/* Copyright (c) 2022 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Language: Verilog 2001 `resetall `timescale 1ns / 1ps `default_nettype none /* * P-Tile PCIe configuration interface */ module pcie_ptile_cfg # ( // Number of physical functions parameter PF_COUNT = 1 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst, /* * Configuration input from P-Tile */ input wire [15:0] tl_cfg_ctl, input wire [4:0] tl_cfg_add, input wire [2:0] tl_cfg_func, /* * Configuration output */ output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_memory_space_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ido_cpl_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_perr_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_serr_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_fatal_err_rpt_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_nonfatal_err_rpt_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_corr_err_rpt_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_unsupported_req_rpt_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_bus_master_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ext_tag_en, output reg [PF_COUNT*3-1:0] cfg_max_read_request_size, output reg [PF_COUNT*3-1:0] cfg_max_payload_size, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ido_request_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_no_snoop_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_relaxed_ordering_en, output reg [PF_COUNT*5-1:0] cfg_device_num, output reg [PF_COUNT*8-1:0] cfg_bus_num, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_pm_no_soft_rst, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_rcb_ctrl, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_irq_disable, output reg [PF_COUNT*5-1:0] cfg_pcie_cap_irq_msg_num, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_sys_pwr_ctrl, output reg [PF_COUNT*2-1:0] cfg_sys_atten_ind_ctrl, output reg [PF_COUNT*2-1:0] cfg_sys_pwr_ind_ctrl, output reg [PF_COUNT*16-1:0] cfg_num_vf, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_atomic_egress_block, output reg [PF_COUNT*5-1:0] cfg_ats_stu, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ats_cache_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ari_forward_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_atomic_request_en, output reg [PF_COUNT*3-1:0] cfg_tph_st_mode, output reg [PF_COUNT*2-1:0] cfg_tph_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_vf_en, output reg [PF_COUNT*4-1:0] cfg_an_link_speed, output reg [PF_COUNT*11-1:0] cfg_start_vf_index, output reg [PF_COUNT*64-1:0] cfg_msi_address, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_msi_mask, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_send_f_err, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_send_nf_err, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_send_cor_err, output reg [PF_COUNT*5-1:0] cfg_aer_irq_msg_num, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_msi_ext_data_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_msix_func_mask, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_msix_enable, output reg [PF_COUNT*3-1:0] cfg_multiple_msi_enable, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_64bit_msi, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_msi_enable, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_msi_data, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_aer_uncor_err_mask, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_aer_corr_err_mask, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_aer_uncor_err_severity, output reg [PF_COUNT*8-1:0] cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_vec, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_func_grp_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_p2p_direct_tranl_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_up_forward_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_p2p_compl_redirect_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_p2p_req_redirect_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_at_blocking_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_acs_validation_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_10b_tag_req_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_vf_10b_tag_req_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_prs_response_failure, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_prs_uprgi, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_prs_stopped, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_prs_reset, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_prs_enable, output reg [PF_COUNT*3-1:0] cfg_ari_func_grp, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_prs_outstanding_allocation, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_disable_ltr_clr_msg, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_ltr_m_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_fc_ph_cdts_inf, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_fc_pd_cdts_inf, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_fc_ch_cdts_inf, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_fc_cd_cdts_inf, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_end2end_tlp_pfx_blck, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_pf_pasid_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_pf_pasid_execute_perm_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_pf_pasid_priv_mode_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_atten_button_pressed_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_cfg_pwr_fault_det_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_mrl_sensor_chged_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_pre_det_chged_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_hp_int_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_cmd_cpled_int_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_dll_state_change_en, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_hp_slot_ctrl_access, output reg [PF_COUNT-1:0] cfg_br_ctrl_serren, output reg [PF_COUNT*32-1:0] cfg_ltr_max_latency, output reg [PF_COUNT*8-1:0] cfg_tc_enable, output reg [PF_COUNT*6-1:0] cfg_an_link_width ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (tl_cfg_func < PF_COUNT) begin case (tl_cfg_add) 5'h00: begin cfg_memory_space_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15]; cfg_ido_cpl_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_perr_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13]; cfg_serr_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[12]; cfg_fatal_err_rpt_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[11]; cfg_nonfatal_err_rpt_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[10]; cfg_corr_err_rpt_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[9]; cfg_unsupported_req_rpt_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[8]; cfg_bus_master_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_ext_tag_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_max_read_request_size[tl_cfg_func*3 +: 3] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5:3]; cfg_max_payload_size[tl_cfg_func*3 +: 3] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2:0]; end 5'h01: begin cfg_ido_request_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15]; cfg_no_snoop_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_relaxed_ordering_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13]; cfg_device_num[tl_cfg_func*5 +: 5] <= tl_cfg_ctl[12:8]; cfg_bus_num[tl_cfg_func*8 +: 8] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7:0]; end 5'h02: begin cfg_pm_no_soft_rst[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15]; cfg_rcb_ctrl[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_irq_disable[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13]; cfg_pcie_cap_irq_msg_num[tl_cfg_func*5 +: 5] <= tl_cfg_ctl[12:8]; cfg_sys_pwr_ctrl[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[4]; cfg_sys_atten_ind_ctrl[tl_cfg_func*2 +: 2] <= tl_cfg_ctl[3:2]; cfg_sys_pwr_ind_ctrl[tl_cfg_func*2 +: 2] <= tl_cfg_ctl[1:0]; end 5'h03: begin cfg_num_vf[tl_cfg_func*16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h04: begin cfg_atomic_egress_block[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_ats_stu[tl_cfg_func*5 +: 5] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13:9]; cfg_ats_cache_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[8]; cfg_ari_forward_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_atomic_request_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_tph_st_mode[tl_cfg_func*3 +: 3] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5:3]; cfg_tph_en[tl_cfg_func*2 +: 2] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2:1]; cfg_vf_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[0]; end 5'h05: begin cfg_an_link_speed[tl_cfg_func*4 +: 4] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15:12]; cfg_start_vf_index[tl_cfg_func*11 +: 11] <= tl_cfg_ctl[11:1]; end 5'h06: begin cfg_msi_address[tl_cfg_func*64+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h07: begin cfg_msi_address[tl_cfg_func*64+16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h08: begin cfg_msi_address[tl_cfg_func*64+32 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h09: begin cfg_msi_address[tl_cfg_func*64+48 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h0A: begin cfg_msi_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h0B: begin cfg_msi_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h0C: begin cfg_send_f_err[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15]; cfg_send_nf_err[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_send_cor_err[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13]; cfg_aer_irq_msg_num[tl_cfg_func*5 +: 5] <= tl_cfg_ctl[12:8]; cfg_msi_ext_data_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_msix_func_mask[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_msix_enable[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5]; cfg_multiple_msi_enable[tl_cfg_func*3 +: 3] <= tl_cfg_ctl[4:2]; cfg_64bit_msi[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[1]; cfg_msi_enable[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[0]; end 5'h0D: begin cfg_msi_data[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h0E: begin cfg_aer_uncor_err_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h0F: begin cfg_aer_uncor_err_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+32 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h10: begin cfg_aer_corr_err_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h11: begin cfg_aer_corr_err_mask[tl_cfg_func*32+32 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h12: begin cfg_aer_uncor_err_severity[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h13: begin cfg_aer_uncor_err_severity[tl_cfg_func*32+32 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h14: begin cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_vec[tl_cfg_func*8 +: 8] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15:8]; cfg_acs_func_grp_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_acs_p2p_direct_tranl_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5]; cfg_acs_up_forward_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[4]; cfg_acs_p2p_compl_redirect_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[3]; cfg_acs_p2p_req_redirect_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2]; cfg_acs_at_blocking_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[1]; cfg_acs_validation_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[0]; end 5'h15: begin cfg_10b_tag_req_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[14]; cfg_vf_10b_tag_req_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[13]; cfg_prs_response_failure[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[12]; cfg_prs_uprgi[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[11]; cfg_prs_stopped[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[10]; cfg_prs_reset[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[9]; cfg_prs_enable[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[8]; cfg_ari_func_grp[tl_cfg_func*3 +: 3] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2:0]; end 5'h16: begin cfg_prs_outstanding_allocation[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h17: begin cfg_prs_outstanding_allocation[tl_cfg_func*32+16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h18: begin cfg_disable_ltr_clr_msg[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[9]; cfg_ltr_m_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[8]; cfg_fc_ph_cdts_inf[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_fc_pd_cdts_inf[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_fc_ch_cdts_inf[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5]; cfg_fc_cd_cdts_inf[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[4]; cfg_end2end_tlp_pfx_blck[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[3]; cfg_pf_pasid_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2]; cfg_pf_pasid_execute_perm_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[1]; cfg_pf_pasid_priv_mode_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[0]; end 5'h19: begin cfg_atten_button_pressed_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[8]; cfg_cfg_pwr_fault_det_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[7]; cfg_mrl_sensor_chged_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[6]; cfg_pre_det_chged_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5]; cfg_hp_int_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[4]; cfg_cmd_cpled_int_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[3]; cfg_dll_state_change_en[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[2]; cfg_hp_slot_ctrl_access[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[1]; cfg_br_ctrl_serren[tl_cfg_func +: 1] <= tl_cfg_ctl[0]; end 5'h1A: begin cfg_ltr_max_latency[tl_cfg_func*32+0 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h1B: begin cfg_ltr_max_latency[tl_cfg_func*32+16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h1C: begin cfg_tc_enable[tl_cfg_func*8 +: 8] <= tl_cfg_ctl[15:8]; cfg_an_link_width[tl_cfg_func*6 +: 6] <= tl_cfg_ctl[5:0]; end 5'h1D: begin cfg_msi_data[tl_cfg_func*32+16 +: 16] <= tl_cfg_ctl; end 5'h1E: begin end 5'h1F: begin end endcase end if (rst) begin cfg_memory_space_en <= 0; cfg_ido_cpl_en <= 0; cfg_perr_en <= 0; cfg_serr_en <= 0; cfg_fatal_err_rpt_en <= 0; cfg_nonfatal_err_rpt_en <= 0; cfg_corr_err_rpt_en <= 0; cfg_unsupported_req_rpt_en <= 0; cfg_bus_master_en <= 0; cfg_ext_tag_en <= 0; cfg_max_read_request_size <= 0; cfg_max_payload_size <= 0; cfg_ido_request_en <= 0; cfg_no_snoop_en <= 0; cfg_relaxed_ordering_en <= 0; cfg_device_num <= 0; cfg_bus_num <= 0; cfg_pm_no_soft_rst <= 0; cfg_rcb_ctrl <= 0; cfg_irq_disable <= 0; cfg_pcie_cap_irq_msg_num <= 0; cfg_sys_pwr_ctrl <= 0; cfg_sys_atten_ind_ctrl <= 0; cfg_sys_pwr_ind_ctrl <= 0; cfg_num_vf <= 0; cfg_atomic_egress_block <= 0; cfg_ats_stu <= 0; cfg_ats_cache_en <= 0; cfg_ari_forward_en <= 0; cfg_atomic_request_en <= 0; cfg_tph_st_mode <= 0; cfg_tph_en <= 0; cfg_vf_en <= 0; cfg_an_link_speed <= 0; cfg_start_vf_index <= 0; cfg_msi_address <= 0; cfg_msi_mask <= 0; cfg_send_f_err <= 0; cfg_send_nf_err <= 0; cfg_send_cor_err <= 0; cfg_aer_irq_msg_num <= 0; cfg_msi_ext_data_en <= 0; cfg_msix_func_mask <= 0; cfg_msix_enable <= 0; cfg_multiple_msi_enable <= 0; cfg_64bit_msi <= 0; cfg_msi_enable <= 0; cfg_msi_data <= 0; cfg_aer_uncor_err_mask <= 0; cfg_aer_corr_err_mask <= 0; cfg_aer_uncor_err_severity <= 0; cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_vec <= 0; cfg_acs_func_grp_en <= 0; cfg_acs_p2p_direct_tranl_en <= 0; cfg_acs_egress_ctrl_en <= 0; cfg_acs_up_forward_en <= 0; cfg_acs_p2p_compl_redirect_en <= 0; cfg_acs_p2p_req_redirect_en <= 0; cfg_acs_at_blocking_en <= 0; cfg_acs_validation_en <= 0; cfg_10b_tag_req_en <= 0; cfg_vf_10b_tag_req_en <= 0; cfg_prs_response_failure <= 0; cfg_prs_uprgi <= 0; cfg_prs_stopped <= 0; cfg_prs_reset <= 0; cfg_prs_enable <= 0; cfg_ari_func_grp <= 0; cfg_prs_outstanding_allocation <= 0; cfg_disable_ltr_clr_msg <= 0; cfg_ltr_m_en <= 0; cfg_fc_ph_cdts_inf <= 0; cfg_fc_pd_cdts_inf <= 0; cfg_fc_ch_cdts_inf <= 0; cfg_fc_cd_cdts_inf <= 0; cfg_end2end_tlp_pfx_blck <= 0; cfg_pf_pasid_en <= 0; cfg_pf_pasid_execute_perm_en <= 0; cfg_pf_pasid_priv_mode_en <= 0; cfg_atten_button_pressed_en <= 0; cfg_cfg_pwr_fault_det_en <= 0; cfg_mrl_sensor_chged_en <= 0; cfg_pre_det_chged_en <= 0; cfg_hp_int_en <= 0; cfg_cmd_cpled_int_en <= 0; cfg_dll_state_change_en <= 0; cfg_hp_slot_ctrl_access <= 0; cfg_br_ctrl_serren <= 0; cfg_ltr_max_latency <= 0; cfg_tc_enable <= 0; cfg_an_link_width <= 0; end end endmodule `resetall