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synced 2025-01-24 21:52:56 +08:00
* Updating uart_tx example to use @block decorator and new API. * Removed wildcard import of myhdl. * Removed unnecessary import myhdl.
115 lines
2.8 KiB
115 lines
2.8 KiB
from myhdl import always, always_seq, block, delay, enum, instance, intbv, ResetSignal, Signal, StopSimulation
def uart_tx(tx_bit, tx_valid, tx_byte, tx_clk, tx_rst):
index = Signal(intbv(0, min=0, max=8))
st = enum('IDLE', 'START', 'DATA')
state = Signal(st.IDLE)
@always(tx_clk.posedge, tx_rst.negedge)
def fsm():
if tx_rst == 0:
tx_bit.next = 1
index.next = 0
state.next = st.IDLE
if state == st.IDLE:
tx_bit.next = 1
if tx_valid: # a pulse
state.next = st.START
elif state == st.START:
tx_bit.next = 0
index.next = 7
state.next = st.DATA
elif state == st.DATA:
tx_bit.next = tx_byte[index]
if index == 0:
state.next = st.IDLE
index.next = index - 1
return fsm
def uart_tx_2(tx_bit, tx_valid, tx_byte, tx_clk, tx_rst):
index = Signal(intbv(0, min=0, max=8))
st = enum('IDLE', 'START', 'DATA')
state = Signal(st.IDLE)
@always_seq(tx_clk.posedge, reset=tx_rst)
def fsm():
if state == st.IDLE:
tx_bit.next = 1
if tx_valid: # a pulse
state.next = st.START
elif state == st.START:
tx_bit.next = 0
index.next = 7
state.next = st.DATA
elif state == st.DATA:
tx_bit.next = tx_byte[index]
if index == 0:
state.next = st.IDLE
index.next = index - 1
return fsm
def tb(uart_tx):
tx_bit = Signal(bool(1))
tx_valid = Signal(bool(0))
tx_byte = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
tx_clk = Signal(bool(0))
# tx_rst = Signal(bool(1))
tx_rst = ResetSignal(1, active=0, isasync=True)
uart_tx_inst = uart_tx(tx_bit, tx_valid, tx_byte, tx_clk, tx_rst)
# toVerilog(uart_tx, tx_bit, tx_valid, tx_byte, tx_clk, tx_rst)
def clk_gen():
tx_clk.next = not tx_clk
def stimulus():
tx_rst.next = 1
yield delay(100)
tx_rst.next = 0
yield delay(100)
tx_rst.next = 1
yield delay(100)
for v in (0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa):
yield tx_clk.negedge
tx_byte.next = v
tx_valid.next = 1
yield tx_clk.negedge
tx_valid.next = 0
yield delay(16 * 20)
raise StopSimulation
return clk_gen, stimulus, uart_tx_inst
dut = uart_tx_2
inst = tb(dut)