If there is a waitm, we should
1.) Not increment the read pointer
2.) Hold the packet steady until wait signal goes away
3.) Hold access high, keep request intact
-There is now only one clock domain crossing involved with the reg files/ All clock domain crossings use the same 104 bit wide async fifo! If it's broken we are screwed, if it works we are perfect!
-Configuration can be done from host through txwr/txrd path of any register
-The RX IO pins can only access the RX side of the design
-adding reset signals to synchronizer to solve startup issues
-setting config in test bench for speedup, default reg config now correct
-fix (my) stupid bug in etx_arbiter
-adding reset to fifo (todo: review this!)
-reviewing "all red" from waveforms is a must. Red (x) on data is ok, but leaving them on control signals is asking for trouble. Better safe than sorry when it comes to reset.
-this may break already broken projects
-creates a Verilog top level (instead of using Vivado block level design)
-integrates mmy and mailbox (not completely integrated)
-pours in all of the code from the archive
(some new logic created)