/* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Language: Verilog 2001 `timescale 1ns / 1ps /* * AXI4-Stream multiplexer */ module axis_mux # ( // Number of AXI stream inputs parameter S_COUNT = 4, // Width of AXI stream interfaces in bits parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, // Propagate tkeep signal parameter KEEP_ENABLE = (DATA_WIDTH>8), // tkeep signal width (words per cycle) parameter KEEP_WIDTH = (DATA_WIDTH/8), // Propagate tid signal parameter ID_ENABLE = 0, // tid signal width parameter ID_WIDTH = 8, // Propagate tdest signal parameter DEST_ENABLE = 0, // tdest signal width parameter DEST_WIDTH = 8, // Propagate tuser signal parameter USER_ENABLE = 1, // tuser signal width parameter USER_WIDTH = 1 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst, /* * AXI inputs */ input wire [S_COUNT*DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tdata, input wire [S_COUNT*KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input wire [S_COUNT-1:0] s_axis_tvalid, output wire [S_COUNT-1:0] s_axis_tready, input wire [S_COUNT-1:0] s_axis_tlast, input wire [S_COUNT*ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tid, input wire [S_COUNT*DEST_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tdest, input wire [S_COUNT*USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, /* * AXI output */ output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdata, output wire [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output wire m_axis_tvalid, input wire m_axis_tready, output wire m_axis_tlast, output wire [ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tid, output wire [DEST_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdest, output wire [USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, /* * Control */ input wire enable, input wire [$clog2(S_COUNT)-1:0] select ); parameter CL_S_COUNT = $clog2(S_COUNT); reg [CL_S_COUNT-1:0] select_reg = 2'd0, select_next; reg frame_reg = 1'b0, frame_next; reg [S_COUNT-1:0] s_axis_tready_reg = 0, s_axis_tready_next; // internal datapath reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdata_int; reg [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tkeep_int; reg m_axis_tvalid_int; reg m_axis_tready_int_reg = 1'b0; reg m_axis_tlast_int; reg [ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tid_int; reg [DEST_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdest_int; reg [USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser_int; wire m_axis_tready_int_early; assign s_axis_tready = s_axis_tready_reg; // mux for incoming packet wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] current_s_tdata = s_axis_tdata[select_reg*DATA_WIDTH +: DATA_WIDTH]; wire [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] current_s_tkeep = s_axis_tkeep[select_reg*KEEP_WIDTH +: KEEP_WIDTH]; wire current_s_tvalid = s_axis_tvalid[select_reg]; wire current_s_tready = s_axis_tready[select_reg]; wire current_s_tlast = s_axis_tlast[select_reg]; wire [ID_WIDTH-1:0] current_s_tid = s_axis_tid[select_reg*ID_WIDTH +: ID_WIDTH]; wire [DEST_WIDTH-1:0] current_s_tdest = s_axis_tdest[select_reg*DEST_WIDTH +: DEST_WIDTH]; wire [USER_WIDTH-1:0] current_s_tuser = s_axis_tuser[select_reg*USER_WIDTH +: USER_WIDTH]; always @* begin select_next = select_reg; frame_next = frame_reg; s_axis_tready_next = 0; if (current_s_tvalid & current_s_tready) begin // end of frame detection if (current_s_tlast) begin frame_next = 1'b0; end end if (!frame_reg && enable && (s_axis_tvalid & (1 << select))) begin // start of frame, grab select value frame_next = 1'b1; select_next = select; end // generate ready signal on selected port s_axis_tready_next = (m_axis_tready_int_early && frame_next) << select_next; // pass through selected packet data m_axis_tdata_int = current_s_tdata; m_axis_tkeep_int = current_s_tkeep; m_axis_tvalid_int = current_s_tvalid && current_s_tready && frame_reg; m_axis_tlast_int = current_s_tlast; m_axis_tid_int = current_s_tid; m_axis_tdest_int = current_s_tdest; m_axis_tuser_int = current_s_tuser; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin select_reg <= 0; frame_reg <= 1'b0; s_axis_tready_reg <= 0; end else begin select_reg <= select_next; frame_reg <= frame_next; s_axis_tready_reg <= s_axis_tready_next; end end // output datapath logic reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdata_reg = {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tkeep_reg = {KEEP_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg m_axis_tvalid_reg = 1'b0, m_axis_tvalid_next; reg m_axis_tlast_reg = 1'b0; reg [ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tid_reg = {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [DEST_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tdest_reg = {DEST_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser_reg = {USER_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] temp_m_axis_tdata_reg = {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] temp_m_axis_tkeep_reg = {KEEP_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg = 1'b0, temp_m_axis_tvalid_next; reg temp_m_axis_tlast_reg = 1'b0; reg [ID_WIDTH-1:0] temp_m_axis_tid_reg = {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [DEST_WIDTH-1:0] temp_m_axis_tdest_reg = {DEST_WIDTH{1'b0}}; reg [USER_WIDTH-1:0] temp_m_axis_tuser_reg = {USER_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // datapath control reg store_axis_int_to_output; reg store_axis_int_to_temp; reg store_axis_temp_to_output; assign m_axis_tdata = m_axis_tdata_reg; assign m_axis_tkeep = KEEP_ENABLE ? m_axis_tkeep_reg : {KEEP_WIDTH{1'b1}}; assign m_axis_tvalid = m_axis_tvalid_reg; assign m_axis_tlast = m_axis_tlast_reg; assign m_axis_tid = ID_ENABLE ? m_axis_tid_reg : {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; assign m_axis_tdest = DEST_ENABLE ? m_axis_tdest_reg : {DEST_WIDTH{1'b0}}; assign m_axis_tuser = USER_ENABLE ? m_axis_tuser_reg : {USER_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // enable ready input next cycle if output is ready or the temp reg will not be filled on the next cycle (output reg empty or no input) assign m_axis_tready_int_early = m_axis_tready || (!temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg && (!m_axis_tvalid_reg || !m_axis_tvalid_int)); always @* begin // transfer sink ready state to source m_axis_tvalid_next = m_axis_tvalid_reg; temp_m_axis_tvalid_next = temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg; store_axis_int_to_output = 1'b0; store_axis_int_to_temp = 1'b0; store_axis_temp_to_output = 1'b0; if (m_axis_tready_int_reg) begin // input is ready if (m_axis_tready || !m_axis_tvalid_reg) begin // output is ready or currently not valid, transfer data to output m_axis_tvalid_next = m_axis_tvalid_int; store_axis_int_to_output = 1'b1; end else begin // output is not ready, store input in temp temp_m_axis_tvalid_next = m_axis_tvalid_int; store_axis_int_to_temp = 1'b1; end end else if (m_axis_tready) begin // input is not ready, but output is ready m_axis_tvalid_next = temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg; temp_m_axis_tvalid_next = 1'b0; store_axis_temp_to_output = 1'b1; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin m_axis_tvalid_reg <= 1'b0; m_axis_tready_int_reg <= 1'b0; temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin m_axis_tvalid_reg <= m_axis_tvalid_next; m_axis_tready_int_reg <= m_axis_tready_int_early; temp_m_axis_tvalid_reg <= temp_m_axis_tvalid_next; end // datapath if (store_axis_int_to_output) begin m_axis_tdata_reg <= m_axis_tdata_int; m_axis_tkeep_reg <= m_axis_tkeep_int; m_axis_tlast_reg <= m_axis_tlast_int; m_axis_tid_reg <= m_axis_tid_int; m_axis_tdest_reg <= m_axis_tdest_int; m_axis_tuser_reg <= m_axis_tuser_int; end else if (store_axis_temp_to_output) begin m_axis_tdata_reg <= temp_m_axis_tdata_reg; m_axis_tkeep_reg <= temp_m_axis_tkeep_reg; m_axis_tlast_reg <= temp_m_axis_tlast_reg; m_axis_tid_reg <= temp_m_axis_tid_reg; m_axis_tdest_reg <= temp_m_axis_tdest_reg; m_axis_tuser_reg <= temp_m_axis_tuser_reg; end if (store_axis_int_to_temp) begin temp_m_axis_tdata_reg <= m_axis_tdata_int; temp_m_axis_tkeep_reg <= m_axis_tkeep_int; temp_m_axis_tlast_reg <= m_axis_tlast_int; temp_m_axis_tid_reg <= m_axis_tid_int; temp_m_axis_tdest_reg <= m_axis_tdest_int; temp_m_axis_tuser_reg <= m_axis_tuser_int; end end endmodule