This is pretty big, wonder if anybody will notice?
Why am I doing this?
Because the elink has been haunting us for years. This way we will finally have a "golden reference" simulator model for those who insist on designing their own elink protocol (aginst my recommendation). This is equivalent to having a "bfm-bus functional model" for AXI. The spec is nice, but it's always up for interpretation. We have had some issues with documenting the protocol corretly. While we will fix the documentation, please note that the source code and design verification environment will always be the golden version. This is after all "the silicon".
For me and everyone else, it becomes part of the open source design verification environment to test the elink.
-We want to make the two directions as separate as possible so no shared variables. Still need a tag for differentiating between write and read response. In addition we need a group to keep the rr separate from mailbox write.
git diffgit c
-This is as far as I go with fufu testing (random next)
-Add basic test for cleaning up reads/writes
-104 bit packet format for driving transactions, very useful
old implementation felt too "cutsy"
this makes for a cleaner usage model (simple shift with param)
also splitting out enable but, not making the CTIMER mistake again
-adding reset signals to synchronizer to solve startup issues
-setting config in test bench for speedup, default reg config now correct
-fix (my) stupid bug in etx_arbiter
-adding reset to fifo (todo: review this!)
-reviewing "all red" from waveforms is a must. Red (x) on data is ok, but leaving them on control signals is asking for trouble. Better safe than sorry when it comes to reset.
-pll bypass for clocks (customer request)
-adding dividers on all clocks (tx/cclk)
-adding reset block (clearer)
-using commong clock_divider block
-need to clean up divider block later today, slightly broken:-)
-added register read/write properly
-removed redundant wrapper layers in maxi/saxi
-changed over to "emesh" interface from packet 103 bit data
-cleaned up maxi
-cleaned up saxi
-removed redundant signals in elink interface (user,lock,..)
-added wrapper to fifo (to carry emesh interface through)
Now comes the fun part of testing
-adding clock bypass mode for esystx[12]
-removing monitor feature on erx
-remove loopback support from doc
-add clock bypass mode for esysclk
-shortening register names (descriptive enough)
-added debug signal information
-moving registers to elink
-making elink version programmable (to support plug in boards)
-reorganized debug signals and added stickys
-added timeout for axi slave
-removed embox status bit (redudant, don't poll status)
-renamed EMBOX0-->EMBOXLO
-moved datain interface straight to ecfg (cleanup)
-changed etx arbiter priority to increase stability
-created the esaxi_mux block
-fixed some missing ports issues in stubs
Now comes the fun part...verification...