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//# Function: 8:1 one hot mux #
//# Author: Andreas Olofsson #
//# License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #
module oh_mux8 #(parameter N = 1 ) // width of mux
input sel7,
input sel6,
input sel5,
input sel4,
input sel3,
input sel2,
input sel1,
input sel0,
input [N-1:0] in7,
input [N-1:0] in6,
input [N-1:0] in5,
input [N-1:0] in4,
input [N-1:0] in3,
input [N-1:0] in2,
input [N-1:0] in1,
input [N-1:0] in0,
output [N-1:0] out //selected data output
assign out[N-1:0] = ({(N){sel0}} & in0[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel1}} & in1[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel2}} & in2[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel3}} & in3[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel4}} & in4[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel5}} & in5[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel6}} & in6[N-1:0] |
{(N){sel7}} & in7[N-1:0]);
endmodule // oh_mux8