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create_project -force project_ipi ./project_ipi -part xc7z020clg400-1
set_property target_language Verilog [current_project]
# Create Report/Results Directory
set report_dir ./reports
set results_dir ./results
if ![file exists $report_dir] {file mkdir $report_dir}
if ![file exists $results_dir] {file mkdir $results_dir}
# Add Interfaces to IP Repository
set interfaces_repo_dir ../interfaces_repository
set ip_repo_paths [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
set_property ip_repo_paths "$interfaces_repo_dir $ip_repo_paths" [current_project]
# Add HLS IPs to IP Repository
set hls_ip_repo_dir ../hls_ip_repository
set ip_repo_paths [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
set_property ip_repo_paths "$hls_ip_repo_dir $ip_repo_paths" [current_project]
# Add eLink IP to IP Repository
set elink_ip_repo_dir ../elink_ip_repository
set ip_repo_paths [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
set_property ip_repo_paths "$elink_ip_repo_dir $ip_repo_paths" [current_project]
# Add ADI IPs to IP Repository
set adi_ip_repo_dir ../adi_ip_repository
set ip_repo_paths [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]
set_property ip_repo_paths "$adi_ip_repo_dir $ip_repo_paths" [current_project]
# Create Block Design
create_bd_design "parallella_bd"
source ./scripts/parallella_elink_base_bd.tcl
# Write BD TCL
write_bd_tcl -force ${results_dir}/parallella_elink_base_bd.tcl
# Create HDL Wrapper
make_wrapper -files [get_files C:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/bd/parallella_bd/parallella_bd.bd] -top
add_files -norecurse C:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/bd/parallella_bd/hdl/parallella_bd_wrapper.v
add_files -fileset constrs_1 -norecurse C:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/sources/parallella_io.xdc
add_files -fileset constrs_1 -norecurse C:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/sources/parallella_timing.xdc
# [IP_Flow 19-3298] Detected external port differences while upgrading IP 'fifo_async_104x16'. These changes may impact your design.
# [Synth 8-439] module 'erx_clocks' not found ["c:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/elink/hdl/erx.v":90]
# [Synth 8-439] module 'etx_clocks' not found ["c:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/elink/hdl/etx.v":92]
# -> Patched components.xml
# [BD 41-759] The input pins (listed below) are either not connected or do not have a source port, and they don't have a tie-off specified.
# Please check your design and connect them if needed:
# /axi_elink_0/s_axi_wid
# [IP_Flow 19-3298] Detected external port differences while upgrading IP 'fifo_async_104x16'. These changes may impact your design.
# [BD 41-759] The input pins (listed below) are either not connected or do not have a source port, and they don't have a tie-off specified.
# Please check your design and connect them if needed:
# /axi_elink_0/s_axi_wid
# [Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'fifo_async_104x16'. The XDC file c:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/xilibs/ip/fifo_async_104x16/fifo_async_104x16/fifo_async_104x16.xdc will not be read for any cell of this module.
# [Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'fifo_async_104x16'. The XDC file c:/Parallella/ipi_parallella_elink_base/project_ipi/project_ipi.srcs/sources_1/xilibs/ip/fifo_async_104x16/fifo_async_104x16/fifo_async_104x16_clocks.xdc will not be read for any cell of this module.
# Implement Design
#launch_runs synth_1
#wait_on_run synth_1
#launch_runs impl_1
#wait_on_run impl_1