2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
module fifo_async
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
// Outputs
2015-04-27 11:15:06 -04:00
full, prog_full, dout, empty, valid,
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
// Inputs
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
reset, wr_clk, rd_clk, wr_en, din, rd_en
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
parameter DW = 104;
parameter AW = 2;
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-05-01 17:58:16 -04:00
input reset; //asynchronous reset
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
input wr_clk; //write clock
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
input rd_clk; //read clock
input wr_en;
input [DW-1:0] din;
output full;
output prog_full;
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
input rd_en;
output [DW-1:0] dout;
output empty;
2015-04-27 11:15:06 -04:00
output valid;
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-27 11:15:06 -04:00
reg valid;
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
wire [DW/8-1:0] wr_vec;
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
wire [AW:0] wr_rd_gray_pointer;
wire [AW:0] rd_wr_gray_pointer;
wire [AW:0] wr_gray_pointer;
wire [AW:0] rd_gray_pointer;
wire [AW-1:0] rd_addr;
wire [AW-1:0] wr_addr;
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
assign wr_vec[DW/8-1:0] = {(DW/8){wr_en}};
2015-04-27 11:15:06 -04:00
//Valid data in FIFO
always @ (posedge rd_clk)
valid <= rd_en;
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
memory_dp #(.DW(DW),.AW(AW)) memory_dp (
// Outputs
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
.rd_data (dout[DW-1:0]),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
// Inputs
.wr_clk (wr_clk),
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
.wr_en (wr_vec[DW/8-1:0]),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.wr_addr (wr_addr[AW-1:0]),
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
.wr_data (din[DW-1:0]),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.rd_clk (rd_clk),
.rd_en (1'b1),
.rd_addr (rd_addr[AW-1:0]));
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
//Read State Machine
fifo_empty_block #(.AW(AW)) fifo_empty_block(
// Outputs
2015-04-23 18:56:49 -04:00
.rd_fifo_empty (empty),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.rd_addr (rd_addr[AW-1:0]),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.rd_clk (rd_clk),
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
.rd_read (rd_en));
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
//Write State Machine
fifo_full_block #(.AW(AW)) fifo_full_block(
// Outputs
2015-04-23 18:56:49 -04:00
.wr_fifo_full (full),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.wr_addr (wr_addr[AW-1:0]),
.wr_gray_pointer (wr_gray_pointer[AW:0]),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.wr_clk (wr_clk),
2015-04-23 18:56:49 -04:00
.wr_write (wr_en));
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
synchronizer #(.DW(AW+1)) rd2wr_sync (.out (wr_rd_gray_pointer[AW:0]),
.in (rd_gray_pointer[AW:0]),
2015-04-15 16:33:20 -04:00
.reset (reset),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.clk (wr_clk));
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
synchronizer #(.DW(AW+1)) wr2rd_sync (.out (rd_wr_gray_pointer[AW:0]),
.in (wr_gray_pointer[AW:0]),
2015-04-15 16:33:20 -04:00
.reset (reset),
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
.clk (rd_clk));
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:56:49 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
2015-04-23 17:53:22 -04:00
//insert generate FIFO
`endif // `ifdef TARGET_CLEAN
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
endmodule // fifo_async
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../../common/hdl")
// End:
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
Copyright (C) 2013 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Andreas Olofsson, Roman Trogan <support@adapteva.com>
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
2015-03-24 20:44:03 -04:00
2015-04-14 23:56:00 -04:00
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see