module testbench(); localparam N = 32; /*AUTOINPUT*/ /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire clk1; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v wire clk2; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v wire nreset; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v wire [N-1:0] out; // From oh_random of oh_random.v wire start; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v wire vdd; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v wire vss; // From oh_simctrl of oh_simctrl.v // End of automatics oh_random #(.N(N)) oh_random(.en (1'b1), .clk (clk1), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .out (out[N-1:0]), // Inputs .nreset (nreset)); oh_simctrl oh_simctrl(//TODO: implement .stim_done (1'b0), .test_done (1'b0), .test_diff (1'b0), .dut_active (1'b1), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .nreset (nreset), .clk1 (clk1), .clk2 (clk2), .start (start), .vdd (vdd), .vss (vss)); endmodule // tb // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl") // End: