.. currentmodule:: myhdl .. _intro: ********************* Introduction to MyHDL ********************* .. _intro-basic: A basic MyHDL simulation ======================== We will introduce MyHDL with a classic ``Hello World`` style example. All example code can be found in the distribution directory under :file:`example/manual/`. Here are the contents of a MyHDL\ simulation script called :file:`hello1.py`:: from myhdl import Signal, delay, always, now, Simulation def HelloWorld(): interval = delay(10) @always(interval) def sayHello(): print "%s Hello World!" % now() return sayHello inst = HelloWorld() sim = Simulation(inst) sim.run(30) When we run this simulation, we get the following output:: % python hello1.py 10 Hello World! 20 Hello World! 30 Hello World! _SuspendSimulation: Simulated 30 timesteps The first line of the script imports a number of objects from the ``myhdl`` package. In Python we can only use identifiers that are literally defined in the source file [#]_. Then, we define a function called :func:`HelloWorld`. In MyHDL, classic functions are used to model hardware modules. In particular, the parameter list is used to define the interface. In this first example, the interface is empty. .. index:: single: decorator; always Inside the top level function we declare a local function called :func:`sayHello` that defines the desired behavior. This function is decorated with an :func:`always` decorator that has a delay object as its parameter. The meaning is that the function will be executed whenever the specified delay interval has expired. Behind the curtains, the :func:`always` decorator creates a Python *generator* and reuses the name of the decorated function for it. Generators are the fundamental objects in MyHDL, and we will say much more about them further on. Finally, the top level function returns the local generator. This is the simplest case of the basic MyHDL code pattern to define the contents of a hardware module. We will describe the general case further on. In MyHDL, we create an *instance* of a hardware module by calling the corresponding function. In the example, variable ``inst`` refers to an instance of :func:`HelloWorld`. To simulate the instance, we pass it as an argument to a :class:`Simulation` object constructor. We then run the simulation for the desired amount of timesteps. .. _intro-conc: Signals, ports, and concurrency =============================== In the previous section, we simulated a design with a single generator and no concurrency. On the other hand, real hardware descriptions are typically massively concurrent. MyHDL supports this by allowing an arbitrary number of concurrently running generators. With concurrency comes the problem of deterministic communication. Hardware languages use special objects to support deterministic communication between concurrent code. In particular, MyHDL has a :class:`Signal` object which is roughly modeled after VHDL signals. We will demonstrate signals and concurrency by extending and modifying our first example. We define two hardware modules, one that drives a clock signal, and one that is sensitive to a positive edge on a clock signal:: from myhdl import Signal, delay, always, now, Simulation def ClkDriver(clk): halfPeriod = delay(10) @always(halfPeriod) def driveClk(): clk.next = not clk return driveClk def HelloWorld(clk): @always(clk.posedge) def sayHello(): print "%s Hello World!" % now() return sayHello clk = Signal(0) clkdriver_inst = ClkDriver(clk) hello_inst = HelloWorld(clk) sim = Simulation(clkdriver_inst, hello_inst) sim.run(50) .. index:: single: VHDL; signal assignment single: Verilog; non-blocking assignment The clock driver function :func:`ClkDriver` has a clock signal as its parameter. This is how a *port* is modeled in MyHDL. The function defines a generator that continuously toggles a clock signal after a certain delay. A new value of a signal is specified by assigning to its ``next`` attribute. This is the MyHDL equivalent of the VHDL signal assignment and the Verilog non-blocking assignment. .. % .. % .. index:: single: wait; for a rising edge The :func:`HelloWorld` function is modified from the first example. It now also takes a clock signal as parameter. Its generator is made sensitive to a rising edge of the clock signal. This is specified by the ``posedge`` attribute of a signal. The edge specifier is the argument of the ``always`` decorator. As a result, the decorated function will be executed on every rising clock edge. .. % The ``clk`` signal is constructed with an initial value ``0``. When creating an instance of each hardware module, the same clock signal is passed as the argument. The result is that the instances are now connected through the clock signal. The :class:`Simulation` object is constructed with the two instances. When we run the simulation, we get:: % python hello2.py 10 Hello World! 30 Hello World! 50 Hello World! _SuspendSimulation: Simulated 50 timesteps .. _intro-hier: Parameters and hierarchy ======================== We have seen that MyHDL uses functions to model hardware modules. We have also seen that ports are modeled by using signals as parameters. To make designs reusable we will also want to use other objects as parameters. For example, we can change the clock generator function to make it more general and reusable, by making the clock period parameterizable, as follows:: from myhdl import Signal, delay, instance, always, now, Simulation def ClkDriver(clk, period=20): lowTime = int(period/2) highTime = period - lowTime @instance def driveClk(): while True: yield delay(lowTime) clk.next = 1 yield delay(highTime) clk.next = 0 return driveClk In addition to the clock signal, the clock period is a parameter, with a default value of ``20``. .. index:: single: decorator; instance As the low time of the clock may differ from the high time in case of an odd period, we cannot use the :func:`always` decorator with a single delay value anymore. Instead, the :func:`driveClk` function is now a generator function with an explicit definition of the desired behavior. It is decorated with the :func:`instance` decorator. You can see that :func:`driveClk` is a generator function because it contains ``yield`` statements. When a generator function is called, it returns a generator object. This is basically what the :func:`instance` decorator does. It is less sophisticated than the :func:`always` decorator, but it can be used to create a generator from any local generator function. The ``yield`` statement is a general Python construct, but MyHDL uses it in a dedicated way. In MyHDL, it has a similar meaning as the wait statement in VHDL: the statement suspends execution of a generator, and its clauses specify the conditions on which the generator should wait before resuming. In this case, the generator waits for a certain delay. Note that to make sure that the generator runs "forever", we wrap its behavior in a ``while True`` loop. Similarly, we can define a general :func:`Hello` function as follows:: def Hello(clk, to="World!"): @always(clk.posedge) def sayHello(): print "%s Hello %s" % (now(), to) return sayHello .. index:: single: instance; defined We can create any number of instances by calling the functions with the appropriate parameters. Hierarchy can be modeled by defining the instances in a higher-level function, and returning them. This pattern can be repeated for an arbitrary number of hierarchical levels. Consequently, the general definition of a MyHDL instance is recursive: an instance is either a sequence of instances, or a generator. .. % As an example, we will create a higher-level function with four instances of the lower-level functions, and simulate it:: def greetings(): clk1 = Signal(0) clk2 = Signal(0) clkdriver_1 = ClkDriver(clk1) # positional and default association clkdriver_2 = ClkDriver(clk=clk2, period=19) # named association hello_1 = Hello(clk=clk1) # named and default association hello_2 = Hello(to="MyHDL", clk=clk2) # named association return clkdriver_1, clkdriver_2, hello_1, hello_2 inst = greetings() sim = Simulation(inst) sim.run(50) As in standard Python, positional or named parameter association can be used in instantiations, or a mix of both [#]_. All these styles are demonstrated in the example above. Named association can be very useful if there are a lot of parameters, as the argument order in the call does not matter in that case. The simulation produces the following output:: % python greetings.py 9 Hello MyHDL 10 Hello World! 28 Hello MyHDL 30 Hello World! 47 Hello MyHDL 50 Hello World! _SuspendSimulation: Simulated 50 timesteps .. warning:: Some commonly used terminology has different meanings in Python versus hardware design. Rather than artificially changing terminology, I think it's best to keep it and explicitly describing the differences. .. index:: single: module; in Python versus hardware design A :dfn:`module` in Python refers to all source code in a particular file. A module can be reused by other modules by importing. In hardware design, a module is a reusable block of hardware with a well defined interface. It can be reused in another module by :dfn:`instantiating` it. .. % .. index:: single: instance; in Python versus hardware design An :dfn:`instance` in Python (and other object-oriented languages) refers to the object created by a class constructor. In hardware design, an instance is a particular incarnation of a hardware module. .. % Normally, the meaning should be clear from the context. Occasionally, I may qualify terms with the words 'hardware' or 'MyHDL' to avoid ambiguity. .. _intro-bit: Bit oriented operations ======================= .. index:: single: intbv; basic usage Hardware design involves dealing with bits and bit-oriented operations. The standard Python type :class:`int` has most of the desired features, but lacks support for indexing and slicing. For this reason, MyHDL provides the :class:`intbv` class. The name was chosen to suggest an integer with bit vector flavor. Class :class:`intbv` works transparently with other integer-like types. Like class :class:`int`, it provides access to the underlying two's complement representation for bitwise operations. In addition, it is a mutable type that provides indexing and slicing operations, and some additional bit-oriented support such as concatenation. The simples way to create an :class:`intbv` instance is:: >>> a = intbv(24) .. index:: single: intbv; min single: intbv; max single: intbv; _nrbits Let's look at some of the attributes, namely *min*, *max*, and *_nrbits*:: >>> a.min >>> a.max >>> a._nrbits 0 With the instantiation none of those got restricted, so *min* and *max* have no values and the :class:`intbv` instance has no bit restriction, which is shown here by *_nrbits* being zero. One way to create a bit width restricted :class:`intbv` instance is by setting the *min* and *max* values with the class instantiation in the way:: >>> a = intbv(24, min=0, max=25) Note that the *max* value is excluded, so we need to specify it as 25 in order for the value to fit. Checking the attributes again:: >>> a.min 0 >>> a.max 25 >>> a._nrbits 5 We see now that based on the possible value range 0 .. 24, 5 bits are required to represent that value range. Specifying an :class:`intbv` instance with *min* and *max* values might require some getting used to for a hardware engineer who likes to think in terms of bit width and the following example shows a way how to do just that:: >>> a = intbv(24)[5:] Checking the attributes again shows:: >>> a.min 0 >>> a.max 32 >>> a._nrbits 5 Note that the *max* attribute is set to 32, as with 5 bits it is possible to represent the numbers 0 .. 31. Instantiating an :class:`intbv` this way has the disadvantage that only positive value ranges can be specified. That means when an :class:`intbv` instance should represent signed numbers, it has to be instantiated via the *min* and *max* parameters during class instantiation. This last example uses the technique of bit slicing, which actually will be explained in detail in the next section. It is shown here as it fits into the subject of creating instances of :class:`intbv`. So what happens here in detail is that first an unrestricted :class:`intbv` instance is created, like shown in the first example. Then from that instance a slice of 5 bits is taken and bound to the variable. As mentioned earlier, the slicing will be explained in detail in the next section. Here only an interesting behavior of this two step instantiation should be pointed out:: >>> a = intbv(-3)[5:] As we saw earlier, the *min* attribute is set to 0 by this type of instantiation and that should cause an exception when setting the value to a negative number. However, as the instantiation happens in two steps, what is done here actually is, that an unrestricted :class:`intbv` instance with the value -3 is create and then from that, 5 bits are sliced off and bound to ``a``. The value -3 has the binary representation of '11101' and when considering that bit pattern as unsigned value, it represent the value of 29. So checking the value of :class:`intbv` instance ``a`` shows:: >>> a intbv(29L) .. _intro-indexing: Bit indexing ------------ .. index:: single: bit indexing As an example, we will consider the design of a Gray encoder. The following code is a Gray encoder modeled in MyHDL:: from myhdl import Signal, delay, Simulation, always_comb, instance, intbv, bin def bin2gray(B, G, width): """ Gray encoder. B -- input intbv signal, binary encoded G -- output intbv signal, gray encoded width -- bit width """ @always_comb def logic(): for i in range(width): G.next[i] = B[i+1] ^ B[i] return logic This code introduces a few new concepts. The string in triple quotes at the start of the function is a :dfn:`doc string`. This is standard Python practice for structured documentation of code. .. index:: single: decorator; always_comb single: wait; for a signal value change single: combinatorial logic Furthermore, we introduce a third decorator: :func:`always_comb`. It is used with a classic function and specifies that the resulting generator should wait for a value change on any input signal. This is typically used to describe combinatorial logic. The :func:`always_comb` decorator automatically infers which signals are used as inputs. .. % .. % Finally, the code contains bit indexing operations and an exclusive-or operator as required for a Gray encoder. By convention, the lsb of an :class:`intbv` object has index ``0``. To verify the Gray encoder, we write a test bench that prints input and output for all possible input values:: def testBench(width): B = Signal(intbv(0)) G = Signal(intbv(0)) dut = bin2gray(B, G, width) @instance def stimulus(): for i in range(2**width): B.next = intbv(i) yield delay(10) print "B: " + bin(B, width) + "| G: " + bin(G, width) return dut, stimulus We use the conversion function ``bin`` to get a binary string representation of the signal values. This function is exported by the ``myhdl`` package and supplements the standard Python ``hex`` and ``oct`` conversion functions. As a demonstration, we set up a simulation for a small width:: sim = Simulation(testBench(width=3)) sim.run() The simulation produces the following output:: % python bin2gray.py B: 000 | G: 000 B: 001 | G: 001 B: 010 | G: 011 B: 011 | G: 010 B: 100 | G: 110 B: 101 | G: 111 B: 110 | G: 101 B: 111 | G: 100 StopSimulation: No more events .. _intro-slicing: Bit slicing ----------- .. index:: single: bit slicing single: concat(); example usage For a change, we will use a traditional function as an example to illustrate slicing. The following function calculates the HEC byte of an ATM header. :: from myhdl import intbv, concat COSET = 0x55 def calculateHec(header): """ Return hec for an ATM header, represented as an intbv. The hec polynomial is 1 + x + x**2 + x**8. """ hec = intbv(0) for bit in header[32:]: hec[8:] = concat(hec[7:2], bit ^ hec[1] ^ hec[7], bit ^ hec[0] ^ hec[7], bit ^ hec[7] ) return hec ^ COSET The code shows how slicing access and assignment is supported on the :class:`intbv` data type. In accordance with the most common hardware convention, and unlike standard Python, slicing ranges are downward. The code also demonstrates concatenation of :class:`intbv` objects. As in standard Python, the slicing range is half-open: the highest index bit is not included. Unlike standard Python however, this index corresponds to the *leftmost* item. Both indices can be omitted from the slice. If the leftmost index is omitted, the meaning is to access "all" higher order bits. If the rightmost index is omitted, it is ``0`` by default. The half-openness of a slice may seem awkward at first, but it helps to avoid one-off count issues in practice. For example, the slice ``hex[8:]`` has exactly ``8`` bits. Likewise, the slice ``hex[7:2]`` has ``7-2=5`` bits. You can think about it as follows: for a slice ``[i:j]``, only bits below index ``i`` are included, and the bit with index ``j`` is the last bit included. When an :class:`intbv` object is sliced, a new :class:`intbv` object is returned. This new :class:`intbv` object is always positive, even when the original object was negative. .. index:: single: intbv; min single: intbv; max single: intbv; _nrbits Take the following example of a range restricted :class:`intbv` instance:: >>> a = intbv(6,min=-8,max=8) >>> a._nrbits 4 >>> b = a[4:] >>> b intbv(6L) >>> b.min 0 >>> b.max 16 The value is set to 6 and the range to -8 ... 7. Note that the max value is excluded. Checking the bit width with the *_nrbits* attribute shows that it occupies 4 bits. If we slice now all bits, by using the convention a[4:], which means to slice the 4 lsb bits, the returned :class:`intbv` instance will still have 4 bits, the value will not change, but the range will change to min=0 and max=16. One thing to note here is that unlike bit width specified variables, :class:`intbv` instances can be constructed with asymmetric value range. Let's do a small variation to the above example:: >>> a = intbv(6,min=-4,max=8) >>> a._nrbits 4 The lower range got reduced to -4, but looking at the required number of bits, there are still 4 bits necessary to represent the value range. Let's change that and increase the number range for the negative numbers:: >>> a = intbv(6,min=-16,max=8) >>> a._nrbits 5 Here now 5 bits are necessary to represent the negative value range down to -16. The *_nrbits* used for an :class:`intbv` instance with asymmetric value range hence depends on the maximum absolute min or max value range. .. _intro-signed: Unsigned to signed conversion ----------------------------- .. index:: single: intbv; signed() When using the :class:`intbv` class with restricted bit width, the *min* and *max* attributes are used to restrict the value range. From an :class:`intbv` instance with positive and negative value range we saw in the previous section that it is possible to slice bits and the returned :class:`intbv` instance will have a positive value range. In hardware description it is sometimes desirable to have a bit vector with positive value range and create from it a bit vector that allows positive and negative value range. As an example let's take a 8 bit wide data bus that would be modeled as follows:: data_bus = intbv(0, min=0, max=256) Now consider that e.g. a complex number is transfered over this data bus. The upper 4 bits of the data bus are used to transfer the real value and the lower 4 bits for the imaginary value. As real and imaginary value have a positive and negative value range, it would be good to have a way to slice off bits and have them be considered of positive and negative value range. The ``signed`` member function of the :class:`intbv` will allow to do just that. The basic functionality of the ``signed`` member function is to classify the value of :class:`intbv` as either 'signed' or 'unsigned', based on the *min* and *max* values. If the value is classified as 'signed', the ``signed`` member function will return the value unchanged as integer value. If it is considered 'unsigned' the bits of the value, as specified by *_nrbits* are considered a two's complement number and returned as integer. That means that if the msb is set, the value is considered negative and if the msb is not set, it is considered a positive value. The msb is here specified by *_nrbits*-1. The classification is done based on the *min* and *max* attributes. The value is classified as 'unsigned' if *min* >= 0 and *max* > *min*. In all other cases the value is classified as 'signed'. Let's look at a basic example:: >>> a = intbv(12, min=0, max=16) >>> bin(a) '1100' >>> b = a.signed() >>> b -4L A 4 bits wide :class:`intbv` instance is assigned the value 12. In binary representation this is '1100', that means the msb is set. The instance is create with min=0 and max=16, which qualifies it for the value to be classified as 'unsigned' by the ``signed`` function. The function call will return the binary '1100' as two's complement value, which is -4. Note that the return type is an integer type. To come back to the initial data bus example, the ``signed`` function can be used in connection with a slice to slice the real and the imaginary part from the data bus as follows:: real = data_bus[8:4].signed() imag = data_bus[4:].signed() .. _intro-python: Some remarks on MyHDL and Python ================================ To conclude this introductory chapter, it is useful to stress that MyHDL is not a language in itself. The underlying language is Python, and MyHDL is implemented as a Python package called ``myhdl``. Moreover, it is a design goal to keep the ``myhdl`` package as minimalistic as possible, so that MyHDL descriptions are very much "pure Python". To have Python as the underlying language is significant in several ways: * Python is a very powerful high level language. This translates into high productivity and elegant solutions to complex problems. * Python is continuously improved by some very clever minds, supported by a large and fast growing user base. Python profits fully from the open source development model. * Python comes with an extensive standard library. Some functionality is likely to be of direct interest to MyHDL users: examples include string handling, regular expressions, random number generation, unit test support, operating system interfacing and GUI development. In addition, there are modules for mathematics, database connections, networking programming, internet data handling, and so on. * Python has a powerful C extension model. All built-in types are written with the same C API that is available for custom extensions. To a module user, there is no difference between a standard Python module and a C extension module --- except performance. The typical Python development model is to prototype everything in Python until the application is stable, and (only) then rewrite performance critical modules in C if necessary. .. _intro-summary: Summary and perspective ======================= Here is an overview of what we have learned in this chapter: * Generators are the basic building blocks of MyHDL models. They provide the way to model massive concurrency and sensitivity lists. * MyHDL provides decorators that create useful generators from local functions. * Hardware structure and hierarchy is described with classic Python functions. * ``Signal`` objects are used to communicate between concurrent generators. * ``intbv`` objects are used to describe bit-oriented operations. * A ``Simulation`` object is used to simulate MyHDL models. These concepts are sufficient to start describing and simulating MyHDL models. However, there is much more to MyHDL. Here is an overview of what can be learned from the following chapters: * MyHDL supports sophisticated and high level modeling techniques. This is described in Chapter :ref:`model` * MyHDL enables the use of modern software verification techniques, such as unit testing, on hardware designs. This is the topic of Chapter :ref:`unittest`. * It is possible to co-simulate MyHDL models with other HDL languages such as Verilog and VHDL. This is described in Chapter :ref:`cosim`. * Last but not least, MyHDL models can be converted to Verilog, providing a path to a silicon implementation. This is the topic of Chapter :ref:`conv`. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] The exception is the ``from module import *`` syntax, that imports all the symbols from a module. Although this is generally considered bad practice, it can be tolerated for large modules that export a lot of symbols. One may argue that ``myhdl`` falls into that category. .. [#] All positional parameters have to go before any named parameter.