mirror of https://github.com/myhdl/myhdl.git synced 2025-01-24 21:52:56 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
jand 2006-09-01 16:18:06 +00:00
parent 0ec897431f
commit 7935f3e877
3 changed files with 536 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import os
path = os.path
from myhdl import *
from myhdl.test import verifyConversion
def bin2gray2(B, G, width):
""" Gray encoder.
B -- input intbv signal, binary encoded
G -- output intbv signal, gray encoded
width -- bit width
Bext = intbv(0)[width+1:]
while 1:
yield B
Bext[:] = B
for i in range(width):
G.next[i] = Bext[i+1] ^ Bext[i]
def bin2gray(B, G, width):
""" Gray encoder.
B -- input intbv signal, binary encoded
G -- output intbv signal, gray encoded
width -- bit width
def logic():
Bext = intbv(0)[width+1:]
Bext[:] = B
for i in range(width):
G.next[i] = Bext[i+1] ^ Bext[i]
return logic
def bin2grayBench(width, bin2gray):
B = Signal(intbv(0)[width:])
G = Signal(intbv(0)[width:])
bin2gray_inst = bin2gray(B, G, width)
n = 2**width
def stimulus():
for i in range(n):
B.next = i
yield delay(10)
#print "B: " + bin(B, width) + "| G_v: " + bin(G_v, width)
#print bin(G, width)
#print bin(G_v, width)
print G
return stimulus, bin2gray_inst
## def test1(self):
## sim = self.bench(width=8, bin2gray=bin2gray)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def test2(self):
## sim = self.bench(width=8, bin2gray=bin2gray2)
## Simulation(sim).run()
verifyConversion(bin2grayBench, width=8, bin2gray=bin2gray)
verifyConversion(bin2grayBench, width=8, bin2gray=bin2gray2)

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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import os
path = os.path
from random import randrange
from myhdl import *
from myhdl.test import verifyConversion
COSET = 0x55
def calculateHecRef(header):
""" Return hec for an ATM header.
Reference version.
The hec polynomial is 1 + x + x**2 + x**8.
hec = intbv(0)
for bit in header[32:]:
hec[8:] = concat(hec[7:2],
bit ^ hec[1] ^ hec[7],
bit ^ hec[0] ^ hec[7],
bit ^ hec[7]
return hec ^ COSET
def calculateHecFunc(header):
""" Return hec for an ATM header.
Translatable version.
The hec polynomial is 1 + x + x**2 + x**8.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
for i in downrange(len(header)):
bit = header[i]
h[:] = concat(h[7:2],
bit ^ h[1] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[0] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[7]
h ^= COSET
return h
def calculateHecTask(hec, header):
""" Calculate hec for an ATM header.
Translatable version.
The hec polynomial is 1 + x + x**2 + x**8.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
for i in downrange(len(header)):
bit = header[i]
h[:] = concat(h[7:2],
bit ^ h[1] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[0] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[7]
h ^= COSET
hec[:] = h
def HecCalculatorPlain(hec, header):
""" Hec calculation module.
Plain version.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield header
h[:] = 0
for i in downrange(len(header)):
bit = header[i]
h[:] = concat(h[7:2],
bit ^ h[1] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[0] ^ h[7],
bit ^ h[7]
hec.next = h ^ COSET
def HecCalculatorFunc(hec, header):
""" Hec calculation module.
Version with function call.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield header
hec.next = calculateHecFunc(header=header)
def HecCalculatorTask(hec, header):
""" Hec calculation module.
Version with task call.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield header
calculateHecTask(h, header)
hec.next = h
def HecCalculatorTask2(hec, header):
""" Hec calculation module.
Version with task call.
h = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield header
calculateHecTask(header=header, hec=h)
hec.next = h
def HecCalculator_v(name, hec, header):
return setupCosimulation(**locals())
headers = [ 0x00000000L,
headers.extend([randrange(2**32-1) for i in range(10)])
headers = tuple(headers)
def HecBench(HecCalculator):
hec = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
hec_v = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
header = Signal(intbv(-1)[32:])
heccalc_inst = HecCalculator(hec, header)
def stimulus():
for i in range(len(headers)):
header.next = headers[i]
yield delay(10)
print hec
return stimulus, heccalc_inst
## def testPlain(self):
## sim = self.bench(HecCalculatorPlain)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def testFunc(self):
## sim = self.bench(HecCalculatorFunc)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def testTask(self):
## sim = self.bench(HecCalculatorTask)
## Simulation(sim).run()
## def testTask2(self):
## sim = self.bench(HecCalculatorTask2)
## Simulation(sim).run()
verifyConversion(HecBench, HecCalculatorPlain)

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@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
import os
path = os.path
import unittest
from random import randrange
from myhdl import *
from util import setupCosimulation
def ForLoop1(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForLoop2(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in downrange(len(a), 5):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForLoop3(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in downrange(len(a), 3, 2):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForLoop4(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForLoop5(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in range(6, len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForLoop6(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in range(5, len(a), 3):
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForContinueLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 0:
var += 1
out.next = var
def ForBreakLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
out.next = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
out.next = i
def ForBreakContinueLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
out.next = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 0:
out.next = i
def NestedForLoop1(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 0:
for j in downrange(i):
if a[j] == 0:
var +=1
out.next = var
def NestedForLoop2(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
out.next = 0
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 0:
for j in downrange(i-1):
if a[j] == 0:
out.next = j
def ReturnFromFunction(a):
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
return i
return 0
def FunctionCall(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
out.next = ReturnFromFunction(a)
# During the following check, I noticed that non-blocking assignments
# are not scheduled when a task is disabled in Icarus. Apparently
# this is one of the many vague areas in the Verilog standard.
def ReturnFromTask(a, out):
for i in downrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == 1:
out[:] = i
out[:] = 23 # to notice it
def TaskCall(a, out):
var = intbv(0)[8:]
while 1:
yield a
ReturnFromTask(a, var)
out.next = var
def WhileLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
i = len(a)-1
while i >= 0:
if a[i] == 1:
var += 1
i -= 1
out.next = var
def WhileContinueLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
i = len(a)-1
while i >= 0:
if a[i] == 0:
i -= 1
var += 1
i -= 1
out.next = var
def WhileBreakLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
i = len(a)-1
out.next = 0
while i >= 0:
if a[i] == 1:
out.next = i
i -= 1
def WhileBreakContinueLoop(a, out):
while 1:
yield a
var = 0
i = len(a)-1
out.next = 0
while i >= 0:
if a[i] == 0:
i -= 1
out.next = i
def LoopTest_v(name, a, out):
return setupCosimulation(**locals())
class TestLoops(unittest.TestCase):
def bench(self, LoopTest):
a = Signal(intbv(-1)[16:])
out_v = Signal(intbv(0)[16:])
out = Signal(intbv(0)[16:])
looptest_inst = toVerilog(LoopTest, a, out)
# looptest_inst = LoopTest(hec, header)
looptest_v_inst = LoopTest_v(LoopTest.func_name, a, out_v)
def stimulus():
for i in range(100):
a.next = randrange(2**min(i, 16))
yield delay(10)
# print "%s %s" % (out, out_v)
self.assertEqual(out, out_v)
return stimulus(), looptest_inst, looptest_v_inst
def testForLoop1(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop1)
def testForLoop2(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop2)
def testForLoop3(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop3)
def testForLoop4(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop4)
def testForLoop5(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop5)
def testForLoop6(self):
sim = self.bench(ForLoop6)
def testForContinueLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(ForContinueLoop)
def testForBreakLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(ForBreakLoop)
def testForBreakContinueLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(ForBreakContinueLoop)
def testNestedForLoop1(self):
sim = self.bench(NestedForLoop1)
def testNestedForLoop2(self):
sim = self.bench(NestedForLoop2)
def testNestedForLoop2(self):
sim = self.bench(NestedForLoop2)
def testFunctionCall(self):
sim = self.bench(FunctionCall)
def testTaskCall(self):
sim = self.bench(TaskCall)
def testWhileLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(WhileLoop)
def testWhileContinueLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(WhileContinueLoop)
def testWhileBreakLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(WhileBreakLoop)
def testWhileBreakContinueLoop(self):
sim = self.bench(WhileBreakContinueLoop)
if __name__ == '__main__':