.. _mod_mqnic_core: ============== ``mqnic_core`` ============== ``mqnic_core`` is the core integration-level module for mqnic for all host interfaces. Contains the interfaces, asynchronous FIFOs, PTP subsystem, statistics collection subsystem, and application block. For maximum flexibility, this module does not contain the actual host-facing DMA engine, so a wrapper is required to provide the DMA engine with the proper host-facing interface. The available wrappers are: * :ref:`mod_mqnic_core_pcie` for PCI express * :ref:`mod_mqnic_core_axi` for AXI ``mqnic_core`` integrates the following modules: * ``stats_counter``: statistics aggregation * :ref:`mod_mqnic_ptp`: PTP subsystem * :ref:`mod_mqnic_interface`: NIC interface * :ref:`mod_mqnic_app_block`: Application block Parameters ========== .. object:: FPGA_ID FPGA JTAG ID, default is ``32'hDEADBEEF``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: FW_ID Firmware ID, default is ``32'h00000000``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: FW_VER Firmware version, default is ``32'h00_00_01_00``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: BOARD_ID Board ID, default is ``16'h1234_0000``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: BOARD_VER Board version, default is ``32'h01_00_00_00``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: BUILD_DATE Build date as a 32-bit unsigned Unix timestamp, default is ``32'd602976000``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: GIT_HASH 32 bits of the git commit hash, default is ``32'hdce357bf``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: RELEASE_INFO Additional release info, default is ``32'h00000000``. Reported in :ref:`rb_fw_id`. .. object:: IF_COUNT Interface count, default ``1``. .. object:: PORTS_PER_IF Ports per interface, default ``1``. .. object:: SCHED_PER_IF Schedulers per interface, default ``PORTS_PER_IF``. .. object:: PORT_COUNT Total port count, must be set to ``IF_COUNT*PORTS_PER_IF``. .. object:: PTP_TS_WIDTH PTP timestamp width, must be ``96``. .. object:: PTP_TAG_WIDTH PTP tag signal width, default ``16``. .. object:: PTP_PERIOD_NS_WIDTH PTP period ns field width, default ``4``. .. object:: PTP_OFFSET_NS_WIDTH PTP offset ns field width, default ``32``. .. object:: PTP_FNS_WIDTH PTP fractional ns field width, default ``32``. .. object:: PTP_PERIOD_NS PTP nominal period, ns portion, default ``4'd4``. .. object:: PTP_PERIOD_FNS PTP nominal period, fractional ns portion, default ``32'd0``. .. object:: PTP_CLOCK_PIPELINE Output pipeline stages on PTP clock module, default ``0``. .. object:: PTP_USE_SAMPLE_CLOCK Use external PTP sample clock, used to synchronize the PTP clock across clock domains, default ``0``. .. object:: PTP_SEPARATE_RX_CLOCK Use ``rx_ptp_clk`` instead of ``rx_clk`` for providing current PTP time if set, default ``0``. .. object:: PTP_PORT_CDC_PIPELINE Output pipeline stages on PTP clock CDC module, default ``0``. .. object:: PTP_PEROUT_ENABLE Enable PTP period output module, default ``0``. .. object:: PTP_PEROUT_COUNT Number of PTP period output channels, default ``1``. .. object:: EVENT_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE Event queue manager operation table size, default ``32``. .. object:: TX_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE Transmit queue manager operation table size, default ``32``. .. object:: RX_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE Receive queue manager operation table size, default ``32``. .. object:: TX_CPL_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE Transmit completion queue operation table size, default ``TX_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE``. .. object:: RX_CPL_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE Receive completion queue operation table size, default ``RX_QUEUE_OP_TABLE_SIZE``. .. object:: EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Event queue index width, default ``5``. Sets the number of event queues on each interfaces as ``2**EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: TX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Transmit queue index width, default ``13``. Sets the number of transmit queues on each interfaces as ``2**TX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: RX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Receive queue index width, default ``8``. Sets the number of receive queues on each interfaces as ``2**RX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: TX_CPL_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Transmit completion queue index width, default ``TX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. Sets the number of transmit completion queues on each interfaces as ``2**TX_CPL_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: RX_CPL_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH Receive completion queue index width, default ``RX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. Sets the number of receive completion queues on each interfaces as ``2**RX_CPL_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: EVENT_QUEUE_PIPELINE Event queue manager pipeline length, default ``3``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: TX_QUEUE_PIPELINE Transmit queue manager pipeline stages, default ``3+(TX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH > 12 ? TX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH-12 : 0)``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: RX_QUEUE_PIPELINE Receive queue manager pipeline stages, default ``3+(RX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH > 12 ? RX_QUEUE_INDEX_WIDTH-12 : 0)``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: TX_CPL_QUEUE_PIPELINE Transmit completion queue manager pipeline stages, default ``TX_QUEUE_PIPELINE``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: RX_CPL_QUEUE_PIPELINE Receive completion queue maanger pipeline stages, default ``RX_QUEUE_PIPELINE``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: TX_DESC_TABLE_SIZE Transmit engine descriptor table size, default ``32``. .. object:: RX_DESC_TABLE_SIZE Receive engine descriptor table size, default ``32``. .. object:: TX_SCHEDULER_OP_TABLE_SIZE Transmit scheduler operation table size, default ``TX_DESC_TABLE_SIZE``. .. object:: TX_SCHEDULER_PIPELINE Transmit scheduler pipeline stages, default ``TX_QUEUE_PIPELINE``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers for specified queue count. .. object:: TDMA_INDEX_WIDTH TDMA index width, default ``6``. Sets the number of TDMA timeslots as ``2**TDMA_INDEX_WIDTH``. .. object:: PTP_TS_ENABLE Enable PTP timestamping, default ``1``. .. object:: TX_PTP_TS_FIFO_DEPTH Depth of TX PTP timestamp FIFO, default ``32``. .. object:: RX_PTP_TS_FIFO_DEPTH Depth of RX PTP timestamp FIFO, default ``32``. .. object:: TX_CHECKSUM_ENABLE Enable TCP/UDP checksum offloading on transmit path, default ``1``. .. object:: RX_RSS_ENABLE Enable receive side scaling, default ``1``. Requires ``RX_HASH_ENABLE`` to be set. .. object:: RX_HASH_ENABLE Enable Toeplitz flow hashing for RX traffic, default ``1``. .. object:: RX_CHECKSUM_ENABLE Enable TCP/UDP checksum offloading on receive path, default ``1`` .. object:: TX_FIFO_DEPTH Transmit FIFO depth in bytes, per output port, per traffic class, default ``32768``. .. object:: RX_FIFO_DEPTH Receive FIFO depth in bytes, per output port, default ``32768``. .. object:: MAX_TX_SIZE Maximum packet size on transmit path, default ``9214``. .. object:: MAX_RX_SIZE Maximum packet size on receive path, default ``9214``. .. object:: TX_RAM_SIZE Transmit scratchpad RAM size per interface, default ``32768``. .. object:: RX_RAM_SIZE Receive scratchpad RAM size per interface, default ``32768``. .. object:: APP_ID Application ID, default ``0``. .. object:: APP_ENABLE Enable application section, default ``0``. .. object:: APP_CTRL_ENABLE Enable application section control connection to core NIC registers, default ``1``. .. object:: APP_DMA_ENABLE Enable application section connection to DMA subsystem, default ``1``. .. object:: APP_AXIS_DIRECT_ENABLE Enable lowest-latency asynchronous streaming connection to application section, default ``1`` .. object:: APP_AXIS_SYNC_ENABLE Enable low-latency synchronous streaming connection to application section, default ``1`` .. object:: APP_AXIS_IF_ENABLE Enable interface-level streaming connection to application section, default ``1`` .. object:: APP_STAT_ENABLE Enable application section connection to statistics collection subsystem, default ``1`` .. object:: APP_GPIO_IN_WIDTH Application section GPIO input signal width, default ``32`` .. object:: APP_GPIO_OUT_WIDTH Application section GPIO output signal width, default ``32`` .. object:: DMA_ADDR_WIDTH DMA interface address signal width, default ``64``. .. object:: DMA_IMM_ENABLE DMA interface immediate enable, default ``0``. .. object:: DMA_IMM_WIDTH DMA interface immediate signal width, default ``32``. .. object:: DMA_LEN_WIDTH DMA interface length signal width, default ``16``. .. object:: DMA_TAG_WIDTH DMA interface tag signal width, default ``16``. .. object:: IF_RAM_SEL_WIDTH Width of interface-level select signal, default ``1``. .. object:: RAM_SEL_WIDTH Width of select signal per segment in DMA RAM interface, default ``$clog2(IF_COUNT+(APP_ENABLE && APP_DMA_ENABLE ? 1 : 0))+IF_RAM_SEL_WIDTH+1``. .. object:: RAM_ADDR_WIDTH Width of address signal for DMA RAM interface, default ``$clog2(TX_RAM_SIZE > RX_RAM_SIZE ? TX_RAM_SIZE : RX_RAM_SIZE)``. .. object:: RAM_SEG_COUNT Number of segments in DMA RAM interface, default ``2``. Must be a power of 2, must be at least 2. .. object:: RAM_SEG_DATA_WIDTH Width of data signal per segment in DMA RAM interface, default ``256*2/RAM_SEG_COUNT``. .. object:: RAM_SEG_BE_WIDTH Width of byte enable signal per segment in DMA RAM interface, must be set to ``RAM_SEG_DATA_WIDTH/8``. .. object:: RAM_SEG_ADDR_WIDTH Width of address signal per segment in DMA RAM interface, default ``RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-$clog2(RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_BE_WIDTH)``. .. object:: RAM_PIPELINE Number of output pipeline stages in segmented DMA RAMs, default ``2``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers. .. object:: MSI_COUNT Number of interrupt channels, default ``32``. .. object:: AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH AXI lite control data signal width, must be set to ``32``. .. object:: AXIL_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH AXI lite control address signal width, default ``16``. .. object:: AXIL_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH AXI lite control byte enable signal width, must be set to ``AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH/8``. .. object:: AXIL_IF_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH AXI lite interface control address signal width, default ``AXIL_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-$clog2(IF_COUNT)`` .. object:: AXIL_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH AXI lite interface CSR address signal width, default ``AXIL_IF_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-5-$clog2((PORTS_PER_IF+3)/8)`` .. object:: AXIL_CSR_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLE Enable NIC control register space passthrough, default ``0``. .. object:: RB_NEXT_PTR Next pointer of last register block in the NIC-level CSR space, default ``0``. .. object:: AXIL_APP_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH AXI lite application control data signal width, default ``AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH``. Can be 32 or 64. .. object:: AXIL_APP_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH AXI lite application control address signal width, default ``16``. .. object:: AXIL_APP_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH AXI lite application control byte enable signal width, must be set to ``AXIL_APP_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH/8``. .. object:: AXIS_DATA_WIDTH Streaming interface ``tdata`` signal width, default ``512``. .. object:: AXIS_KEEP_WIDTH Streaming interface ``tkeep`` signal width, must be set to ``AXIS_DATA_WIDTH/8``. .. object:: AXIS_SYNC_DATA_WIDTH Synchronous streaming interface ``tdata`` signal width, default ``AXIS_DATA_WIDTH``. .. object:: AXIS_IF_DATA_WIDTH Interface streaming interface ``tdata`` signal width, default ``AXIS_SYNC_DATA_WIDTH*2**$clog2(PORTS_PER_IF)``. .. object:: AXIS_TX_USER_WIDTH Transmit streaming interface ``tuser`` signal width, default ``(PTP_TS_ENABLE ? PTP_TAG_WIDTH : 0) + 1``. .. object:: AXIS_RX_USER_WIDTH Receive streaming interface ``tuser`` signal width, default ``(PTP_TS_ENABLE ? PTP_TS_WIDTH : 0) + 1``. .. object:: AXIS_RX_USE_READY Use ``tready`` signal on RX interfaces, default ``0``. If set, logic will exert backpressure with ``tready`` instead of dropping packets when RX FIFOs are full. .. object:: AXIS_TX_PIPELINE Number of stages in transmit path pipeline FIFO, default ``0``. Useful for SLR crossings. .. object:: AXIS_TX_FIFO_PIPELINE Number of output pipeline stages in transmit FIFO, default ``2``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers. .. object:: AXIS_TX_TS_PIPELINE Number of stages in transmit path PTP timestamp pipeline FIFO, default ``0``. Useful for SLR crossings. .. object:: AXIS_RX_PIPELINE Number of stages in receive path pipeline FIFO, default ``0``. Useful for SLR crossings. .. object:: AXIS_RX_FIFO_PIPELINE Number of output pipeline stages in receive FIFO, default ``2``. Tune for best usage of block RAM cascade registers. .. object:: STAT_ENABLE Enable statistics collection subsystem, default ``1``. .. object:: STAT_INC_WIDTH Statistics increment signal width, default ``24``. .. object:: STAT_ID_WIDTH Statistics ID signal width, default ``12``. Sets the number of statistics counters as ``2**STAT_ID_WIDTH``. Ports ===== .. object:: clk Logic clock. Most interfaces are synchronous to this clock. .. table:: ====== === ===== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ===== ================== clk in 1 Logic clock ====== === ===== ================== .. object:: rst Logic reset, active high .. table:: ====== === ===== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ===== ================== rst in 1 Logic reset, active high ====== === ===== ================== .. object:: s_axil_ctrl AXI-Lite slave interface (control). This interface provides access to the main NIC control register space. .. table:: =================== === ==================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description =================== === ==================== =================== s_axil_ctrl_awaddr in AXIL_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH Write address s_axil_ctrl_awprot in 3 Write protect s_axil_ctrl_awvalid in 1 Write address valid s_axil_ctrl_awready out 1 Write address ready s_axil_ctrl_wdata in AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Write data s_axil_ctrl_wstrb in AXIL_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH Write data strobe s_axil_ctrl_wvalid in 1 Write data valid s_axil_ctrl_wready out 1 Write data ready s_axil_ctrl_bresp out 2 Write response status s_axil_ctrl_bvalid out 1 Write response valid s_axil_ctrl_bready in 1 Write response ready s_axil_ctrl_araddr in AXIL_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH Read address s_axil_ctrl_arprot in 3 Read protect s_axil_ctrl_arvalid in 1 Read address valid s_axil_ctrl_arready out 1 Read address ready s_axil_ctrl_rdata out AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Read response data s_axil_ctrl_rresp out 2 Read response status s_axil_ctrl_rvalid out 1 Read response valid s_axil_ctrl_rready in 1 Read response ready =================== === ==================== =================== .. object:: s_axil_app_ctrl AXI-Lite slave interface (application control). This interface is directly passed through to the application section. .. table:: ======================= === ======================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ======================= === ======================== =================== s_axil_app_ctrl_awaddr in AXIL_APP_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH Write address s_axil_app_ctrl_awprot in 3 Write protect s_axil_app_ctrl_awvalid in 1 Write address valid s_axil_app_ctrl_awready out 1 Write address ready s_axil_app_ctrl_wdata in AXIL_APP_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Write data s_axil_app_ctrl_wstrb in AXIL_APP_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH Write data strobe s_axil_app_ctrl_wvalid in 1 Write data valid s_axil_app_ctrl_wready out 1 Write data ready s_axil_app_ctrl_bresp out 2 Write response status s_axil_app_ctrl_bvalid out 1 Write response valid s_axil_app_ctrl_bready in 1 Write response ready s_axil_app_ctrl_araddr in AXIL_APP_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH Read address s_axil_app_ctrl_arprot in 3 Read protect s_axil_app_ctrl_arvalid in 1 Read address valid s_axil_app_ctrl_arready out 1 Read address ready s_axil_app_ctrl_rdata out AXIL_APP_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Read response data s_axil_app_ctrl_rresp out 2 Read response status s_axil_app_ctrl_rvalid out 1 Read response valid s_axil_app_ctrl_rready in 1 Read response ready ======================= === ======================== =================== .. object:: m_axil_csr AXI-Lite master interface (passthrough for NIC control and status). This interface can be used to implement additional components in the main NIC control register space. .. table:: ================== === ==================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================== === ==================== =================== m_axil_csr_awaddr in AXIL_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH Write address m_axil_csr_awprot in 3 Write protect m_axil_csr_awvalid in 1 Write address valid m_axil_csr_awready out 1 Write address ready m_axil_csr_wdata in AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Write data m_axil_csr_wstrb in AXIL_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH Write data strobe m_axil_csr_wvalid in 1 Write data valid m_axil_csr_wready out 1 Write data ready m_axil_csr_bresp out 2 Write response status m_axil_csr_bvalid out 1 Write response valid m_axil_csr_bready in 1 Write response ready m_axil_csr_araddr in AXIL_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH Read address m_axil_csr_arprot in 3 Read protect m_axil_csr_arvalid in 1 Read address valid m_axil_csr_arready out 1 Read address ready m_axil_csr_rdata out AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Read response data m_axil_csr_rresp out 2 Read response status m_axil_csr_rvalid out 1 Read response valid m_axil_csr_rready in 1 Read response ready ================== === ==================== =================== .. object:: ctrl_reg Control register interface. This interface can be used to implement additional control registers and register blocks in the main NIC control register space. .. table:: ================= === ==================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================= === ==================== =================== ctrl_reg_wr_addr out AXIL_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH Write address ctrl_reg_wr_data out AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Write data ctrl_reg_wr_strb out AXIL_CTRL_STRB_WIDTH Write strobe ctrl_reg_wr_en out 1 Write enable ctrl_reg_wr_wait in 1 Write wait ctrl_reg_wr_ack in 1 Write acknowledge ctrl_reg_rd_addr out AXIL_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH Read address ctrl_reg_rd_en out 1 Read enable ctrl_reg_rd_data in AXIL_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH Read data ctrl_reg_rd_wait in 1 Read wait ctrl_reg_rd_ack in 1 Read acknowledge ================= === ==================== =================== .. object:: m_axis_dma_read_desc DMA read descriptor output .. table:: ============================= === ============== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ============================= === ============== =================== m_axis_dma_read_desc_dma_addr out DMA_ADDR_WIDTH DMA address m_axis_dma_read_desc_ram_sel out RAM_SEL_WIDTH RAM select m_axis_dma_read_desc_ram_addr out RAM_ADDR_WIDTH RAM address m_axis_dma_read_desc_len out DMA_LEN_WIDTH Transfer length m_axis_dma_read_desc_tag out DMA_TAG_WIDTH Transfer tag m_axis_dma_read_desc_valid out 1 Request valid m_axis_dma_read_desc_ready in 1 Request ready ============================= === ============== =================== .. object:: s_axis_dma_read_desc_status DMA read descriptor status input .. table:: ================================= === ============= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================================= === ============= =================== s_axis_dma_read_desc_status_tag in DMA_TAG_WIDTH Status tag s_axis_dma_read_desc_status_error in 4 Status error code s_axis_dma_read_desc_status_valid in 1 Status valid ================================= === ============= =================== .. object:: m_axis_dma_write_desc DMA write descriptor output .. table:: ============================== === ============== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ============================== === ============== =================== m_axis_dma_write_desc_dma_addr out DMA_ADDR_WIDTH DMA address m_axis_dma_write_desc_ram_sel out RAM_SEL_WIDTH RAM select m_axis_dma_write_desc_ram_addr out RAM_ADDR_WIDTH RAM address m_axis_dma_write_desc_imm out DMA_IMM_WIDTH Immediate m_axis_dma_write_desc_imm_en out 1 Immediate enable m_axis_dma_write_desc_len out DMA_LEN_WIDTH Transfer length m_axis_dma_write_desc_tag out DMA_TAG_WIDTH Transfer tag m_axis_dma_write_desc_valid out 1 Request valid m_axis_dma_write_desc_ready in 1 Request ready ============================== === ============== =================== .. object:: s_axis_dma_write_desc_status DMA write descriptor status input .. table:: ================================== === ============= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================================== === ============= =================== s_axis_dma_write_desc_status_tag in DMA_TAG_WIDTH Status tag s_axis_dma_write_desc_status_error in 4 Status error code s_axis_dma_write_desc_status_valid in 1 Status valid ================================== === ============= =================== .. object:: dma_ram DMA RAM interface .. table:: ===================== === ================================ =================== Signal Dir Width Description ===================== === ================================ =================== dma_ram_wr_cmd_sel in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEL_WIDTH Write command select dma_ram_wr_cmd_be in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_BE_WIDTH Write command byte enable dma_ram_wr_cmd_addr in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_ADDR_WIDTH Write command address dma_ram_wr_cmd_data in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_DATA_WIDTH Write command data dma_ram_wr_cmd_valid in RAM_SEG_COUNT Write command valid dma_ram_wr_cmd_ready out RAM_SEG_COUNT Write command ready dma_ram_wr_done out RAM_SEG_COUNT Write done dma_ram_rd_cmd_sel in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEL_WIDTH Read command select dma_ram_rd_cmd_addr in RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_ADDR_WIDTH Read command address dma_ram_rd_cmd_valid in RAM_SEG_COUNT Read command valid dma_ram_rd_cmd_ready out RAM_SEG_COUNT Read command ready dma_ram_rd_resp_data out RAM_SEG_COUNT*RAM_SEG_DATA_WIDTH Read response data dma_ram_rd_resp_valid out RAM_SEG_COUNT Read response valid dma_ram_rd_resp_ready in RAM_SEG_COUNT Read response ready ===================== === ================================ =================== .. object:: msi_irq MSI request outputs .. table:: ======= === ========= =================== Signal Dir Width Description ======= === ========= =================== msi_irq out MSI_COUNT Interrupt request ======= === ========= =================== .. object:: ptp PTP clock connections. .. table:: ================= === ================ =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================= === ================ =================== ptp_sample_clk in 1 PTP sample clock ptp_pps out 1 PTP pulse-per-second ptp_ts_96 out PTP_TS_WIDTH current PTP time ptp_ts_step out 1 PTP clock step ptp_perout_locked out PTP_PEROUT_COUNT PTP period output locked ptp_perout_error out PTP_PEROUT_COUNT PTP period output error ptp_perout_pulse out PTP_PEROUT_COUNT PTP period output pulse ================= === ================ =================== .. object:: tx_clk Transmit clocks, one per port .. table:: ====== === ========== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ========== ================== tx_clk in PORT_COUNT Transmit clock ====== === ========== ================== .. object:: tx_rst Transmit resets, one per port .. table:: ====== === ========== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ========== ================== tx_rst in PORT_COUNT Transmit reset ====== === ========== ================== .. object:: tx_ptp_ts Reference PTP time for transmit timestamping synchronous to each transmit clock, one per port. .. table:: ============== === ======================= ================== Signal Dir Width Description ============== === ======================= ================== tx_ptp_ts_96 out PORT_COUNT*PTP_TS_WIDTH current PTP time tx_ptp_ts_step out PORT_COUNT PTP clock step ============== === ======================= ================== .. object:: m_axis_tx Streaming transmit data towards network, one AXI stream interface per port. .. table:: ================ === ============================= ================== Signal Dir Width Description ================ === ============================= ================== m_axis_tx_tdata out PORT_COUNT*AXIS_DATA_WIDTH Streaming data m_axis_tx_tkeep out PORT_COUNT*AXIS_KEEP_WIDTH Byte enable m_axis_tx_tvalid out PORT_COUNT Data valid m_axis_tx_tready in PORT_COUNT Ready for data m_axis_tx_tlast out PORT_COUNT End of frame m_axis_tx_tuser out PORT_COUNT*AXIS_TX_USER_WIDTH Sideband data ================ === ============================= ================== ``s_axis_tx_tuser`` bits, per port .. table:: =============== ========= ============= ============= Bit Name Width Description =============== ========= ============= ============= 0 bad_frame 1 Invalid frame PTP_TAG_WIDTH:1 ptp_tag PTP_TAG_WIDTH PTP tag =============== ========= ============= ============= .. object:: s_axis_tx_ptp_ts Transmit PTP timestamp, one AXI stream interface per port. .. table:: ====================== === ======================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ====================== === ======================== =================== s_axis_tx_ptp_ts in PORT_COUNT*PTP_TS_WIDTH PTP timestamp s_axis_tx_ptp_ts_tag in PORT_COUNT*PTP_TAG_WIDTH PTP timestamp tag s_axis_tx_ptp_ts_valid in PORT_COUNT PTP timestamp valid s_axis_tx_ptp_ts_ready out PORT_COUNT PTP timestamp ready ====================== === ======================== =================== .. object:: rx_clk Receive clocks, one per port .. table:: ====== === ========== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ========== ================== rx_clk in PORT_COUNT Receive clock ====== === ========== ================== .. object:: rx_rst Receive resets, one per port .. table:: ====== === ========== ================== Signal Dir Width Description ====== === ========== ================== rx_rst in PORT_COUNT Receive reset ====== === ========== ================== .. object:: rx_ptp_ts Reference PTP time for receive timestamping synchronous to each receive clock, one per port. Synchronous to ``rx_ptp_clk`` if ``PTP_SEPARATE_RX_CLOCK`` is set. .. table:: ============== === ======================= ================== Signal Dir Width Description ============== === ======================= ================== rx_ptp_clk in PORT_COUNT clock for PTP time rx_ptp_rst in PORT_COUNT reset for PTP time rx_ptp_ts_96 out PORT_COUNT*PTP_TS_WIDTH current PTP time rx_ptp_ts_step out PORT_COUNT PTP clock step ============== === ======================= ================== .. object:: s_axis_rx Streaming receive data from network, one AXI stream interface per port. .. table:: ================ === ============================= ================== Signal Dir Width Description ================ === ============================= ================== s_axis_rx_tdata in PORT_COUNT*AXIS_DATA_WIDTH Streaming data s_axis_rx_tkeep in PORT_COUNT*AXIS_KEEP_WIDTH Byte enable s_axis_rx_tvalid in PORT_COUNT Data valid s_axis_rx_tready out PORT_COUNT Ready for data s_axis_rx_tlast in PORT_COUNT End of frame s_axis_rx_tuser in PORT_COUNT*AXIS_TX_USER_WIDTH Sideband data ================ === ============================= ================== ``s_axis_rx_tuser`` bits, per port .. table:: ============== ========= ============ ============= Bit Name Width Description ============== ========= ============ ============= 0 bad_frame 1 Invalid frame PTP_TS_WIDTH:1 ptp_ts PTP_TS_WIDTH PTP timestamp ============== ========= ============ ============= .. object:: s_axis_stat Statistics increment input .. table:: ================== === ============== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ================== === ============== =================== s_axis_stat_tdata in STAT_INC_WIDTH Statistic increment s_axis_stat_tid in STAT_ID_WIDTH Statistic ID s_axis_stat_tvalid in 1 Statistic valid s_axis_stat_tready out 1 Statistic ready ================== === ============== =================== .. object:: app_gpio Application section GPIO .. table:: ============ === ================== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ============ === ================== =================== app_gpio_in in APP_GPIO_IN_WIDTH GPIO inputs app_gpio_out out APP_GPIO_OUT_WIDTH GPIO outputs ============ === ================== =================== .. object:: app_jtag Application section JTAG scan chain .. table:: ============ === ===== =================== Signal Dir Width Description ============ === ===== =================== app_jtag_tdi in 1 JTAG TDI app_jtag_tdo out 1 JTAG TDO app_jtag_tms in 1 JTAG TMS app_jtag_tck in 1 JTAG TCK ============ === ===== ===================