- Creating an arbitrary 'src' directory really doesn't help much...
- Goal is to make each folder self contained
- Make meta repos and individual repos have the same directory structure
- The top level directory was not scaling, too imposing
- Friendlier to download a repo and see a finite number of top level dirs
- We are just getting started...
- Removed the cfgif block, too confusing. There is a good lesson here. Probably the n'th time I that I have been overzealous about reuse. When you end up adding a parameter to a block that duplicates the logic 2X it's always better to create two separate blocks...
- Changed the register access interface to packet format
- Change the priority on the etx_arbiter to pick read responses first
- Removed redundant signals
- Took away the read resonse bypass on remap in tx for now..
- Removed defparams (convention)
- Unified wait signal on tx
- Fixed cfg wait
- reset was broken!
- need to account for wait
- merging read/write wait for simplicity, otherwise you would need to reset the packets to figure out if it's a read or write transaction...and I don't want to reset every packet throughout the pipe.
-There is now only one clock domain crossing involved with the reg files/ All clock domain crossings use the same 104 bit wide async fifo! If it's broken we are screwed, if it works we are perfect!
-Configuration can be done from host through txwr/txrd path of any register
-The RX IO pins can only access the RX side of the design
-Access without symmetry was awkward, now we can reach regs from TX or RX side
-Removes a special path for mailbox (came for free)
-At the same time reduced clock complexity (one clock for system!!)
-Moved mailbox to top level
-Changed main clock to "sys_clk" for all
-adding clock bypass mode for esystx[12]
-removing monitor feature on erx
-remove loopback support from doc
-add clock bypass mode for esysclk
-shortening register names (descriptive enough)
-added debug signal information
-moving registers to elink
-making elink version programmable (to support plug in boards)
-reorganized debug signals and added stickys
-added timeout for axi slave
-removed embox status bit (redudant, don't poll status)
-renamed EMBOX0-->EMBOXLO
-moved datain interface straight to ecfg (cleanup)
-changed etx arbiter priority to increase stability
-created the esaxi_mux block
-fixed some missing ports issues in stubs
Now comes the fun part...verification...
Testbench is split between the synthesizable transactors and
non-synthesizable parts to allow reuse of transactors in the newly
added verilator test bench
-back and forth with emmu, memory is now inside (for good)
-renamed clocks in etx to clarify
-updated logic in protocol and disty
-updated clock module
...one more review pass and we are ready for testing...
-this may break already broken projects
-creates a Verilog top level (instead of using Vivado block level design)
-integrates mmy and mailbox (not completely integrated)
-pours in all of the code from the archive
(some new logic created)
-Each directory contains one sub block
-Each directory contains a dv/docs/hdl directory, self contained.
-May need to add constraints directory as well at some point.
-This is the right thing to do, make each block modular and self contained.