mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 21:52:56 +08:00
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import os
path = os.path
from myhdl import *
from myhdl.test import verifyConversion
# SEARCH, CONFIRM, SYNC = range(3)
ACTIVE_LOW = bool(0)
t_State_b = enum('SEARCH', 'CONFIRM', 'SYNC')
t_State_oh = enum('SEARCH', 'CONFIRM', 'SYNC', encoding="one_hot")
t_State_oc = enum('SEARCH', 'CONFIRM', 'SYNC', encoding="one_cold")
def FramerCtrl(SOF, state, syncFlag, clk, reset_n, t_State):
""" Framing control FSM.
SOF -- start-of-frame output bit
state -- FramerState output
syncFlag -- sync pattern found indication input
clk -- clock input
reset_n -- active low reset
index = Signal(intbv(0)[8:]) # position in frame
@always(clk.posedge, reset_n.negedge)
def FSM():
if reset_n == ACTIVE_LOW:
SOF.next = 0
index.next = 0
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
index.next = (index + 1) % FRAME_SIZE
SOF.next = 0
if state == t_State.SEARCH:
index.next = 1
if syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.CONFIRM
elif state == t_State.CONFIRM:
if index == 0:
if syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.SYNC
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
elif state == t_State.SYNC:
if index == 0:
if not syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
SOF.next = (index == FRAME_SIZE-1)
raise ValueError("Undefined state")
return FSM
def FramerCtrl_alt(SOF, state, syncFlag, clk, reset_n, t_State):
""" Framing control FSM.
SOF -- start-of-frame output bit
state -- FramerState output
syncFlag -- sync pattern found indication input
clk -- clock input
reset_n -- active low reset
def FSM():
index = intbv(0)[8:] # position in frame
state_var = t_State.SEARCH
while True:
yield clk.posedge, reset_n.negedge
if reset_n == ACTIVE_LOW:
SOF.next = 0
index[:] = 0
state_var = t_State.SEARCH
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
SOF_var = 0
if state == t_State.SEARCH:
index[:] = 0
if syncFlag:
state_var = t_State.CONFIRM
elif state == t_State.CONFIRM:
if index == 0:
if syncFlag:
state_var = t_State.SYNC
state_var = t_State.SEARCH
elif state == t_State.SYNC:
if index == 0:
if not syncFlag:
state_var = t_State.SEARCH
SOF_var = (index == FRAME_SIZE-1)
raise ValueError("Undefined state")
index[:]= (index + 1) % FRAME_SIZE
SOF.next = SOF_var
state.next = state_var
FSM_1 = FSM()
return FSM_1
def FramerCtrl_ref(SOF, state, syncFlag, clk, reset_n, t_State):
""" Framing control FSM.
SOF -- start-of-frame output bit
state -- FramerState output
syncFlag -- sync pattern found indication input
clk -- clock input
reset_n -- active low reset
index = intbv(0, min=0, max=8) # position in frame
while 1:
yield clk.posedge, reset_n.negedge
if reset_n == ACTIVE_LOW:
SOF.next = 0
index[:] = 0
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
SOF.next = 0
if state == t_State.SEARCH:
index[:] = 0
if syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.CONFIRM
elif state == t_State.CONFIRM:
if index == 0:
if syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.SYNC
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
elif state == t_State.SYNC:
if index == 0:
if not syncFlag:
state.next = t_State.SEARCH
SOF.next = (index == FRAME_SIZE-1)
raise ValueError("Undefined state")
index[:]= (index + 1) % FRAME_SIZE
def FSMBench(FramerCtrl, t_State):
SOF = Signal(bool(0))
SOF_v = Signal(bool(0))
syncFlag = Signal(bool(0))
clk = Signal(bool(0))
reset_n = Signal(bool(1))
state = Signal(t_State.SEARCH)
state_v = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
framerctrl_inst = FramerCtrl(SOF, state, syncFlag, clk, reset_n, t_State)
def clkgen():
clk.next = 0
reset_n.next = 1
yield delay(10)
reset_n.next = 0
yield delay(10)
reset_n.next = 1
yield delay(10)
for i in range(1000):
yield delay(10)
clk.next = not clk
table = (12, 8, 8, 4, 11, 8, 8, 7, 6, 8, 8)
def stimulus():
for i in range(3):
yield clk.posedge
for i in range(len(table)):
n = table[i]
syncFlag.next = 1
yield clk.posedge
syncFlag.next = 0
for i in range(n-1):
yield clk.posedge
raise StopSimulation
def check():
while True:
yield clk.negedge
print state
# print clk
# print state
# print "MyHDL: %s %s" % (SOF, hex(state))
# print "Verilog: %s %s" % (SOF_v, hex(state_v))
return framerctrl_inst, clkgen(), stimulus(), check()
verifyConversion(FSMBench, FramerCtrl, t_State_b)
## def testRef(self):
## for t_State in (t_State_b, t_State_oc, t_State_oh):
## tb_fsm = self.bench(FramerCtrl_ref, t_State)
## sim = Simulation(tb_fsm)
## sim.run()
## def testAlt(self):
## for t_State in (t_State_b, t_State_oc, t_State_oh):
## tb_fsm = self.bench(FramerCtrl_alt, t_State)
## sim = Simulation(tb_fsm)
## sim.run()
## def testDoc(self):
## tb_fsm = self.bench(FramerCtrl, t_State_oh)
## sim = Simulation(tb_fsm)
## sim.run()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
import sys
import os
path = os.path
import unittest
from unittest import TestCase
import random
from random import randrange
from myhdl import *
from myhdl.test import verifyConversion
ACTIVE_LOW, INACTIVE_HIGH = bool(0), bool(1)
def incRef(count, enable, clock, reset, n):
""" Incrementer with enable.
count -- output
enable -- control input, increment when 1
clock -- clock input
reset -- asynchronous reset input
n -- counter max value
while 1:
yield clock.posedge, reset.negedge
if reset == ACTIVE_LOW:
count.next = 0
if enable:
count.next = (count + 1) % n
def inc(count, enable, clock, reset, n):
""" Incrementer with enable.
count -- output
enable -- control input, increment when 1
clock -- clock input
reset -- asynchronous reset input
n -- counter max value
@always(clock.posedge, reset.negedge)
def incProcess():
if reset == ACTIVE_LOW:
count.next = 0
if enable:
count.next = (count + 1) % n
return incProcess
def inc2(count, enable, clock, reset, n):
@always(clock.posedge, reset.negedge)
def incProcess():
if reset == ACTIVE_LOW:
count.next = 0
if enable:
if count == n-1:
count.next = 0
count.next = count + 1
return incProcess
def incTask(count, enable, clock, reset, n):
def incTaskFunc(cnt, enable, reset, n):
if enable:
cnt[:] = (cnt + 1) % n
def incTaskGen():
cnt = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield clock.posedge, reset.negedge
if reset == ACTIVE_LOW:
cnt[:] = 0
count.next = 0
# print count
incTaskFunc(cnt, enable, reset, n)
count.next = cnt
return incTaskGen
def incTaskFreeVar(count, enable, clock, reset, n):
def incTaskFunc():
if enable:
count.next = (count + 1) % n
@always(clock.posedge, reset.negedge)
def incTaskGen():
if reset == ACTIVE_LOW:
count.next = 0
# print count
return incTaskGen
def tb_inc():
m = 8
n = 2 ** m
count = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
count_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
enable = Signal(bool(0))
clock, reset = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(2)]
inc_inst = inc(count, enable, clock, reset, n=n)
def clockgen():
clock.next = 0
for i in range(NR_CYCLES):
yield delay(10)
clock.next = not clock
def monitor():
reset.next = 0
enable.next = 1
yield clock.negedge
reset.next = 1
yield clock.negedge
while True:
yield clock.negedge
print count
return inc_inst, clockgen, monitor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
import os
path = os.path
import random
from random import randrange
from myhdl import *
from myhdl.test import verifyConversion
def binaryOps(
left, right):
while 1:
yield left, right
## Bitand.next = left & right
## Bitor.next = left | right
## Bitxor.next = left ^ right
## if right != 0:
## FloorDiv.next = left // right
## if left < 256 and right < 40:
## LeftShift.next = left << right
## if right != 0:
## Modulo.next = left % right
## Mul.next = left * right
# Icarus doesn't support ** yet
#if left < 256 and right < 40:
# Pow.next = left ** right
## Pow.next = 0
## RightShift.next = left >> right
if left >= right:
Sub.next = left - right
Sum.next = left + right
EQ.next = left == right
NE.next = left != right
LT.next = left < right
GT.next = left > right
LE.next = left <= right
GE.next = left >= right
## Booland.next = bool(left) and bool(right)
## Boolor.next = bool(left) or bool(right)
def binaryBench(m, n):
M = 2**m
N = 2**n
P = min(M, N)
left = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
right = Signal(intbv(0)[n:])
Bitand = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
Bitor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
Bitxor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
FloorDiv = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
LeftShift = Signal(intbv(0)[64:])
Modulo = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
Mul = Signal(intbv(0)[m+n:])
Pow = Signal(intbv(0)[64:])
RightShift = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
Sub = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
Sum = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n)+1:])
EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(6)]
Booland, Boolor = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(2)]
binops = binaryOps(Bitand,
left, right)
def stimulus():
## for i in range(P):
## print i
## left.next = intbv(i)
## right.next = intbv(i)
## yield delay(10)
## for i in range(100):
## left.next = randrange(M)
## right.next = randrange(N)
## yield delay(10)
left.next = 1
right.next = 1
yield delay(10)
left.next = 0
right.next = 0
yield delay(10)
left.next = 0
right.next = N-1
yield delay(10)
left.next = M-1
right.next = 0
yield delay(10)
left.next = M-1
right.next = N-1
# raise StopSimulation
def check():
while True:
yield left, right
yield delay(1)
# print "%s %s %s %s" % (left, right, Boolor, Boolor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitand, Bitand_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitor, Bitor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitxor, Bitxor_v)
## self.assertEqual(FloorDiv, FloorDiv_v)
## self.assertEqual(LeftShift, LeftShift_v)
## self.assertEqual(Modulo, Modulo_v)
## self.assertEqual(Mul, Mul_v)
## # self.assertEqual(Pow, Pow_v)
## self.assertEqual(RightShift, RightShift_v)
## self.assertEqual(Sub, Sub_v)
## self.assertEqual(Sum, Sum_v)
print Sum
## self.assertEqual(EQ, EQ_v)
## self.assertEqual(NE, NE_v)
## self.assertEqual(LT, LT_v)
## self.assertEqual(GT, GT_v)
## self.assertEqual(LE, LE_v)
## self.assertEqual(GE, GE_v)
## self.assertEqual(Booland, Booland_v)
## self.assertEqual(Boolor, Boolor_v)
return binops, stimulus(), check()
for m, n in ((4, 4,), (5, 3), (2, 6), (8, 7)):
verifyConversion(binaryBench, m, n)
## def multiOps(
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## Booland,
## Boolor,
## argm, argn, argp):
## while 1:
## yield argm, argn, argp
## Bitand.next = argm & argn & argp
## Bitor.next = argm | argn | argp
## Bitxor.next = argm ^ argn ^ argp
## Booland.next = bool(argm) and bool(argn) and bool(argp)
## Boolor.next = bool(argm) and bool(argn) and bool(argp)
## def multiOps_v( name,
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## Booland,
## Boolor,
## argm, argn, argp):
## return setupCosimulation(**locals())
## class TestMultiOps(TestCase):
## def multiBench(self, m, n, p):
## M = 2**m
## N = 2**n
## P = 2**p
## argm = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## argn = Signal(intbv(0)[n:])
## argp = Signal(intbv(0)[p:])
## Bitand = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Bitand_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Bitor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Bitor_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Bitxor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Bitxor_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n, p):])
## Booland, Boolor = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(2)]
## Booland_v, Boolor_v, = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(2)]
## multiops = toVerilog(multiOps,
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## Booland,
## Boolor,
## argm, argn, argp)
## multiops_v = multiOps_v(multiOps.func_name,
## Bitand_v,
## Bitor_v,
## Bitxor_v,
## Booland_v,
## Boolor_v,
## argm, argn, argp)
## def stimulus():
## for i in range(min(M, N, P)):
## # print i
## argm.next = intbv(i)
## argn.next = intbv(i)
## argp.next = intbv(i)
## yield delay(10)
## for i in range(100):
## argm.next = randrange(M)
## argn.next = randrange(N)
## argp.next = randrange(P)
## yield delay(10)
## for j, k, l in ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, P-1), (0, N-1, P-1),
## (M-1, 0, 0), (M-1, 0, P-1), (M-1, N-1, 0),
## (0, N-1, 0), (M-1, N-1, P-1)):
## argm.next = j
## argn.next = k
## argp.next = l
## yield delay(10)
## def check():
## while 1:
## yield argm, argn, argp
## yield delay(1)
## # print "%s %s %s %s %s" % (argm, argn, argp, Bitxor, Bitxor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitand, Bitand_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitor, Bitor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitxor, Bitxor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Booland, Booland_v)
## self.assertEqual(Boolor, Boolor_v)
## return multiops, multiops_v, stimulus(), check()
## def testMultiOps(self):
## for m, n, p in ((4, 4, 4,), (5, 3, 2), (3, 4, 6), (3, 7, 4)):
## sim = self.multiBench(m, n, p)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def unaryOps(
## Not,
## Invert,
## UnaryAdd,
## UnarySub,
## arg):
## while 1:
## yield arg
## Not.next = not arg
## Invert.next = ~arg
## UnaryAdd.next = +arg
## UnarySub.next = --arg
## def unaryOps_v(name,
## Not,
## Invert,
## UnaryAdd,
## UnarySub,
## arg):
## return setupCosimulation(**locals())
## class TestUnaryOps(TestCase):
## def unaryBench(self, m):
## M = 2**m
## arg = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## Not = Signal(bool(0))
## Not_v = Signal(bool(0))
## Invert = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## Invert_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## UnaryAdd = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## UnaryAdd_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## UnarySub = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## UnarySub_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## unaryops = toVerilog(unaryOps,
## Not,
## Invert,
## UnaryAdd,
## UnarySub,
## arg)
## unaryops_v = unaryOps_v(unaryOps.func_name,
## Not_v,
## Invert_v,
## UnaryAdd_v,
## UnarySub_v,
## arg)
## def stimulus():
## for i in range(M):
## arg.next = intbv(i)
## yield delay(10)
## for i in range(100):
## arg.next = randrange(M)
## yield delay(10)
## raise StopSimulation
## def check():
## while 1:
## yield arg
## yield delay(1)
## self.assertEqual(Not, Not_v)
## self.assertEqual(Invert, Invert_v)
## self.assertEqual(UnaryAdd, UnaryAdd_v)
## self.assertEqual(UnarySub, UnarySub_v)
## return unaryops, unaryops_v, stimulus(), check()
## def testUnaryOps(self):
## for m in (4, 7):
## sim = self.unaryBench(m)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def augmOps(
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## FloorDiv,
## LeftShift,
## Modulo,
## Mul,
## RightShift,
## Sub,
## Sum,
## left, right):
## var = intbv(0)[max(64, len(left) + len(right)):]
## while 1:
## yield left, right
## var[:] = left
## var &= right
## Bitand.next = var
## var[:] = left
## var |= right
## Bitor.next = var
## var[:] = left
## var ^= left
## Bitxor.next = var
## if right != 0:
## var[:] = left
## var //= right
## FloorDiv.next = var
## if left < 256 and right < 40:
## var[:] = left
## var <<= right
## LeftShift.next = var
## if right != 0:
## var[:] = left
## var %= right
## Modulo.next = var
## var[:] = left
## var *= right
## Mul.next = var
## var[:] = left
## var >>= right
## RightShift.next = var
## if left >= right:
## var[:] = left
## var -= right
## Sub.next = var
## var[:] = left
## var += right
## Sum.next = var
## def augmOps_v( name,
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## FloorDiv,
## LeftShift,
## Modulo,
## Mul,
## RightShift,
## Sub,
## Sum,
## left, right):
## return setupCosimulation(**locals())
## class TestAugmOps(TestCase):
## def augmBench(self, m, n):
## M = 2**m
## N = 2**n
## left = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## right = Signal(intbv(0)[n:])
## Bitand = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Bitand_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Bitor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Bitor_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Bitxor = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Bitxor_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## FloorDiv = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## FloorDiv_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## LeftShift = Signal(intbv(0)[64:])
## LeftShift_v = Signal(intbv(0)[64:])
## Modulo = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## Modulo_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## Mul = Signal(intbv(0)[m+n:])
## Mul_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m+n:])
## RightShift = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## RightShift_v = Signal(intbv(0)[m:])
## Sub = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Sub_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n):])
## Sum = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n)+1:])
## Sum_v = Signal(intbv(0)[max(m, n)+1:])
## augmops = toVerilog(augmOps,
## Bitand,
## Bitor,
## Bitxor,
## FloorDiv,
## LeftShift,
## Modulo,
## Mul,
## RightShift,
## Sub,
## Sum,
## left, right)
## augmops_v = augmOps_v( augmOps.func_name,
## Bitand_v,
## Bitor_v,
## Bitxor_v,
## FloorDiv_v,
## LeftShift_v,
## Modulo_v,
## Mul_v,
## RightShift_v,
## Sub_v,
## Sum_v,
## left, right)
## def stimulus():
## for i in range(min(M, N)):
## # print i
## left.next = intbv(i)
## right.next = intbv(i)
## yield delay(10)
## for i in range(100):
## left.next = randrange(M)
## right.next = randrange(N)
## yield delay(10)
## for j, k in ((0, 0), (0, N-1), (M-1, 0), (M-1, N-1)):
## left.next = j
## right.next = k
## yield delay(10)
## def check():
## while 1:
## yield left, right
## yield delay(1)
## # print "%s %s %s %s" % (left, right, Boolor, Boolor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitand, Bitand_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitor, Bitor_v)
## self.assertEqual(Bitxor, Bitxor_v)
## self.assertEqual(FloorDiv, FloorDiv_v)
## self.assertEqual(LeftShift, LeftShift_v)
## self.assertEqual(Modulo, Modulo_v)
## self.assertEqual(Mul, Mul_v)
## self.assertEqual(RightShift, RightShift_v)
## self.assertEqual(Sub, Sub_v)
## self.assertEqual(Sum, Sum_v)
## return augmops, augmops_v, stimulus(), check()
## def testAugmOps(self):
## for m, n in ((4, 4,), (5, 3), (2, 6), (8, 7)):
## sim = self.augmBench(m, n)
## Simulation(sim).run()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user