- The top level directory was not scaling, too imposing
- Friendlier to download a repo and see a finite number of top level dirs
- We are just getting started...
- Removed the cfgif block, too confusing. There is a good lesson here. Probably the n'th time I that I have been overzealous about reuse. When you end up adding a parameter to a block that duplicates the logic 2X it's always better to create two separate blocks...
- Changed the register access interface to packet format
- Change the priority on the etx_arbiter to pick read responses first
- Removed redundant signals
- Took away the read resonse bypass on remap in tx for now..
- Removed defparams (convention)
- Unified wait signal on tx
- Fixed cfg wait
- holding rx in reset state until tx is done
- removing reset from all pipeline registers
- removing reset from oddr/iddr
- the idea is to keep things quiet not to block in lots of places. The only real block needed is in the FIFO to keep "noise" from propagating past the link. The link should be kept in a safe reset state until the rx fram is stable and the clock is running so that the pipe can be cleaned out.
* Seems like a useless feature. Why autogenerate the transactions at the transmit side. This should always be done at the receive side to minimize bits moving across the link. Can't really see a use for it anymore so I am removing it.
* If you want to hack the design to reduce latency, you can always grab the raw etx_core and drive signals directly through write port.
* May consider adding a fourth port to etx to allow bypassing the link interfac?
* Add an ifdef to bypass the fifos?