`define CFG_FAKECLK 1 /*stupid verilator doesn't get clock gating*/ `define CFG_MDW 32 /*Width of mesh network*/ `define CFG_DW 32 /*Width of datapath*/ `define CFG_AW 32 /*Width of address space*/ `define CFG_LW 8 /*Link port width*/ module dut(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs dut_active, wait_out, access_out, packet_out, // Inputs clk, nreset, vdd, vss, access_in, packet_in, wait_in ); parameter AW = 32; parameter DW = 32; parameter CW = 2; parameter IDW = 12; parameter M_IDW = 6; parameter S_IDW = 12; parameter PW = 104; parameter N = 1; //####################################### //# CLOCK AND RESET //####################################### input clk; input nreset; input [N*N-1:0] vdd; input vss; output dut_active; //####################################### //#EMESH INTERFACE //####################################### //Stimulus Driven Transaction input [N-1:0] access_in; input [N*PW-1:0] packet_in; output [N-1:0] wait_out; //DUT driven transactoin output [N-1:0] access_out; output [N*PW-1:0] packet_out; input [N-1:0] wait_in; /*AUTOINPUT*/ //floating wires wire elink0_cclk_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_cclk_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_chip_resetb; // From elink0 of elink.v wire [11:0] elink0_chipid; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_mailbox_full; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_mailbox_not_empty;// From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_timeout; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink1_cclk_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_cclk_p; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_chip_resetb; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [11:0] elink1_chipid; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_mailbox_full; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_mailbox_not_empty;// From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxrd_access; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxrd_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxrr_access; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxrr_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxwr_access; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxwr_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_timeout; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txrd_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txrr_access; // From emem of ememory.v wire [PW-1:0] elink1_txrr_packet; // From emem of ememory.v wire elink1_txrr_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txwr_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v //memory wires wire emem_access; wire [PW-1:0] emem_packet; wire elink1_rxrd_wait; wire elink1_rxwr_wait; // Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs) // End of automatics /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_rxrr_access; // From elink0 of elink.v wire [PW-1:0] elink0_rxrr_packet; // From elink0 of elink.v wire [7:0] elink0_txo_data_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire [7:0] elink0_txo_data_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txo_frame_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txo_frame_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txo_lclk_n; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txo_lclk_p; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txrd_access; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v wire [PW-1:0] elink0_txrd_packet; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v wire elink0_txrd_wait; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink0_txwr_access; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v wire [PW-1:0] elink0_txwr_packet; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v wire elink0_txwr_wait; // From elink0 of elink.v wire elink1_elink_active; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [7:0] elink1_txo_data_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire [7:0] elink1_txo_data_p; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txo_frame_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txo_frame_p; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txo_lclk_n; // From elink1 of elink.v wire elink1_txo_lclk_p; // From elink1 of elink.v // End of automatics //###################################################################### //EMESH INTERFACE //###################################################################### /*emesh_if AUTO_TEMPLATE (//Stimulus .e2c_emesh_\(.*\)_in(\1_in[]), .e2c_emesh_\(.*\)_out(\1_out[]), //Response .c2e_emesh_\(.*\)_out(\1_out[]), .c2e_emesh_\(.*\)_in(\1_in[]), .c2e_cmesh_\(.*\)_in(elink0_rxrr_\1[]), //Link side transaction outgoing .e2c_cmesh_\(.*\)_out(elink0_txwr_\1[]), .e2c_cmesh_wait_in(elink0_txwr_wait), .e2c_rmesh_\(.*\)_out(elink0_txrd_\1[]), .e2c_rmesh_wait_in(elink0_txrd_wait), .c2e_\(.*\)_wait_out(), ); */ emesh_if #(.PW(PW)) emesh_if (.c2e_rmesh_access_in(1'b0), .c2e_rmesh_packet_in({(PW){1'b0}}), .c2e_xmesh_access_in(1'b0), .c2e_xmesh_packet_in({(PW){1'b0}}), .e2c_xmesh_wait_in(1'b0), .e2c_xmesh_access_out(), .e2c_xmesh_packet_out(), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .c2e_cmesh_wait_out (), // Templated .e2c_cmesh_access_out (elink0_txwr_access), // Templated .e2c_cmesh_packet_out (elink0_txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .c2e_rmesh_wait_out (), // Templated .e2c_rmesh_access_out (elink0_txrd_access), // Templated .e2c_rmesh_packet_out (elink0_txrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .c2e_xmesh_wait_out (), // Templated .e2c_emesh_wait_out (wait_out), // Templated .c2e_emesh_access_out (access_out), // Templated .c2e_emesh_packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .c2e_cmesh_access_in (elink0_rxrr_access), // Templated .c2e_cmesh_packet_in (elink0_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .e2c_cmesh_wait_in (elink0_txwr_wait), // Templated .e2c_rmesh_wait_in (elink0_txrd_wait), // Templated .e2c_emesh_access_in (access_in), // Templated .e2c_emesh_packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]), // Templated .c2e_emesh_wait_in (wait_in)); // Templated //###################################################################### //1ST ELINK //###################################################################### /*elink AUTO_TEMPLATE ( // Outputs .sys_clk (clk), .sys_reset (~nreset), .rxi_\(.*\) (elink1_txo_\1[]), .txi_\(.*\) (elink1_rxo_\1[]), .\(.*\) (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 6)"_\1[]), ); */ defparam elink0.ID = 12'h810; defparam elink0.ETYPE = 0; elink elink0 (.elink_active (dut_active), .txrr_access (1'b0),//not tested .txrr_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}), .txrr_wait (), //not tested .rxwr_access (), .rxwr_packet (), .rxrd_access (), .rxrd_packet (), .rxwr_wait (1'b0),//not tested .rxrd_wait (1'b0),//not tested .rxrr_wait (1'b0),//not tested /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .rxo_wr_wait_p (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated .rxo_wr_wait_n (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated .rxo_rd_wait_p (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated .rxo_rd_wait_n (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated .txo_lclk_p (elink0_txo_lclk_p), // Templated .txo_lclk_n (elink0_txo_lclk_n), // Templated .txo_frame_p (elink0_txo_frame_p), // Templated .txo_frame_n (elink0_txo_frame_n), // Templated .txo_data_p (elink0_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated .txo_data_n (elink0_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated .chipid (elink0_chipid[11:0]), // Templated .cclk_p (elink0_cclk_p), // Templated .cclk_n (elink0_cclk_n), // Templated .chip_resetb (elink0_chip_resetb), // Templated .mailbox_not_empty (elink0_mailbox_not_empty), // Templated .mailbox_full (elink0_mailbox_full), // Templated .timeout (elink0_timeout), // Templated .rxrr_access (elink0_rxrr_access), // Templated .rxrr_packet (elink0_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .txwr_wait (elink0_txwr_wait), // Templated .txrd_wait (elink0_txrd_wait), // Templated // Inputs .sys_reset (~nreset), // Templated .sys_clk (clk), // Templated .rxi_lclk_p (elink1_txo_lclk_p), // Templated .rxi_lclk_n (elink1_txo_lclk_n), // Templated .rxi_frame_p (elink1_txo_frame_p), // Templated .rxi_frame_n (elink1_txo_frame_n), // Templated .rxi_data_p (elink1_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated .rxi_data_n (elink1_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated .txi_wr_wait_p (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated .txi_wr_wait_n (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated .txi_rd_wait_p (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated .txi_rd_wait_n (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated .txwr_access (elink0_txwr_access), // Templated .txwr_packet (elink0_txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .txrd_access (elink0_txrd_access), // Templated .txrd_packet (elink0_txrd_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated //###################################################################### //2ND ELINK (WITH EPIPHANY MEMORY) //###################################################################### /*elink AUTO_TEMPLATE ( // Outputs .sys_clk (clk), .sys_reset (~nreset), .rxi_\(.*\) (elink0_txo_\1[]), .txi_\(.*\) (elink0_rxo_\1[]), .\(.*\) (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 6)"_\1[]), ); */ //No read/write from elink1 (for now) assign elink1_txrd_access = 1'b0; assign elink1_txrd_packet = 'b0; assign elink1_txwr_access = 1'b0; assign elink1_txwr_packet = 'b0; assign elink1_rxrr_wait = 1'b0; defparam elink1.ID = 12'h820; defparam elink1.ETYPE = 0; elink elink1 (.rxrr_wait (1'b0), .txwr_access (1'b0), .txwr_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}), .txrd_access (1'b0), .txrd_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}), .txrr_access (elink1_txrr_access), .txrr_packet (elink1_txrr_packet[PW-1:0]), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .elink_active (elink1_elink_active), // Templated .rxo_wr_wait_p (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated .rxo_wr_wait_n (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated .rxo_rd_wait_p (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated .rxo_rd_wait_n (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated .txo_lclk_p (elink1_txo_lclk_p), // Templated .txo_lclk_n (elink1_txo_lclk_n), // Templated .txo_frame_p (elink1_txo_frame_p), // Templated .txo_frame_n (elink1_txo_frame_n), // Templated .txo_data_p (elink1_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated .txo_data_n (elink1_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated .chipid (elink1_chipid[11:0]), // Templated .cclk_p (elink1_cclk_p), // Templated .cclk_n (elink1_cclk_n), // Templated .chip_resetb (elink1_chip_resetb), // Templated .mailbox_not_empty (elink1_mailbox_not_empty), // Templated .mailbox_full (elink1_mailbox_full), // Templated .timeout (elink1_timeout), // Templated .rxwr_access (elink1_rxwr_access), // Templated .rxwr_packet (elink1_rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .rxrd_access (elink1_rxrd_access), // Templated .rxrd_packet (elink1_rxrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .rxrr_access (elink1_rxrr_access), // Templated .rxrr_packet (elink1_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .txwr_wait (elink1_txwr_wait), // Templated .txrd_wait (elink1_txrd_wait), // Templated .txrr_wait (elink1_txrr_wait), // Templated // Inputs .sys_reset (~nreset), // Templated .sys_clk (clk), // Templated .rxi_lclk_p (elink0_txo_lclk_p), // Templated .rxi_lclk_n (elink0_txo_lclk_n), // Templated .rxi_frame_p (elink0_txo_frame_p), // Templated .rxi_frame_n (elink0_txo_frame_n), // Templated .rxi_data_p (elink0_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated .rxi_data_n (elink0_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated .txi_wr_wait_p (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated .txi_wr_wait_n (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated .txi_rd_wait_p (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated .txi_rd_wait_n (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated .rxwr_wait (elink1_rxwr_wait), // Templated .rxrd_wait (elink1_rxrd_wait)); // Templated //"Arbitration" between read/write transaction assign emem_access = elink1_rxwr_access | elink1_rxrd_access; assign emem_packet[PW-1:0] = elink1_rxwr_access ? elink1_rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]: elink1_rxrd_packet[PW-1:0]; assign elink1_rxrd_wait = emem_wait | elink1_rxwr_access; assign elink1_rxwr_wait = 1'b0;//TODO: elink1_random_wait /*ememory AUTO_TEMPLATE ( // Outputs .\(.*\)_out (elink1_txrr_\1[]), .\(.*\)_in (emem_\1[]), .wait_out (emem_wait), .reset (~nreset), ); */ ememory emem (.wait_in (elink1_txrr_wait),//pushback on reads .clk (clk), .wait_out (emem_wait), .coreid (12'h0), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .access_out (elink1_txrr_access), // Templated .packet_out (elink1_txrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .nreset (nreset), .access_in (emem_access), // Templated .packet_in (emem_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated endmodule // dv_elink // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl" "../../memory/hdl" "../../emesh/hdl") // End: /* Copyright (C) 2014 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */