\documentclass{manual} \usepackage{palatino} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt} \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{cmss} \newcommand{\myhdl}{\protect \mbox{MyHDL}} \usepackage{graphicx} \title{The \myhdl\ manual} \input{boilerplate} \makeindex \begin{document} \maketitle \input{copyright} \begin{abstract} \noindent \myhdl{} is a Python package for using Python as a hardware description and verification language. Languages such Verilog and VHDL are compiled languages. Python with \myhdl{} can be viewed as a "scripting language" counterpart of such languages. However, Python is more accurately described as a very high level language (VHLL). \myhdl{} users have access to the amazing power and elegance of Python. The key idea behind \myhdl{} is to use Python generators for modeling hardware concurrency. A generator is a resumable function with internal state. In \myhdl{}, a hardware module is modeled as a function that returns generators. With this approach, \myhdl{} directly supports features such as named port association, arrays of instances, and conditional instantiation. \myhdl{} supports the classic hardware description concepts. It provides a signal class similar to the VHDL signal, a class for bit oriented operations, and support for enumeration types. The Python \code{yield} statement is used as a general sensitivity list to wait on a signal change, an edge, a delay, or on another generator. \myhdl{} supports waveform viewing by tracing signal changes in a VCD file. Python's rare combination of power and clarity makes it ideal for high level modeling. It can be expected that \myhdl{} users will often have the ``Pythonic experience'' of finding an elegant solution to a complex modeling problem. Moreover, Python is outstanding for rapid application development and experimentation. With \myhdl{}, the Python unit test framework can be used on hardware designs. \myhdl{} can also be used as hardware verification language for VHDL and Verilog designs, by co-simulation with any simulator that has a PLI. The distribution contains a PLI module for the Icarus Verilog simulator. The \myhdl{} software is open source software. It is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \input{background.tex} \input{informal.tex} \input{modeling.tex} \input{unittest.tex} \input{cosimulation.tex} \input{reference.tex} \input{MyHDL.ind} \end{document}