======= # OH! An Open Hardware Library for Chip and FPGA designers written in Verilog ## CONTENT | Spec | Description | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------| | [common](common) | Common utility HW modules and scripts | | [edma](edma) | DMA module | | [emesh](emesh) | Epiphany emesh related circuits | | [elink](elink) | Epiphany point to point LVDS link | | [emailbox](emailbox)| Simple mailbox with interrupt output | | [emmu](emmu) | Simple memory transaction translation unit | | [etrace](etrace) | Simple logic analyzer | | [memory](memory) | Various simple memory structures (RAM/FIFO) | | [xilibs](xilibs) | Simulation modules for Xilinx primitives | ## LICENSE The OH! repository source code is licensed under the MIT license unless otherwise specified. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for full copyright terms. ## CONTRIBUTING Instructions for contributing can be found [HERE](CONTRIBUTING.md).