- The top level directory was not scaling, too imposing
- Friendlier to download a repo and see a finite number of top level dirs
- We are just getting started...
- Removed the cfgif block, too confusing. There is a good lesson here. Probably the n'th time I that I have been overzealous about reuse. When you end up adding a parameter to a block that duplicates the logic 2X it's always better to create two separate blocks...
- Changed the register access interface to packet format
- Change the priority on the etx_arbiter to pick read responses first
- Removed redundant signals
- Took away the read resonse bypass on remap in tx for now..
- Removed defparams (convention)
- Unified wait signal on tx
- Fixed cfg wait
- Bypass path was ugly! Always try to go through the same logic path as much as possible.
- Note: when MMU is enabled, you need to put in entry for read return (ie 810)
-When a read response is detected, there should be no spurious transactions to the RD/WR request fifos.
-Move the "filter" backt to the erx_protocol block
-Removed the remap bypass signal (was hacky)
-Passes simulations again..