mirror of https://github.com/aolofsson/oh.git synced 2025-01-30 02:32:53 +08:00

Packet interface change

-Changed packet interface
-Removed rd/wr from block, was pass through
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Olofsson 2015-04-23 17:56:15 -04:00
parent 31e721cea7
commit 44f162ec09

View File

@ -11,51 +11,64 @@
module etx_protocol (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
etx_rd_wait, etx_wr_wait, etx_ack, tx_frame_par, tx_data_par,
// Inputs
reset, etx_access, etx_write, etx_datamode, etx_ctrlmode,
etx_dstaddr, etx_srcaddr, etx_data, tx_lclk_div4, tx_rd_wait,
etx_access, etx_packet, reset, tx_lclk_div4, tx_rd_wait,
// System reset input
input reset;
// Input from TX Arbiter
input etx_access;
input etx_write;
input [1:0] etx_datamode;
input [3:0] etx_ctrlmode;
input [31:0] etx_dstaddr;
input [31:0] etx_srcaddr;
input [31:0] etx_data;
output etx_rd_wait;
output etx_wr_wait;
output etx_ack;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32;
// Parallel interface, 8 eLink bytes at a time
input tx_lclk_div4; // Parallel-rate clock from eClock block
output [7:0] tx_frame_par;
output [63:0] tx_data_par;
input tx_rd_wait; // The wait signals are passed through
input tx_wr_wait; // to the emesh interfaces
//Debug/gpio signals
output [1:0] ecfg_tx_datain; // {wr_wait, rd_wait}
//Bus side
input etx_access;
input [PW-1:0] etx_packet;
output etx_rd_wait;
output etx_wr_wait;
output etx_ack;
// IO side (8 eLink bytes at a time)
input reset;
input tx_lclk_div4;// Parallel-rate clock from eClock block
output [7:0] tx_frame_par;
output [63:0] tx_data_par;
input tx_rd_wait; // The wait signals are passed through
input tx_wr_wait; // to the emesh interfaces
//# Local regs & wires
reg etx_ack; // Acknowledge transaction
reg etx_ack; // Acknowledge transaction
reg [7:0] tx_frame_par;
reg [63:0] tx_data_par;
reg rd_wait_sync;
reg wr_wait_sync;
reg etx_rd_wait;
reg etx_wr_wait;
wire etx_write;
wire [1:0] etx_datamode;
wire [3:0] etx_ctrlmode;
wire [AW-1:0] etx_dstaddr;
wire [DW-1:0] etx_data;
wire [AW-1:0] etx_srcaddr;
//# Logic
//packet to emesh bundle
packet2emesh p2m (
// Outputs
.access_out (),
.write_out (etx_write),
.datamode_out (etx_datamode[1:0]),
.ctrlmode_out (etx_ctrlmode[3:0]),
.dstaddr_out (etx_dstaddr[31:0]),
.data_out (etx_data[31:0]),
.srcaddr_out (etx_srcaddr[31:0]),
// Inputs
.packet_in (etx_packet[PW-1:0]));
// TODO: Bursts
always @( posedge tx_lclk_div4 or posedge reset )
@ -66,7 +79,7 @@ module etx_protocol (/*AUTOARG*/
if( etx_access & ~etx_ack )
if( etx_access & ~etx_ack ) //first cycle
etx_ack <= 1'b1;
tx_frame_par[7:0] <= 8'h3F;
@ -78,7 +91,7 @@ module etx_protocol (/*AUTOARG*/
etx_dstaddr[3:0], etx_datamode[1:0], etx_write, etx_access // B5
else if( etx_ack )
else if( etx_ack ) //second cycle
etx_ack <= 1'b0;
tx_frame_par[7:0] <= 8'hFF;
@ -93,16 +106,10 @@ module etx_protocol (/*AUTOARG*/
end // else: !if(reset)
end // always @ ( posedge txlclk_p or posedge reset )
//# Wait signals
reg rd_wait_sync;
reg wr_wait_sync;
reg etx_rd_wait;
reg etx_wr_wait;
always @ (posedge tx_lclk_div4)
rd_wait_sync <= tx_rd_wait;
@ -110,12 +117,11 @@ module etx_protocol (/*AUTOARG*/
wr_wait_sync <= tx_wr_wait;
etx_wr_wait <= wr_wait_sync;
assign ecfg_tx_datain[1:0] = {etx_wr_wait,
endmodule // etx_protocol
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../../common/hdl")
// End:
File: etx_protocol.v