.. _mod_tx_scheduler_rr: =================== ``tx_scheduler_rr`` =================== Operation ========= The default transmit scheduler used in the Corundum NIC is a simple round-robin scheduler implemented in the ``tx_scheduler_rr`` module. The scheduler sends commands to the transmit engine to initiate transmit operations out of the NIC transmit queues. The round-robin scheduler contains basic queue state for all queues, a FIFO to store currently-active queues and enforce the round-robin schedule, and an operation table to track in-process transmit operations. Similar to the queue management logic, the round-robin transmit scheduler also stores queue state information in BRAM or URAM on the FPGA so that it can scale to support a large number of queues. The transmit scheduler also uses a processing pipeline to hide the memory access latency. The transmit scheduler module has four main interfaces: an AXI lite register interface and three streaming interfaces. The AXI lite interface permits the driver to change scheduler parameters and enable/disable queues. The first streaming interface provides doorbell events from the queue management logic when the driver enqueues packets for transmission. The second streaming interface carries transmit commands generated by the scheduler to the transmit engine. Each command consists of a queue index to transmit from, along with a tag for tracking in-process operations. The final streaming interface returns transmit operation status information back to the scheduler. The status information informs the scheduler of the length of the transmitted packet, or if the transmit operation failed due to an empty or disabled queue. The transmit scheduler module can be extended or replaced to implement arbitrary scheduling algorithms. This enables Corundum to be used as a platform to evaluate experimental scheduling algorithms. It is also possible to provide additional inputs to the transmit scheduler module, including feedback from the receive path, which can be used to implement new protocols and congestion control techniques. Connecting the scheduler to the PTP hardware clock can be used to support TDMA, which can be used to implement circuit-switched architectures. The structure of the transmit scheduler logic is similar to the queue management logic in that it stores queue state in BRAM or URAM and uses a processing pipeline. However there are a number of significant differences. First, the scheduler logic is designed so that the scheduler does not stall when a queue is empty and a subsequent dequeue operation fails. Second, the scheduler contains a FIFO to enforce the round-robin schedule. The use of this FIFO requires an explicit reset routine to make the internal state (namely the scheduled flag bits) consistent after a reset. Third, the scheduler also contains logic to track the active state of each queue based on incoming doorbell requests and dequeue failures. .. _fig_tx_scheduler_block: .. figure:: /diagrams/svg/corundum_tx_scheduler_block.svg Block diagram of the transmit scheduler module, showing queue state RAM and operation table. Ind = index, En = queue enable, GE = global enable, SE = schedule enable, Act = active, Sch = scheduled, QI = queue index, DB = doorbell, H = head, N = next, P = previous A block diagram of the transmit scheduler module is shown in :numref:`fig_tx_scheduler_block`. The transmit scheduler is built around a *scheduled queue* FIFO. This FIFO stores the indices of the currently-scheduled queues. An active queue is one that is presumed to have at least one packet available for transmission, an enabled queue is one that has been enabled for transmission, and a scheduled queue is one that has an entry in the scheduler FIFO. A queue will be scheduled (marked as scheduled and inserted into the FIFO) if it is both active and enabled. A queue will be descheduled when it reaches the front of the schedule FIFO, but is not enabled or not active. Queue enable states are controlled via three different enable bits per queue: queue enable, global enable, and schedule enable. The queue enable and global enable bits are writable via AXI lite, while the schedule enable bit is controlled from the scheduler control module via an internal interface. A queue is enabled when the queue enable bit and either the global enable or schedule enable bits are set. Queues become active when doorbell events are received, and queues become inactive when a transmit request fails due to an empty queue. Tracking the queue active states must be done carefully for several reasons. First, the driver can update the producer pointer after enqueuing more than one packet, so the number of generated doorbell events does not necessarily correspond to the number of packets that were enqueued. Second, because the queues are shared among all ports on the same interface, multiple ports can attempt to send packets from the same queue, and the port transmit schedulers have no visibility into what the other schedulers are doing. Therefore, the most reliable method for determining that a queue is empty is to try sending from it, and flagging the failure. Note that the cost of an error is much higher when the queue is active than when the queue is empty. Attempting to send from an empty queue costs a few clock cycles and temporarily occupies a few slots in corresponding operation tables. However, assuming a queue is empty when it is not will result in packets getting stuck in the queue. Fixing this stuck queue will not occur until the OS sends another packet on that queue and triggers another doorbell. Therefore, it is imperative to properly track doorbell events during transmit operations, as it is possible for a doorbell event to arrive after a dequeue attempt has failed, but before the failed transmit status arrives at the transmit scheduler module. The pipeline in the transmit scheduler supports seven different operations: initialize, register read, register write, handle doorbell, transmit complete, scheduler control, and transmit request. The initialize operation is used to ensure the scheduler state is consistent after a reset. Register access operations over an AXI lite interface enable the driver to read all of the per-queue state and set the queue enable and global enable bits. The pipeline also handles incoming doorbell requests from the transmit queue manager module as well as queue enable/disable requests from the scheduler control module. Finally, the transmit request and transmit complete operations are used to generate transmit requests and handle the necessary queue state updates when the transmit operations complete. Queues can become scheduled based on a register write that enables an active queue, a doorbell that activates an enabled queue, a scheduler operation that enables an active queue, and a transmit completion on an enabled queue that is either successful or has the doorbell bit set in the operation table. Queues can only be descheduled when the queue index advances to the front of the scheduler FIFO. If this occurs when the queue is both active and enabled, then the queue can be rescheduled and a transmit request generated. When the transmit operation completes, the transmit status response will be temporarily stored in a small FIFO and then processed by the pipeline to update the corresponding operation table entry and, if necessary, reschedule the queue. The operation table tracks in-process transmit operations. Entries in the table consist of an active flag, the queue index, a doorbell flag, a head flag, a next pointer, and a previous pointer. The next and previous pointers form a linked list, enabling entries to be removed in any order while preserving the doorbell flag in the table. This prevents doorbells from getting 'lost' and the queue being mistakenly marked as inactive. A separate linked list is formed for each queue with active transmit operations. The operation table is implemented in such a way that it fits in distributed RAM. Parameters ========== .. object:: AXIL_DATA_WIDTH Width of AXI lite data bus in bits, default ``32``. .. object:: AXIL_ADDR_WIDTH Width of AXI lite address bus in bits, default ``16``. .. object:: AXIL_STRB_WIDTH Width of AXI lite wstrb (width of data bus in words), must be set to ``AXIL_DATA_WIDTH/8``. .. object:: LEN_WIDTH Length field width, default ``16``. .. object:: REQ_TAG_WIDTH Transmit request tag field width, default ``8``. .. object:: OP_TABLE_SIZE Number of outstanding operations, default ``16``. .. object:: QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Queue index width, default ``6``. .. object:: PIPELINE Pipeline setting, default ``3``. Ports ===== .. object:: clk Logic clock. Most interfaces are synchronous to this clock. .. table:: ====== === ===== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ===== ================== clk in 1 Logic clock ====== === ===== ================== .. object:: rst Logic reset, active high .. table:: ====== === ===== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ===== ================== rst in 1 Logic reset, active high ====== === ===== ================== .. object:: m_axis_tx_req Transmit request output, for transmit requests to the transmit engine. .. table:: =================== === ================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description =================== === ================== =================== m_axis_tx_req_queue out QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Queue index m_axis_tx_req_tag out REQ_TAG_WIDTH Tag m_axis_tx_req_dest out AXIS_TX_DEST_WIDTH Destination port and TC m_axis_tx_req_valid out 1 Valid m_axis_tx_req_ready in 1 Ready =================== === ================== =================== .. object:: s_axis_tx_req_status Transmit request status input, for responses from the transmit engine. .. table:: ========================== === ============= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ========================== === ============= =================== s_axis_tx_req_status_len in LEN_WIDTH Packet length s_axis_tx_req_status_tag in REQ_TAG_WIDTH Tag s_axis_tx_req_status_valid in 1 Valid ========================== === ============= =================== .. object:: s_axis_doorbell Doorbell input, for enqueue notifications from the transmit queue manager. .. table:: ===================== === ================= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ===================== === ================= =================== s_axis_doorbell_queue in QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Queue index s_axis_doorbell_valid in 1 Valid ===================== === ================= =================== .. object:: s_axis_sched_ctrl Scheduler control input, to permit user logic to dynamically enable/disable queues. .. table:: ======================== === ================= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ======================== === ================= =================== s_axis_sched_ctrl_queue in QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Queue index s_axis_sched_ctrl_enable in 1 Queue enable s_axis_sched_ctrl_valid in 1 Valid s_axis_sched_ctrl_ready out 1 Ready ======================== === ================= =================== .. object:: s_axil AXI-Lite slave interface. This interface provides access to memory-mapped per-queue control registers. .. table:: ============== === =============== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ============== === =============== =================== s_axil_awaddr in AXIL_ADDR_WIDTH Write address s_axil_awprot in 3 Write protect s_axil_awvalid in 1 Write address valid s_axil_awready out 1 Write address ready s_axil_wdata in AXIL_DATA_WIDTH Write data s_axil_wstrb in AXIL_STRB_WIDTH Write data strobe s_axil_wvalid in 1 Write data valid s_axil_wready out 1 Write data ready s_axil_bresp out 2 Write response status s_axil_bvalid out 1 Write response valid s_axil_bready in 1 Write response ready s_axil_araddr in AXIL_ADDR_WIDTH Read address s_axil_arprot in 3 Read protect s_axil_arvalid in 1 Read address valid s_axil_arready out 1 Read address ready s_axil_rdata out AXIL_DATA_WIDTH Read response data s_axil_rresp out 2 Read response status s_axil_rvalid out 1 Read response valid s_axil_rready in 1 Read response ready ============== === =============== =================== .. object:: control Control and status signals .. table:: =========== === ============ =================== Signal Dir Width Description =========== === ============ =================== enable in enable Enable active out enable Active =========== === ============ ===================