/* Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Language: Verilog 2001 `timescale 1ns / 1ps /* * Parametrizable combinatorial parallel LFSR/CRC */ module lfsr # ( // width of LFSR parameter LFSR_WIDTH = 31, // LFSR polynomial parameter LFSR_POLY = 31'h10000001, // LFSR configuration: "GALOIS", "FIBONACCI" parameter LFSR_CONFIG = "FIBONACCI", // bit-reverse input and output parameter REVERSE = 0, // width of data input parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, // width of CRC/LFSR output parameter OUTPUT_WIDTH = LFSR_WIDTH, // implementation style: "AUTO", "LOOP", "REDUCTION" parameter STYLE = "AUTO" ) ( input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in, input wire [LFSR_WIDTH-1:0] lfsr_in, output wire [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] lfsr_out ); /* Fully parametrizable combinatorial parallel LFSR/CRC module. Implements an unrolled LFSR next state computation, shifting DATA_WIDTH bits per pass through the module. Input data is XORed with LFSR feedback path, tie data_in to zero if this is not required. Works in two parts: statically computes a set of bit masks, then uses these bit masks to select bits for XORing to compute the next state. Ports: data_in Data bits to be XORed with the LFSR feedback path (DATA_WIDTH bits) lfsr_in LFSR/CRC current state input (LFSR_WIDTH bits) lfsr_out LFSR/CRC next state output (OUTPUT_WIDTH bits) Parameters: LFSR_WIDTH Specify width of LFSR/CRC register LFSR_POLY Specify the LFSR/CRC polynomial in hex format. For example, the polynomial x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1 would be represented as 32'h04c11db7 Note that the largest term (x^32) is suppressed. This term is generated automatically based on LFSR_WIDTH. LFSR_CONFIG Specify the LFSR configuration, either Fibonacci or Galois. Fibonacci is generally used for linear-feedback shift registers (LFSR) for pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) generators, scramblers, and descrambers, while Galois is generally used for cyclic redundancy check generators and checkers. Fibonacci style (example for 64b66b scrambler, 0x8000000001) ,-----------------------------(+)<------------------------------, | ^ | | .----. .----. .----. | .----. .----. .----. | `->| 0 |->| 1 |->...->| 38 |-+->| 39 |->...->| 56 |->| 57 |->(+)<-DIN (MSB first) '----' '----' '----' '----' '----' '----' Galois style (example for CRC16, 0x8005) ,-------------------+---------------------------------+------------, | | | | | .----. .----. V .----. .----. .----. V .----. | `->| 0 |->| 1 |->(+)->| 2 |->| 3 |->...->| 14 |->(+)->| 15 |->(+)<-DIN (MSB first) '----' '----' '----' '----' '----' '----' REVERSE Bit-reverse LFSR input and output. DATA_WIDTH Specify width of input data bus. The module will perform one shift per input data bit, so if the input data bus is not required tie data_in to zero and set DATA_WIDTH to the required number of shifts per clock cycle. OUTPUT_WIDTH Specify width of output data bus. Defaults to LFSR_WIDTH. Mainly useful for extending the output width for LFSRs. Ensure that lfsr_out is properly shifted and truncated so that feeding it back around to lfsr_in produces the expected result. Note that if OUTPUT_WIDTH is smaller than LFSR_WIDTH, it may not be possible to get the LFSR to feed back correctly. STYLE Specify implementation style. Can be "AUTO", "LOOP", or "REDUCTION". When "AUTO" is selected, implemenation will be "LOOP" or "REDUCTION" based on synthesis translate directives. "REDUCTION" and "LOOP" are functionally identical, however they simulate and synthesize differently. "REDUCTION" is implemented with a loop over a Verilog reduction operator. "LOOP" is implemented as a doubly-nested loop with no reduction operator. "REDUCTION" is very fast for simulation in iverilog and synthesizes well in Quartus but synthesizes poorly in ISE, likely due to large inferred XOR gates causing problems with the optimizer. "LOOP" synthesizes will in both ISE and Quartus. "AUTO" will default to "REDUCTION" when simulating and "LOOP" for synthesizers that obey synthesis translate directives. Settings for common LFSR/CRC implementations: Name Configuration Length Polynomial Initial value Notes CRC32 Galois, bit-reverse 32 32'h04c11db7 32'hffffffff Ethernet FCS; invert final output PRBS6 Fibonacci 6 6'h21 any PRBS7 Fibonacci 7 7'h41 amy PRBS9 Fibonacci 9 9'h021 any ITU V.52 PRBS10 Fibonacci 10 10'h081 any ITU PRBS11 Fibonacci 11 11'h201 any ITU O.152 PRBS15 Fibonacci 15 15'h4001 any ITU O.152 PRBS17 Fibonacci 17 17'h04001 any PRBS20 Fibonacci 20 20'h00009 any ITU V.57 PRBS23 Fibonacci 23 23'h040001 any ITU O.151 PRBS31 Fibonacci 31 31'h10000001 any 64b66b Fibonacci 58 58'h8000000001 any 10G Ethernet 128b130b Fibonacci 23 23'h210125 any PCIe gen 3 */ // STATE_WIDTH is OUTPUT_WIDTH or LFSR_WIDTH, whichever is larger parameter STATE_WIDTH = OUTPUT_WIDTH > LFSR_WIDTH ? OUTPUT_WIDTH : LFSR_WIDTH; reg [LFSR_WIDTH-1:0] lfsr_mask_state[STATE_WIDTH-1:0]; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lfsr_mask_data[STATE_WIDTH-1:0]; reg [LFSR_WIDTH-1:0] state_val = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_val = 0; integer i, j, k; initial begin // init bit masks for (i = 0; i < STATE_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin lfsr_mask_state[i] = {LFSR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; if (i < LFSR_WIDTH) begin lfsr_mask_state[i][i] = 1'b1; end lfsr_mask_data[i] = {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; end // simulate shift register if (LFSR_CONFIG == "FIBONACCI") begin // Fibonacci configuration for (i = DATA_WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin // determine shift in value // current value in last FF, XOR with input data bit (MSB first) state_val = lfsr_mask_state[LFSR_WIDTH-1]; data_val = lfsr_mask_data[LFSR_WIDTH-1]; data_val = data_val ^ (1 << i); // add XOR inputs from correct indicies for (j = 1; j < STATE_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin if (LFSR_POLY & (1 << j)) begin state_val = lfsr_mask_state[j-1] ^ state_val; data_val = lfsr_mask_data[j-1] ^ data_val; end end // shift for (j = STATE_WIDTH-1; j > 0; j = j - 1) begin lfsr_mask_state[j] = lfsr_mask_state[j-1]; lfsr_mask_data[j] = lfsr_mask_data[j-1]; end lfsr_mask_state[0] = state_val; lfsr_mask_data[0] = data_val; end end else if (LFSR_CONFIG == "GALOIS") begin // Galois configuration for (i = DATA_WIDTH-1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin // determine shift in value // current value in last FF, XOR with input data bit (MSB first) state_val = lfsr_mask_state[LFSR_WIDTH-1]; data_val = lfsr_mask_data[LFSR_WIDTH-1]; data_val = data_val ^ (1 << i); // shift for (j = STATE_WIDTH-1; j > 0; j = j - 1) begin lfsr_mask_state[j] = lfsr_mask_state[j-1]; lfsr_mask_data[j] = lfsr_mask_data[j-1]; end lfsr_mask_state[0] = state_val; lfsr_mask_data[0] = data_val; // add XOR inputs at correct indicies for (j = 1; j < STATE_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin if (LFSR_POLY & (1 << j)) begin lfsr_mask_state[j] = lfsr_mask_state[j] ^ state_val; lfsr_mask_data[j] = lfsr_mask_data[j] ^ data_val; end end end end else begin $error("Error: unknown configuration setting!"); $finish; end // reverse bits if selected if (REVERSE) begin // reverse order for (i = 0; i < OUTPUT_WIDTH/2; i = i + 1) begin state_val = lfsr_mask_state[i]; data_val = lfsr_mask_data[i]; lfsr_mask_state[i] = lfsr_mask_state[OUTPUT_WIDTH-i-1]; lfsr_mask_data[i] = lfsr_mask_data[OUTPUT_WIDTH-i-1]; lfsr_mask_state[OUTPUT_WIDTH-i-1] = state_val; lfsr_mask_data[OUTPUT_WIDTH-i-1] = data_val; end // reverse bits for (i = 0; i < OUTPUT_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin state_val = 0; for (j = 0; j < STATE_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin state_val[j] = lfsr_mask_state[i][STATE_WIDTH-j-1]; end lfsr_mask_state[i] = state_val; data_val = 0; for (j = 0; j < DATA_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin data_val[j] = lfsr_mask_data[i][DATA_WIDTH-j-1]; end lfsr_mask_data[i] = data_val; end end // for (i = 0; i < OUTPUT_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin // $display("%b %b", lfsr_mask_state[i], lfsr_mask_data[i]); // end end // synthesis translate_off `define SIMULATION // synthesis translate_on `ifdef SIMULATION // "AUTO" style is "REDUCTION" for faster simulation parameter STYLE_INT = (STYLE == "AUTO") ? "REDUCTION" : STYLE; `else // "AUTO" style is "LOOP" for better synthesis result parameter STYLE_INT = (STYLE == "AUTO") ? "LOOP" : STYLE; `endif genvar n; generate if (STYLE_INT == "REDUCTION") begin // use Verilog reduction operator // fast in iverilog // significantly larger than generated code with ISE (inferred wide XORs may be tripping up optimizer) // slightly smaller than generated code with Quartus // --> better for simulation for (n = 0; n < OUTPUT_WIDTH; n = n + 1) begin : loop assign lfsr_out[n] = ^{(lfsr_in & lfsr_mask_state[n]), (data_in & lfsr_mask_data[n])}; end end else if (STYLE_INT == "LOOP") begin // use nested loops // very slow in iverilog // slightly smaller than generated code with ISE // same size as generated code with Quartus // --> better for synthesis reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] lfsr_out_reg = 0; assign lfsr_out = lfsr_out_reg; always @* begin for (i = 0; i < OUTPUT_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin lfsr_out_reg[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < STATE_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin if (lfsr_mask_state[i][j]) begin lfsr_out_reg[i] = lfsr_out_reg[i] ^ lfsr_in[j]; end end for (j = 0; j < DATA_WIDTH; j = j + 1) begin if (lfsr_mask_data[i][j]) begin lfsr_out_reg[i] = lfsr_out_reg[i] ^ data_in[j]; end end end end end else begin initial begin $error("Error: unknown style setting!"); $finish; end end endgenerate endmodule