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synced 2025-01-24 21:52:56 +08:00
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33 lines
846 B
from __future__ import generators
from myhdl import Signal, delay, posedge, now, Simulation
def clkGen(clock, period=20):
lowTime = int(period/2)
highTime = period - lowTime
while 1:
yield delay(lowTime)
clock.next = 1
yield delay(highTime)
clock.next = 0
def sayHello(clock, to="World!"):
while 1:
yield posedge(clock)
print "%s Hello %s" % (now(), to)
def greetings():
clk1 = Signal(0)
clk2 = Signal(0)
clkGen1 = clkGen(clk1) # positional and default association
clkGen2 = clkGen(clock=clk2, period=19) # named assocation
sayHello1 = sayHello(clock=clk1) # named and default association
sayHello2 = sayHello(to="MyHDL", clock=clk2) # named assocation
return clkGen1, clkGen2, sayHello1, sayHello2
sim = Simulation(greetings())