> Since pytest-3.0, fixtures using the normal fixture decorator can use a yield statement to provide fixture values and execute teardown code, exactly like yield_fixture in previous versions.
> Marking functions as yield_fixture is still supported, but deprecated and should not be used in new code.
Fixes in
- change VHDL run command to work with mcode backend and supress metavlue warnings
- added missing args/kwargs parameter passing in VerficationClass
Additional test init_reset_tb in conversion/general/ to verify correct assisgnment of init values
in @always_seq processes with a reset
* Added test which triggers 'Part select expressions must be constant.' error message
* Added ability to make a +: operator
* Removed unnecessary print statement from test
* Changed verify to analyze
* added top-level conversion of nested Interfaces
tb_inc.v: this commit keeps popping up ...
* Added initial test for conversion of nested interfaces at the top-level
* added conversion in __main__ to allow 'visual' inspection of generated code
* corrected 'renaming' added if __name__ == '__main__': section to test locally reworked structure
* added clearing of _usednames list at start of conversion
* [ENH] Added tests for checking the VHDL code for picking up invalid names
* added check for double underscore in VHDL names
* corrected (with Henry's help) to run with Python 3.x
* added category=ToVHDLWarning in _nameValid() check
* move test for used VHDL name one level up
added a main i to run the tests manually (and debug them with print() statements ...)
* corrected invalid_function_underscore to call on invalid_signal_underscore to solicit for a double underscore
* Added VHDL Keyword check for 'enum' member names
* removed wild *myhdl* import from
* Trying to break a circular import?
* replaced wild myhdl import in by dedicated code
* desperately trying
* disabled _nameValid() to get around circular import of Instantiator
* replaced (Python keyword) *bin* by *tobin*
* Trying with an *empty* in the conversion folder
* reworked _toVHDL() method for enum
* forgot to handle *port enum*, factored code
added <if __name__ == '__main__':> conversion code to see the error(s)