mirror of https://github.com/aolofsson/oh.git synced 2025-01-30 02:32:53 +08:00

Major RX change:

-renamed interfaces to rxwr,rxrd,rxrr (much simpler to remember for me)
-packet interface change
-removed wait signals from dataout field
-added dma, emmu, mailbox, config register
-instantiating fifo_sync raw (without wrapper)
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Olofsson 2015-04-23 18:04:39 -04:00
parent 2707541eab
commit ed0b8c2539

View File

@ -1,115 +1,95 @@
module erx (/*AUTOARG*/ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs // Outputs
ecfg_rx_debug, ecfg_rx_datain, mi_dout, emwr_access, emwr_write, rxo_wr_wait_p, rxo_wr_wait_n, rxo_rd_wait_p, rxo_rd_wait_n,
emwr_datamode, emwr_ctrlmode, emwr_dstaddr, emwr_data, rxwr_access, rxwr_packet, rxrd_access, rxrd_packet, rxrr_access,
emwr_srcaddr, emrq_access, emrq_write, emrq_datamode, rxrr_packet, mi_dout, mi_rx_edma_dout, mi_rx_emmu_dout,
emrq_ctrlmode, emrq_dstaddr, emrq_data, emrq_srcaddr, emrr_access, mi_rx_cfg_dout, mi_rx_mailbox_dout, mailbox_full,
emrr_data, rxo_wr_wait_p, rxo_wr_wait_n, rxo_rd_wait_p, mailbox_not_empty,
// Inputs // Inputs
reset, s_axi_aclk, m_axi_aclk, ecfg_rx_enable, ecfg_rx_mmu_enable, reset, rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n, rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n,
ecfg_rx_gpio_enable, ecfg_dataout, mi_clk, mi_en, mi_we, mi_addr, rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n, rxwr_clk, rxwr_wait, rxrd_clk, rxrd_wait,
mi_din, emwr_rd_en, emrq_rd_en, emrr_rd_en, rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n, rxrr_clk, rxrr_wait, mi_clk, mi_en, mi_we, mi_addr, mi_din
rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n, rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n
); );
parameter AW = 32; parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32; parameter DW = 32;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter RFAW = 13; parameter RFAW = 13;
parameter MW = 44; //width of MMU lookup table parameter MW = 44; //width of MMU lookup table
//Clocks and reset //reset
input reset; input reset;
input s_axi_aclk; //clock for host read response fifo
input m_axi_aclk; //clock for read request and write fifo
//Configuration signals //FROM IO Pins
input ecfg_rx_enable; //receiver enable
input ecfg_rx_mmu_enable; //enable mmu
output [15:0] ecfg_rx_debug; //various debug signals
input ecfg_rx_gpio_enable;//mode for sampling elink pins directly
input [1:0] ecfg_dataout; //data for pins in direct mode
output [8:0] ecfg_rx_datain; //samples elink pins
//MMU table configuration interface
input mi_clk; //source synchronous clock
input mi_en; //memory access
input mi_we; //byte wise write enable
input [15:0] mi_addr; //table address
input [31:0] mi_din; //input data
output [31:0] mi_dout; //read back data
//Writes (to axi master)
output emwr_access;
output emwr_write;
output [1:0] emwr_datamode;
output [3:0] emwr_ctrlmode;
output [31:0] emwr_dstaddr;
output [31:0] emwr_data;
output [31:0] emwr_srcaddr;
input emwr_rd_en;
//Read requests (to axi master)
output emrq_access;
output emrq_write;
output [1:0] emrq_datamode;
output [3:0] emrq_ctrlmode;
output [31:0] emrq_dstaddr;
output [31:0] emrq_data;
output [31:0] emrq_srcaddr;
input emrq_rd_en;
//Read responses (to slave, only 32bit data needed)
output emrr_access;
output [31:0] emrr_data;
input emrr_rd_en;
//IO Pins
input rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n; //link rx clock input input rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n; //link rx clock input
input rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n; //link rx frame signal input rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n; //link rx frame signal
input [7:0] rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n; //link rx data input [7:0] rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n; //link rx data
output rxo_wr_wait_p,rxo_wr_wait_n; //link rx write pushback output output rxo_wr_wait_p,rxo_wr_wait_n; //link rx write pushback output
output rxo_rd_wait_p,rxo_rd_wait_n; //link rx read pushback output output rxo_rd_wait_p,rxo_rd_wait_n; //link rx read pushback output
//Master write
input rxwr_clk;
output rxwr_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxwr_packet;
input rxwr_wait;
//Master read request
input rxrd_clk;
output rxrd_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxrd_packet;
input rxrd_wait;
//Slave read response
input rxrr_clk;
output rxrr_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxrr_packet;
input rxrr_wait;
//Register Access Interface
input mi_clk;
input mi_en;
input mi_we;
input [19:0] mi_addr;
input [31:0] mi_din;
output [31:0] mi_dout;
output [DW-1:0] mi_rx_edma_dout;
output [DW-1:0] mi_rx_emmu_dout;
output [DW-1:0] mi_rx_cfg_dout;
output [DW-1:0] mi_rx_mailbox_dout; // From emailbox of emailbox.v
//Mailbox signals
output mailbox_full;
output mailbox_not_empty;
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire emesh_rx_access; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire [8:0] ecfg_rx_datain; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire [3:0] emesh_rx_ctrlmode; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire ecfg_rx_enable; // From ecfg_rx of ecfg_rx.v
wire [31:0] emesh_rx_data; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire ecfg_rx_mmu_enable; // From ecfg_rx of ecfg_rx.v
wire [1:0] emesh_rx_datamode; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire edma_access; // From edma of edma.v
wire [31:0] emesh_rx_dstaddr; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire [103:1] edma_packet; // From edma of edma.v, ...
wire emesh_rx_rd_wait; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v wire edma_wait; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [31:0] emesh_rx_srcaddr; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v
wire emesh_rx_wr_wait; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire emesh_rx_write; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v
wire emmu_access; // From emmu of emmu.v wire emmu_access; // From emmu of emmu.v
wire [3:0] emmu_ctrlmode; // From emmu of emmu.v wire [PW-1:0] emmu_packet; // From emmu of emmu.v
wire [DW-1:0] emmu_data; // From emmu of emmu.v wire erx_access; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v
wire [1:0] emmu_datamode; // From emmu of emmu.v wire [PW-1:0] erx_packet; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v
wire [63:0] emmu_dstaddr; // From emmu of emmu.v
wire [AW-1:0] emmu_srcaddr; // From emmu of emmu.v
wire emmu_write; // From emmu of emmu.v
wire emrq_progfull; // From m_rq_fifo of fifo_async_emesh.v
wire emrq_wr_en; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire emrr_progfull; // From s_rr_fifo of fifo_async_emesh.v
wire emrr_wr_en; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire emwr_progfull; // From m_wr_fifo of fifo_async_emesh.v
wire emwr_wr_en; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [3:0] erx_ctrlmode; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [31:0] erx_data; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [1:0] erx_datamode; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [31:0] erx_dstaddr; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [31:0] erx_srcaddr; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire erx_write; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [63:0] rx_data_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v wire [63:0] rx_data_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire [7:0] rx_frame_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v wire [7:0] rx_frame_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire rx_lclk_div4; // From erx_io of erx_io.v wire rx_lclk_div4; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire rx_rd_wait; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire rx_rd_wait; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire rx_wr_wait; // From erx_protocol of erx_protocol.v wire rx_wr_wait; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire rxrd_fifo_access; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxrd_fifo_packet; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire rxrd_fifo_wait; // From rxrd_fifo of fifo_async.v
wire rxrr_fifo_access; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxrr_fifo_packet; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire rxrr_fifo_wait; // From rxrr_fifo of fifo_async.v
wire rxwr_fifo_access; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxwr_fifo_packet; // From erx_disty of erx_disty.v
wire rxwr_fifo_wait; // From rxwr_fifo of fifo_async.v
// End of automatics // End of automatics
//regs //regs
@ -118,101 +98,123 @@ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
wire emwr_full; wire emwr_full;
wire emrr_full; wire emrr_full;
ecfg_rx ecfg_rx (.mi_dout (mi_rx_cfg_dout[31:0]),
// Outputs
.ecfg_rx_enable (ecfg_rx_enable),
.ecfg_rx_mmu_enable (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.mi_clk (mi_clk),
.mi_en (mi_en),
.mi_we (mi_we),
.mi_addr (mi_addr[19:0]),
.mi_din (mi_din[31:0]),
.ecfg_rx_datain (ecfg_rx_datain[8:0]),
.ecfg_rx_debug (ecfg_rx_debug[15:0]));
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
/*FIFOs */ /*FIFOs */
/*(for AXI 1. read request, 2. write, and 3. read response) */ /*(for AXI 1. read request, 2. write, and 3. read response) */
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
/*fifo_async_emesh AUTO_TEMPLATE ( /*fifo_async AUTO_TEMPLATE (
//outputs // Outputs
.emesh_\(.*\)_out (em@"(substring vl-cell-name 2 4)"_\1[]),
.fifo_\(.*\) (em@"(substring vl-cell-name 2 4)"_\1), .dout (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_packet[PW-1:0]),
//inputs .empty (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_empty),
.rd_clk (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 1)"_axi_aclk), .full (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_full),
.wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), .prog_full (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_wait),
.emesh_\(.*\)_in (erx_\1[]), // Inputs
.emesh_access_in (em@"(substring vl-cell-name 2 4)"_wr_en), .rd_clk (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_clk),
.fifo_read (em@"(substring vl-cell-name 2 4)"_rd_en), .wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4),
.wr_en (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_access),
.rd_en (~@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_wait),
.reset (reset),
.din (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]),
); );
*/ */
assign rxrd_access=~rxrd_empty;
//Read request fifo (from Epiphany) //Read request fifo (from Epiphany)
fifo_async_emesh m_rq_fifo(.fifo_full (emrq_full), fifo_async #(.DW(104), .AW(5))
/*AUTOINST*/ rxrd_fifo (.full (rxrd_fifo_full),
// Outputs .empty (rxrd_empty),
.emesh_access_out (emrq_access), // Templated /*AUTOINST*/
.emesh_write_out (emrq_write), // Templated // Outputs
.emesh_datamode_out(emrq_datamode[1:0]), // Templated .prog_full (rxrd_fifo_wait), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_out(emrq_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated .dout (rxrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_out(emrq_dstaddr[31:0]), // Templated // Inputs
.emesh_data_out (emrq_data[31:0]), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_out(emrq_srcaddr[31:0]), // Templated .wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.fifo_progfull (emrq_progfull), // Templated .rd_clk (rxrd_clk), // Templated
// Inputs .wr_en (rxrd_fifo_access), // Templated
.rd_clk (m_axi_aclk), // Templated .din (rxrd_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated .rd_en (~rxrd_wait)); // Templated
.reset (reset),
.emesh_access_in (emrq_wr_en), // Templated assign rxwr_access=~rxwr_empty;
.emesh_write_in (erx_write), // Templated
.emesh_datamode_in(erx_datamode[1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_in(erx_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_in (erx_dstaddr[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_data_in (erx_data[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_in (erx_srcaddr[31:0]), // Templated
.fifo_read (emrq_rd_en)); // Templated
//Write fifo (from Epiphany) //Write fifo (from Epiphany)
fifo_async_emesh m_wr_fifo(.fifo_full (emwr_full), fifo_async #(.DW(104), .AW(5))
/*AUTOINST*/ rxwr_fifo(.full (rxwr_fifo_full),
// Outputs .empty (rxwr_empty),
.emesh_access_out (emwr_access), // Templated /*AUTOINST*/
.emesh_write_out (emwr_write), // Templated // Outputs
.emesh_datamode_out(emwr_datamode[1:0]), // Templated .prog_full (rxwr_fifo_wait), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_out(emwr_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated .dout (rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_out(emwr_dstaddr[31:0]), // Templated // Inputs
.emesh_data_out (emwr_data[31:0]), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_out(emwr_srcaddr[31:0]), // Templated .wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.fifo_progfull (emwr_progfull), // Templated .rd_clk (rxwr_clk), // Templated
// Inputs .wr_en (rxwr_fifo_access), // Templated
.rd_clk (m_axi_aclk), // Templated .din (rxwr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated .rd_en (~rxwr_wait)); // Templated
.reset (reset),
.emesh_access_in (emwr_wr_en), // Templated
.emesh_write_in (erx_write), // Templated
.emesh_datamode_in(erx_datamode[1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_in(erx_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_in (erx_dstaddr[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_data_in (erx_data[31:0]), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_in (erx_srcaddr[31:0]), // Templated
.fifo_read (emwr_rd_en)); // Templated
assign rxrr_access=~rxrr_empty;
//Read response fifo (for host) //Read response fifo (for host)
fifo_async_emesh s_rr_fifo(.fifo_full (emrr_full), fifo_async #(.DW(104), .AW(5))
.emesh_write_out (), rxrr_fifo(.full (rxrr_fifo_full),
.emesh_datamode_out(), .empty (rxrr_empty),
.emesh_ctrlmode_out(), /*AUTOINST*/
.emesh_dstaddr_out(), // Outputs
.emesh_srcaddr_out(), .prog_full (rxrr_fifo_wait), // Templated
/*AUTOINST*/ .dout (rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
// Outputs // Inputs
.emesh_access_out (emrr_access), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated
.emesh_data_out (emrr_data[31:0]), // Templated .wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.fifo_progfull (emrr_progfull), // Templated .rd_clk (rxrr_clk), // Templated
// Inputs .wr_en (rxrr_fifo_access), // Templated
.rd_clk (s_axi_aclk), // Templated .din (rxrr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.wr_clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated .rd_en (~rxrr_wait)); // Templated
.reset (reset),
.emesh_access_in (emrr_wr_en), // Templated
.emesh_write_in (erx_write), // Templated /***********************************************************/
.emesh_datamode_in(erx_datamode[1:0]), // Templated /*GENERAL PURPOSE MAILBOX */
.emesh_ctrlmode_in(erx_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated /***********************************************************/
.emesh_dstaddr_in (erx_dstaddr[31:0]), // Templated /*emailbox AUTO_TEMPLATE (
.emesh_data_in (erx_data[31:0]), // Templated .mi_dout (mi_rx_mailbox_dout[]),
.emesh_srcaddr_in (erx_srcaddr[31:0]), // Templated );
.fifo_read (emrr_rd_en)); // Templated */
emailbox emailbox(.clk (s_axi_aclk),
// Outputs
.mi_dout (mi_rx_mailbox_dout[DW-1:0]), // Templated
.mailbox_full (mailbox_full),
.mailbox_not_empty (mailbox_not_empty),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.mi_en (mi_en),
.mi_we (mi_we),
.mi_addr (mi_addr[19:0]),
.mi_din (mi_din[DW-1:0]));
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
@ -221,67 +223,92 @@ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
/********************1***************************************/ /********************1***************************************/
/*erx_disty AUTO_TEMPLATE ( /*erx_disty AUTO_TEMPLATE (
//Inputs //Inputs
.emesh_rd_wait (emesh_rx_rd_wait),
.emesh_wr_wait (emesh_rx_wr_wait),
.mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable), .mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable),
.clk (rx_lclk_div4), .clk (rx_lclk_div4),
); )
*/ */
erx_disty erx_disty ( erx_disty erx_disty (
// Outputs // Outputs
.emesh_rd_wait (emesh_rx_rd_wait), // Templated .rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait),
.emesh_wr_wait (emesh_rx_wr_wait), // Templated .rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait),
.emwr_wr_en (emwr_wr_en), .edma_wait (edma_wait),
.emrq_wr_en (emrq_wr_en), .rxwr_fifo_access(rxwr_fifo_access),
.emrr_wr_en (emrr_wr_en), .rxwr_fifo_packet(rxwr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]),
.erx_write (erx_write), .rxrd_fifo_access(rxrd_fifo_access),
.erx_datamode (erx_datamode[1:0]), .rxrd_fifo_packet(rxrd_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]),
.erx_ctrlmode (erx_ctrlmode[3:0]), .rxrr_fifo_access(rxrr_fifo_access),
.erx_dstaddr (erx_dstaddr[31:0]), .rxrr_fifo_packet(rxrr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]),
.erx_srcaddr (erx_srcaddr[31:0]),
.erx_data (erx_data[31:0]),
// Inputs // Inputs
.clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated .clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable), // Templated .mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable), // Templated
.emmu_access (emmu_access), .emmu_access (emmu_access),
.emmu_write (emmu_write), .emmu_packet (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]),
.emmu_datamode (emmu_datamode[1:0]), .edma_access (edma_access),
.emmu_ctrlmode (emmu_ctrlmode[3:0]), .edma_packet (edma_packet[PW-1:0]),
.emmu_dstaddr (emmu_dstaddr[31:0]), .rxwr_fifo_wait (rxwr_fifo_wait),
.emmu_srcaddr (emmu_srcaddr[31:0]), .rxrd_fifo_wait (rxrd_fifo_wait),
.emmu_data (emmu_data[31:0]), .rxrr_fifo_wait (rxrr_fifo_wait));
.emwr_progfull (emwr_progfull),
.emrq_progfull (emrq_progfull),
.emrr_progfull (emrr_progfull), /************************************************************/
.ecfg_rx_enable (ecfg_rx_enable)); /*ELINK DMA */
/*edma AUTO_TEMPLATE (.clk (rx_lclk_div4),
.edma_access (edma_access),
.mi_dout (mi_rx_edma_dout[DW-1:0]),
.edma_access (edma_access),
.edma_write (edma_packet[1]),
.edma_datamode (edma_packet[3:2]),
.edma_ctrlmode (edma_packet[7:4]),
.edma_dstaddr (edma_packet[39:8]),
.edma_data (edma_packet[71:40]),
.edma_srcaddr (edma_packet[103:72]),
edma edma(/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.mi_dout (mi_rx_edma_dout[DW-1:0]), // Templated
.edma_access (edma_access), // Templated
.edma_write (edma_packet[1]), // Templated
.edma_datamode (edma_packet[3:2]), // Templated
.edma_ctrlmode (edma_packet[7:4]), // Templated
.edma_dstaddr (edma_packet[39:8]), // Templated
.edma_data (edma_packet[71:40]), // Templated
.edma_srcaddr (edma_packet[103:72]), // Templated
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.mi_en (mi_en),
.mi_we (mi_we),
.mi_addr (mi_addr[19:0]),
.mi_din (mi_din[31:0]),
.edma_wait (edma_wait));
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
/*(uses lookup table to translate destination address) */
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
.emmu_packet_out (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]),
.emmu_\(.*\)_out (emmu_\1[]), .emmu_\(.*\)_out (emmu_\1[]),
//Inputs //Inputs
.emesh_\(.*\)_in (emesh_rx_\1[]), .emesh_\(.*\)_in (erx_\1[]),
.mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable), .mmu_en (ecfg_rx_mmu_enable),
.clk (rx_lclk_div4), .clk (rx_lclk_div4),
); .mi_dout (mi_rx_emmu_dout[DW-1:0]),
*/ */
emmu emmu ( emmu emmu (.emmu_packet_hi_out (),
// Outputs // Outputs
.mi_dout (mi_dout[DW-1:0]), .mi_dout (mi_rx_emmu_dout[DW-1:0]), // Templated
.emmu_access_out (emmu_access), // Templated .emmu_access_out (emmu_access), // Templated
.emmu_write_out (emmu_write), // Templated .emmu_packet_out (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.emmu_datamode_out (emmu_datamode[1:0]), // Templated
.emmu_ctrlmode_out (emmu_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated
.emmu_dstaddr_out (emmu_dstaddr[63:0]), // Templated
.emmu_srcaddr_out (emmu_srcaddr[AW-1:0]), // Templated
.emmu_data_out (emmu_data[DW-1:0]), // Templated
// Inputs // Inputs
.clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated .clk (rx_lclk_div4), // Templated
.reset (reset), .reset (reset),
@ -291,44 +318,28 @@ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
.mi_we (mi_we), .mi_we (mi_we),
.mi_addr (mi_addr[15:0]), .mi_addr (mi_addr[15:0]),
.mi_din (mi_din[DW-1:0]), .mi_din (mi_din[DW-1:0]),
.emesh_access_in (emesh_rx_access), // Templated .emesh_access_in (erx_access), // Templated
.emesh_write_in (emesh_rx_write), // Templated .emesh_packet_in (erx_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated
.emesh_datamode_in (emesh_rx_datamode[1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_ctrlmode_in (emesh_rx_ctrlmode[3:0]), // Templated
.emesh_dstaddr_in (emesh_rx_dstaddr[AW-1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_srcaddr_in (emesh_rx_srcaddr[AW-1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_data_in (emesh_rx_data[DW-1:0])); // Templated
/**************************************************************/ /**************************************************************/
/*-translates a slowed down elink packet an emesh transaction */
/**************************************************************/ /**************************************************************/
erx_protocol erx_protocol (/*AUTOINST*/ erx_protocol erx_protocol (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs // Outputs
.rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait), .erx_access (erx_access),
.rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait), .erx_packet (erx_packet[PW-1:0]),
.emesh_rx_access (emesh_rx_access),
.emesh_rx_write (emesh_rx_write),
.emesh_rx_dstaddr (emesh_rx_dstaddr[31:0]),
.emesh_rx_srcaddr (emesh_rx_srcaddr[31:0]),
.emesh_rx_data (emesh_rx_data[31:0]),
// Inputs // Inputs
.reset (reset), .reset (reset),
.ecfg_rx_enable (ecfg_rx_enable),
.rx_lclk_div4 (rx_lclk_div4), .rx_lclk_div4 (rx_lclk_div4),
.rx_frame_par (rx_frame_par[7:0]), .rx_frame_par (rx_frame_par[7:0]),
.rx_data_par (rx_data_par[63:0]), .rx_data_par (rx_data_par[63:0]));
.emesh_rx_rd_wait (emesh_rx_rd_wait),
.emesh_rx_wr_wait (emesh_rx_wr_wait));
/***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************/
/*-parallel data and frame as input */
/*-serializes data for I/O */
/***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************/
erx_io erx_io ( erx_io erx_io (
@ -351,10 +362,7 @@ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
.rxi_data_p (rxi_data_p[7:0]), .rxi_data_p (rxi_data_p[7:0]),
.rxi_data_n (rxi_data_n[7:0]), .rxi_data_n (rxi_data_n[7:0]),
.rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait), .rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait),
.rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait), .rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait));
.ecfg_rx_enable (ecfg_rx_enable),
.ecfg_rx_gpio_enable (ecfg_rx_gpio_enable),
.ecfg_dataout (ecfg_dataout[1:0]));
/************************************************************/ /************************************************************/
/*Debug signals */ /*Debug signals */
@ -362,27 +370,27 @@ module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
always @ (posedge rx_lclk_div4) always @ (posedge rx_lclk_div4)
begin begin
ecfg_rx_debug[15:0] <= {2'b0, //15:14 ecfg_rx_debug[15:0] <= {2'b0, //15:14
emesh_rx_rd_wait, //13 rx_rd_wait, //13
emesh_rx_wr_wait, //12 rx_wr_wait, //12
emrr_rd_en, //11 rxrr_wait, //11
emrr_progfull, //10 rxrr_fifo_wait, //10
emrr_wr_en, //9 rxrr_fifo_access, //9
emrq_rd_en, //8 rxrd_wait, //8
emrq_progfull, //7 rxrd_fifo_wait, //7
emrq_wr_en, //6 rxrd_fifo_access, //6
emwr_rd_en, //5 rxwr_wait, //5
emwr_progfull, //4 rxwr_fifo_wait, //4
emwr_wr_en, //3 rxwr_fifo_access, //3
emrr_full, //2 rxrr_fifo_full, //2
emrq_full, //1 rxrd_fifo_full, //1
emwr_full //0 rxwr_fifo_full //0
}; };
end end
endmodule // erx endmodule // erx
// Local Variables: // Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emmu/hdl" "../../stubs/hdl" "../../memory/hdl") // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emmu/hdl" "../../edma/hdl" "../../memory/hdl" "../../emailbox/hdl")
// End: // End:
/* /*