2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
# Create Managed IP Project
create_project -force $design $projdir -part $partname
set_property target_language Verilog [current_project]
2015-11-30 15:07:28 -05:00
set_property source_mgmt_mode None [current_project]
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
# Create filesets and add files to project
if {[string equal [get_filesets -quiet sources_1] ""]} {
create_fileset -srcset sources_1
add_files -norecurse -fileset [get_filesets sources_1] $hdl_files
2015-11-30 15:07:28 -05:00
set_property top $design [get_filesets sources_1]
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
if {[string equal [get_filesets -quiet constraints_1] ""]} {
create_fileset -constrset constraints_1
if {[llength $constraints_files] != 0} {
add_files -norecurse -fileset [get_filesets constraints_1] $constraints_files
if {[llength $ip_files] != 0} {
2017-02-10 17:00:55 +01:00
file delete -force ip_tmp
file mkdir ip_tmp
2016-01-20 21:46:48 -05:00
#Set mode for IP
foreach file $ip_files {
2017-02-10 17:00:55 +01:00
set file_name [file tail $file]
set ip_name [file rootname [file tail $file]]
set local_file ip_tmp/$file_name
# Create local copy
file copy $file ip_tmp
add_files -norecurse -fileset [get_filesets sources_1] $local_file
# Upgrade if needed
set locked [get_property IS_LOCKED [get_ips $ip_name]]
set upgrade [get_property UPGRADE_VERSIONS [get_ips $ip_name]]
if {$upgrade != "" && $locked} {
upgrade_ip [get_ips $ip_name]
2016-01-20 21:46:48 -05:00
#TODO: is this needed?
2017-02-10 17:00:55 +01:00
set local_file_obj [get_files -of_objects [get_filesets sources_1] $local_file]
set_property "synth_checkpoint_mode" "Singular" $local_file_obj
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
2016-01-20 21:46:48 -05:00
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
#TODO: How to check for this status of previous command?
2015-11-09 13:22:27 -05:00
#foreach file $ip_files {
# generate_target all [get_files $file]
# set obj [create_ip_run -force [get_files $file]]
# launch_run -jobs 2 $obj
# wait_on_run $obj
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
#set_property top $design [current_fileset]
#launch_runs synth_1 -jobs 2
#wait_on_run synth_1
# Package
2015-11-06 20:45:38 -05:00
ipx::package_project -import_files -force -root_dir $projdir
ipx::remove_memory_map {s_axi} [ipx::current_core]
ipx::add_memory_map {s_axi} [ipx::current_core]
ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -busif s_axi -clock sys_clk [ipx::current_core]
ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -busif m_axi -clock sys_clk [ipx::current_core]
set_property slave_memory_map_ref {s_axi} [ipx::get_bus_interface s_axi [ipx::current_core]]
ipx::add_address_block {axi_lite} [ipx::get_memory_map s_axi [ipx::current_core]]
set_property range {65536} [ipx::get_address_block axi_lite \
[ipx::get_memory_map s_axi [ipx::current_core]]]
set_property vendor {www.parallella.org} [ipx::current_core]
set_property library {user} [ipx::current_core]
set_property taxonomy {{/AXI_Infrastructure}} [ipx::current_core]
set_property vendor_display_name {ADAPTEVA} [ipx::current_core]
set_property company_url {www.parallella.org} [ipx::current_core]
set_property supported_families { \
2015-11-06 16:51:57 -05:00
{virtex7} {Production} \
{qvirtex7} {Production} \
{kintex7} {Production} \
{kintex7l} {Production} \
{qkintex7} {Production} \
{qkintex7l} {Production} \
{artix7} {Production} \
{artix7l} {Production} \
{aartix7} {Production} \
{qartix7} {Production} \
{zynq} {Production} \
{qzynq} {Production} \
{azynq} {Production} \
2017-01-31 18:49:12 +01:00
{zynquplus} {Production} \
2015-11-06 16:51:57 -05:00
} [ipx::current_core]
2015-11-06 14:11:46 -05:00
### Write ZIP archive
ipx::archive_core [concat $design.zip] [ipx::current_core]
# Exit