/* ########################################################################### # **EMMU** # # This block uses the upper 12 bits [31:20] of a memory address as an index # to read an entry from a table. # # The table is written from the mi_* configuration interface. # # The table can be configured as 12 bits wide or 44 bits wide. # # 32bit address output = {table_data[11:0],dstaddr[19:0]} # 64bit address output = {table_data[43:0],dstaddr[19:0]} # ############################################################################ */ module emmu (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs reg_rdata, emesh_access_out, emesh_packet_out, // Inputs wr_clk, rd_clk, nreset, mmu_en, reg_access, reg_packet, emesh_access_in, emesh_packet_in, emesh_wait_in ); //##################################################################### //# INTERFACE //##################################################################### // parameters parameter AW = 32; // address width parameter MW = 48; // width of table parameter MAW = 12; // memory addres width (entries = 1<