from myhdl import Signal, delay, instance, always, now, Simulation def ClkDriver(clk, period=20): lowTime = int(period/2) highTime = period - lowTime @instance def driveClk(): while True: yield delay(lowTime) = 1 yield delay(highTime) = 0 return driveClk def Hello(clk, to="World!"): @always(clk.posedge) def sayHello(): print "%s Hello %s" % (now(), to) return sayHello def greetings(): clk1 = Signal(0) clk2 = Signal(0) clkdriver_1 = ClkDriver(clk1) # positional and default association clkdriver_2 = ClkDriver(clk=clk2, period=19) # named association hello_1 = Hello(clk=clk1) # named and default association hello_2 = Hello(to="MyHDL", clk=clk2) # named association return clkdriver_1, clkdriver_2, hello_1, hello_2 def main(): inst = greetings() sim = Simulation(inst) if __name__ == '__main__': main()