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# This file is part of the myhdl library, a Python package for using
# Python as a Hardware Description Language.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Jan Decaluwe
# The myhdl library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
""" Block with the @block decorator function. """
import inspect
#from functools import wraps
import functools
import myhdl
from myhdl import BlockError, BlockInstanceError, Cosimulation
from myhdl._instance import _Instantiator
from myhdl._util import _flatten
from myhdl._extractHierarchy import (_makeMemInfo,
_UserVerilogCode, _UserVhdlCode,
_UserVerilogInstance, _UserVhdlInstance)
from myhdl._Signal import _Signal, _isListOfSigs
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
class _error:
_error.ArgType = "%s: A block should return block or instantiator objects"
_error.InstanceError = "%s: subblock %s should be encapsulated in a block decorator"
class _CallInfo(object):
def __init__(self, name, modctxt, symdict):
self.name = name
self.modctxt = modctxt
self.symdict = symdict
def _getCallInfo():
"""Get info on the caller of a BlockInstance.
A BlockInstance should be used in a block context.
This function gets the required info from the caller
It uses the frame stack:
0: this function
1: block instance constructor
2: the decorator function call
3: the function that defines instances
4: the caller of the block function, e.g. a BlockInstance.
stack = inspect.stack()
# caller may be undefined if instantiation from a Python module
callerrec = None
funcrec = stack[3]
name = funcrec[3]
if len(stack) > 4:
callerrec = stack[4]
# special case for list comprehension's extra scope in PY3
if name == '<listcomp>':
funcrec = stack[4]
if len(stack) > 5:
callerrec = stack[5]
name = funcrec[3]
frame = funcrec[0]
symdict = dict(frame.f_globals)
modctxt = False
if callerrec is not None:
f_locals = callerrec[0].f_locals
if 'self' in f_locals:
modctxt = isinstance(f_locals['self'], _Block)
return _CallInfo(name, modctxt, symdict)
### I don't think this is the right place for uniqueifying the name.
### This seems to me to be a conversion concern, not a block concern, and
### there should not be the corresponding global state to be maintained here.
### The name should be whatever it is, which is then uniqueified at
### conversion time. Perhaps this happens already (FIXME - check and fix)
### ~ H Gomersall 24/11/2017
_inst_name_set = set()
_name_set = set()
def _uniqueify_name(proposed_name):
'''Creates a unique block name from the proposed name by appending
a suitable number to the end. Every name this function returns is
assumed to be used, so will not be returned again.
n = 0
while proposed_name in _name_set:
proposed_name = proposed_name + '_' + str(n)
n += 1
return proposed_name
class _bound_function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, bound_func, srcfile, srcline):
self.srcfile = srcfile
self.srcline = srcline
self.bound_func = bound_func
functools.update_wrapper(self, bound_func)
self.calls = 0
# register the block
self.name_prefix = None
self.name = None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
name = (
self.name_prefix + '_' + self.bound_func.__name__ +
self.calls += 1
# See concerns above about uniqueifying
name = _uniqueify_name(name)
return _Block(self.bound_func, self, name, self.srcfile,
self.srcline, *args, **kwargs)
class block(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.srcfile = inspect.getsourcefile(func)
self.srcline = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]
self.func = func
functools.update_wrapper(self, func)
self.calls = 0
self.name = None
# register the block
self.bound_functions = WeakValueDictionary()
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
bound_key = (id(instance), id(owner))
if bound_key not in self.bound_functions:
bound_func = self.func.__get__(instance, owner)
function_wrapper = _bound_function_wrapper(
bound_func, self.srcfile, self.srcline)
self.bound_functions[bound_key] = function_wrapper
proposed_inst_name = owner.__name__ + '0'
n = 1
while proposed_inst_name in _inst_name_set:
proposed_inst_name = owner.__name__ + str(n)
n += 1
function_wrapper.name_prefix = proposed_inst_name
function_wrapper = self.bound_functions[bound_key]
bound_func = self.bound_functions[bound_key]
return function_wrapper
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
name = self.func.__name__ + str(self.calls)
self.calls += 1
# See concerns above about uniqueifying
name = _uniqueify_name(name)
return _Block(self.func, self, name, self.srcfile,
self.srcline, *args, **kwargs)
class _Block(object):
def __init__(self, func, deco, name, srcfile, srcline, *args, **kwargs):
calls = deco.calls
self.func = func
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
callinfo = _getCallInfo()
self.callinfo = callinfo
self.modctxt = callinfo.modctxt
self.callername = callinfo.name
self.symdict = None
self.sigdict = {}
self.memdict = {}
self.name = self.__name__ = name
# flatten, but keep BlockInstance objects
self.subs = _flatten(func(*args, **kwargs))
self.verilog_code = self.vhdl_code = None
self.sim = None
if hasattr(deco, 'verilog_code'):
self.verilog_code = _UserVerilogCode(deco.verilog_code, self.symdict, func.__name__,
func, srcfile, srcline)
if hasattr(deco, 'vhdl_code'):
self.vhdl_code = _UserVhdlCode(deco.vhdl_code, self.symdict, func.__name__,
func, srcfile, srcline)
if hasattr(deco, 'verilog_instance'):
self.verilog_code = _UserVerilogInstance(deco.vhdl_instance, self.symdict, func.__name__,
func, srcfile, srcline)
if hasattr(deco, 'vhdl_instance'):
self.vhdl_code = _UserVhdlInstance(deco.vhdl_instance, self.symdict, func.__name__,
func, srcfile, srcline)
self._config_sim = {'trace': False}
def _verifySubs(self):
for inst in self.subs:
if not isinstance(inst, (_Block, _Instantiator, Cosimulation)):
raise BlockError(_error.ArgType % (self.name,))
if isinstance(inst, (_Block, _Instantiator)):
if not inst.modctxt:
raise BlockError(_error.InstanceError % (self.name, inst.callername))
def _updateNamespaces(self):
# dicts to keep track of objects used in Instantiator objects
usedsigdict = {}
usedlosdict = {}
for inst in self.subs:
# the symdict of a block instance is defined by
# the call context of its instantiations
if isinstance(inst, Cosimulation):
continue # ignore
if self.symdict is None:
self.symdict = inst.callinfo.symdict
if isinstance(inst, _Instantiator):
if self.symdict is None:
self.symdict = {}
# Special case: due to attribute reference transformation, the
# sigdict and losdict from Instantiator objects may contain new
# references. Therefore, update the symdict with them.
# To be revisited.
# Infer sigdict and memdict, with compatibility patches from _extractHierarchy
for n, v in self.symdict.items():
if isinstance(v, _Signal):
self.sigdict[n] = v
if n in usedsigdict:
if _isListOfSigs(v):
m = _makeMemInfo(v)
self.memdict[n] = m
if n in usedlosdict:
m._used = True
def _inferInterface(self):
from myhdl.conversion._analyze import _analyzeTopFunc
intf = _analyzeTopFunc(self.func, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
self.argnames = intf.argnames
self.argdict = intf.argdict
# Public methods
# The puropse now is to define the API, optimizations later
def _clear(self):
""" Clear a number of 'global' attributes.
This is a workaround function for cleaning up before converts.
# workaround: elaborate again for the side effect on signal attibutes
self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
# reset number of calls in all blocks
for b in myhdl._simulator._blocks:
b.calls = 0
def verify_convert(self):
return myhdl.conversion.verify(self)
def analyze_convert(self):
return myhdl.conversion.analyze(self)
def convert(self, hdl='Verilog', **kwargs):
"""Converts this BlockInstance to another HDL
hdl (Optional[str]): Target HDL. Defaults to Verilog
path (Optional[str]): Destination folder. Defaults to current
working dir.
name (Optional[str]): Module and output file name. Defaults to
trace(Optional[bool]): Verilog only. Whether the testbench should
dump all signal waveforms. Defaults to False.
testbench (Optional[bool]): Verilog only. Specifies whether a
testbench should be created. Defaults to True.
timescale(Optional[str]): Verilog only. Defaults to '1ns/10ps'
if hdl.lower() == 'vhdl':
converter = myhdl.conversion._toVHDL.toVHDL
elif hdl.lower() == 'verilog':
converter = myhdl.conversion._toVerilog.toVerilog
raise BlockInstanceError('unknown hdl %s' % hdl)
conv_attrs = {}
if 'name' in kwargs:
conv_attrs['name'] = kwargs.pop('name')
conv_attrs['directory'] = kwargs.pop('path', '')
if hdl.lower() == 'verilog':
conv_attrs['no_testbench'] = not kwargs.pop('testbench', True)
conv_attrs['timescale'] = kwargs.pop('timescale', '1ns/10ps')
conv_attrs['trace'] = kwargs.pop('trace', False)
for k, v in conv_attrs.items():
setattr(converter, k, v)
return converter(self)
def config_sim(self, trace=False, **kwargs) :
self._config_sim['trace'] = trace
if trace:
for k, v in kwargs.items() :
setattr(myhdl.traceSignals, k, v)
def run_sim(self, duration=None, quiet=0):
if self.sim is None:
sim = self
#if self._config_sim['trace']:
# sim = myhdl.traceSignals(self)
self.sim = myhdl._Simulation.Simulation(sim)
self.sim.run(duration, quiet)
def quit_sim(self):
if self.sim is not None: