coincident with writing the upper 32 bits of the seconds field.
The width registers control the width of the output waveform (rising edge to falling edge), with all values latched coincident with writing the upper 32 bits of the seconds field.