2016-03-21 11:25:33 -04:00
module mio (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
tx_clk, tx_access, tx_packet, rx_wait, wait_out, access_out,
packet_out, reg_wait_out, reg_access_out, reg_packet_out,
// Inputs
clk, nreset, tx_wait, rx_clk, rx_access, rx_packet, access_in,
packet_in, wait_in, reg_access_in, reg_packet_in, reg_wait_in
2016-03-21 13:50:23 -04:00
parameter AW = 32; // address width
localparam PW = 2*AW+40; // emesh packet width
parameter MPW = 128; // mio packet width (>PW)
parameter N = 8; // Mini IO width
parameter DEF_CFG = 0; // Default config
parameter DEF_CLK = 0; // Default clock
2016-03-21 11:25:33 -04:00
// reset, clk, config
input clk; // main core clock
input nreset; // async active low reset
// tx chip interface
output tx_clk; // phase shited io_clk
output tx_access; // access signal for IO
output [N-1:0] tx_packet; // packet for IO
input tx_wait; // pushback from IO
// rx chip interface
input rx_clk; // rx clock
input rx_access; // rx access
input [N-1:0] rx_packet; // rx packet
output rx_wait; // pushback from IO
// core emesh interface
input access_in; // access for tx
input [PW-1:0] packet_in; // access for tx
output wait_out; // access from tx fifo
output access_out; // access from rx
output [PW-1:0] packet_out; // packet from rx
input wait_in; // pushback for rx fifo
// register config interface
input reg_access_in; // config register access
input [PW-1:0] reg_packet_in; // config register packet
output reg_wait_out; // pushback by register read
output reg_access_out;// config readback
output [PW-1:0] reg_packet_out;// config reacback packet
input reg_wait_in; // pushback for readback
//# BODY
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire [3:0] addrincr; // From mio_if of mio_if.v
wire amode; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [7:0] clkdiv; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [15:0] clkphase0; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [15:0] clkphase1; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [4:0] ctrlmode; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [7:0] datasize; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire ddr_mode; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire [AW-1:0] dstaddr; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire emode; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire io_clk; // From oh_clockdiv of oh_clockdiv.v
wire lsbfirst; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire rx_access_io2c; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire rx_empty; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire rx_en; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire rx_full; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire [MPW-1:0] rx_packet_io2c; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire rx_prog_full; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire rx_wait_c2io; // From mio_if of mio_if.v
wire tx_access_c2io; // From mio_if of mio_if.v
wire tx_empty; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire tx_en; // From mio_regs of mio_regs.v
wire tx_full; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire [MPW-1:0] tx_packet_c2io; // From mio_if of mio_if.v
wire tx_prog_full; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
wire tx_wait_io2c; // From mio_dp of mio_dp.v
// End of automatics
/*mio_regs AUTO_TEMPLATE (.\(.*\)_out (reg_\1_out[]),
.\(.*\)_in (reg_\1_in[]),
2016-03-21 13:50:23 -04:00
mio_regs #(.AW(AW),
2016-03-21 11:25:33 -04:00
mio_regs (.dmode (),
// Outputs
.wait_out (reg_wait_out), // Templated
.access_out (reg_access_out), // Templated
.packet_out (reg_packet_out[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.tx_en (tx_en),
.rx_en (rx_en),
.ddr_mode (ddr_mode),
.emode (emode),
.amode (amode),
.datasize (datasize[7:0]),
.lsbfirst (lsbfirst),
.ctrlmode (ctrlmode[4:0]),
.dstaddr (dstaddr[AW-1:0]),
.clkdiv (clkdiv[7:0]),
.clkphase0 (clkphase0[15:0]),
.clkphase1 (clkphase1[15:0]),
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.access_in (reg_access_in), // Templated
.packet_in (reg_packet_in[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.wait_in (reg_wait_in), // Templated
.addrincr (addrincr[3:0]),
.tx_full (tx_full),
.tx_prog_full (tx_prog_full),
.tx_empty (tx_empty),
.rx_full (rx_full),
.rx_prog_full (rx_prog_full),
.rx_empty (rx_empty));
/*oh_clockdiv AUTO_TEMPLATE (
.clkout0 (io_clk),
.clkout1 (tx_clk),
.clken (tx_en),
oh_clockdiv oh_clockdiv(.clkrise0 (),
.clkfall0 (),
.clkrise1 (),
.clkfall1 (),
// Outputs
.clkout0 (io_clk), // Templated
.clkout1 (tx_clk), // Templated
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.clken (tx_en), // Templated
.clkdiv (clkdiv[7:0]),
.clkphase0 (clkphase0[15:0]),
.clkphase1 (clkphase1[15:0]));
/*mio_dp AUTO_TEMPLATE (.wait_in (rx_wait_c2io),
.wait_out (tx_wait_io2c),
.packet_out (rx_packet_io2c[MPW-1:0]),
.packet_in (tx_packet_c2io[MPW-1:0]),
.access_in (tx_access_c2io),
.\(.*\)_out (rx_\1_io2c[]),
mio_dp #(.TARGET(TARGET),
// Outputs
.tx_full (tx_full),
.tx_prog_full (tx_prog_full),
.tx_empty (tx_empty),
.rx_full (rx_full),
.rx_prog_full (rx_prog_full),
.rx_empty (rx_empty),
.tx_access (tx_access),
.tx_packet (tx_packet[N-1:0]),
.rx_wait (rx_wait),
.wait_out (tx_wait_io2c), // Templated
.access_out (rx_access_io2c), // Templated
.packet_out (rx_packet_io2c[MPW-1:0]), // Templated
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.io_clk (io_clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.datasize (datasize[7:0]),
.ddr_mode (ddr_mode),
.lsbfirst (lsbfirst),
.tx_en (tx_en),
.rx_en (rx_en),
.tx_wait (tx_wait),
.rx_clk (rx_clk),
.rx_access (rx_access),
.rx_packet (rx_packet[N-1:0]),
.access_in (tx_access_c2io), // Templated
.packet_in (tx_packet_c2io[MPW-1:0]), // Templated
.wait_in (rx_wait_c2io)); // Templated
/*mio_if AUTO_TEMPLATE (
.\(.*\)_\(.*\)_out (\1_\2_c2io[]),
.\(.*\)_\(.*\)_in (\1_\2_io2c[]),
mio_if #(.AW(AW),
mio_if (
// Outputs
.addrincr (addrincr[3:0]),
.access_out (access_out),
.packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]),
.wait_out (wait_out),
.rx_wait_out (rx_wait_c2io), // Templated
.tx_access_out (tx_access_c2io), // Templated
.tx_packet_out (tx_packet_c2io[MPW-1:0]), // Templated
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.amode (amode),
.emode (emode),
2016-03-21 13:50:23 -04:00
.lsbfirst (lsbfirst),
2016-03-21 11:25:33 -04:00
.datasize (datasize[7:0]),
.ctrlmode (ctrlmode[4:0]),
.dstaddr (dstaddr[AW-1:0]),
.wait_in (wait_in),
.access_in (access_in),
.packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]),
.rx_access_in (rx_access_io2c), // Templated
.rx_packet_in (rx_packet_io2c[MPW-1:0]), // Templated
.tx_wait_in (tx_wait_io2c)); // Templated
endmodule // mio_dp
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl" "../../common/hdl")
// End: