-There is now only one clock domain crossing involved with the reg files/ All clock domain crossings use the same 104 bit wide async fifo! If it's broken we are screwed, if it works we are perfect!
-Configuration can be done from host through txwr/txrd path of any register
-The RX IO pins can only access the RX side of the design
-pin driven testmode driven..b/c fpga designers often don't like software
-and because it's really convenient, press a push button and see a pattern appear
-removed protocol description, goes in README.md, there should only be one source for documentation
-shortened signal names for ecfg
-changed to "clk" input now that everything is single clock
This is pretty big, wonder if anybody will notice?
Why am I doing this?
Because the elink has been haunting us for years. This way we will finally have a "golden reference" simulator model for those who insist on designing their own elink protocol (aginst my recommendation). This is equivalent to having a "bfm-bus functional model" for AXI. The spec is nice, but it's always up for interpretation. We have had some issues with documenting the protocol corretly. While we will fix the documentation, please note that the source code and design verification environment will always be the golden version. This is after all "the silicon".
For me and everyone else, it becomes part of the open source design verification environment to test the elink.
-Access without symmetry was awkward, now we can reach regs from TX or RX side
-Removes a special path for mailbox (came for free)
-At the same time reduced clock complexity (one clock for system!!)
-Moved mailbox to top level
-Changed main clock to "sys_clk" for all
-A read on transmit side initiates timer
-Timer is reset when read request comes back
(assumption last read requests starts timer..last return stops it)
-srcaddr (upper data of read response) was using input instead of output data
-blocking upper data on 32 bit reads and smaller (quieter..)
Need random DV to flush out these silly bugs...