module etx_io (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs txo_lclk_p, txo_lclk_n, txo_frame_p, txo_frame_n, txo_data_p, txo_data_n, tx_io_wait, tx_wr_wait, tx_rd_wait, // Inputs reset, tx_lclk, tx_lclk90, tx_lclk_div4, txi_wr_wait_p, txi_wr_wait_n, txi_rd_wait_p, txi_rd_wait_n, tx_packet, tx_access, tx_burst ); parameter IOSTD_ELINK = "LVDS_25"; parameter PW = 104; //########### //# reset, clocks //########## input reset; //reset for io input tx_lclk; // fast clock for io input tx_lclk90; // fast 90deg shifted lclk input tx_lclk_div4; // slow clock for rest of logic //########### //# eLink pins //########### output txo_lclk_p, txo_lclk_n; // tx clock output output txo_frame_p, txo_frame_n; // tx frame signal output [7:0] txo_data_p, txo_data_n; // tx data (dual data rate) input txi_wr_wait_p,txi_wr_wait_n; // tx write pushback input txi_rd_wait_p, txi_rd_wait_n; // tx read pushback //############# //# Fabric interface //############# input [PW-1:0] tx_packet; input tx_access; input tx_burst; output tx_io_wait; output tx_wr_wait; output tx_rd_wait; //############ //# REGS //############ reg [7:0] tx_pointer; reg [15:0] tx_data16; reg tx_access_reg; reg tx_frame; reg tx_io_wait_reg; reg io_reset; reg io_reset_in; reg [PW-1:0] tx_packet_reg; reg [63:0] tx_double; reg [2:0] tx_state_reg; reg [2:0] tx_state; //############ //# WIRES //############ wire new_tran; wire access; wire write; wire [1:0] datamode; wire [3:0] ctrlmode; wire [31:0] dstaddr; wire [31:0] data; wire [31:0] srcaddr; wire [7:0] txo_data; wire txo_frame; wire txo_lclk90; reg tx_io_wait; //############################# //# Transmit state machine //############################# `define IDLE 3'b000 `define CYCLE1 3'b001 `define CYCLE2 3'b010 `define CYCLE3 3'b011 `define CYCLE4 3'b100 `define CYCLE5 3'b101 `define CYCLE6 3'b110 `define CYCLE7 3'b111 always @ (posedge tx_lclk) if(reset) tx_state[2:0] <= `IDLE; else case (tx_state[2:0]) `IDLE : tx_state[2:0] <= tx_access ? `CYCLE1 : `IDLE; `CYCLE1 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE2; `CYCLE2 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE3; `CYCLE3 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE4; `CYCLE4 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE5; `CYCLE5 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE6; `CYCLE6 : tx_state[2:0] <= `CYCLE7; `CYCLE7 : tx_state[2:0] <= tx_burst ? `CYCLE4 : `IDLE; endcase // case (tx_state) assign tx_new_frame = (tx_state[2:0]==`CYCLE1); //Creating wait pulse for slow clock domain always @ (posedge tx_lclk) if(reset | ~tx_access) tx_io_wait <= 1'b0; else if ((tx_state[2:0] ==`CYCLE4) & ~tx_burst) tx_io_wait <= 1'b1; else if (tx_state[2:0]==`CYCLE7) tx_io_wait <= 1'b0; //Create frame signal for output always @ (posedge tx_lclk) begin tx_state_reg[2:0] <= tx_state[2:0]; tx_frame <= |(tx_state_reg[2:0]); end //############################# //# 2 CYCLE PACKET PIPELINE //############################# always @ (posedge tx_lclk) if (tx_access) tx_packet_reg[PW-1:0] <= tx_packet[PW-1:0]; packet2emesh p2e (.access_out (access), .write_out (write), .datamode_out (datamode[1:0]), .ctrlmode_out (ctrlmode[3:0]), .dstaddr_out (dstaddr[31:0]), .data_out (data[31:0]), .srcaddr_out (srcaddr[31:0]), .packet_in (tx_packet_reg[PW-1:0])); always @ (posedge tx_lclk) if (tx_new_frame) tx_double[63:0] <= {16'b0,//16 write,7'b0,ctrlmode[3:0],//12 dstaddr[31:0],datamode[1:0],write,access};//36 else if(tx_state[2:0]==`CYCLE4) tx_double[63:0] <= {data[31:0],srcaddr[31:0]}; //############################# //# SELECTING DATA FOR TRANSMIT //############################# always @ (posedge tx_lclk) case(tx_state_reg[2:0]) //Cycle1 3'b001: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[47:32]; //Cycle2 3'b010: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[31:16]; //Cycle3 3'b011: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[15:0]; //Cycle4 3'b100: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[63:48]; //Cycle5 3'b101: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[47:32]; //Cycle6 3'b110: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[31:16]; //Cycle7 3'b111: tx_data16[15:0] <= tx_double[15:0]; default tx_data16[15:0] <= 16'b0; endcase // case (tx_state[2:0]) //############################# //# RESET SYNCHRONIZER //############################# always @ (posedge tx_lclk or posedge reset) if(reset) begin io_reset_in <= 1'b1; io_reset <= 1'b1; end else begin io_reset_in <= 1'b0; io_reset <= io_reset_in; end //############################# //# ODDR DRIVERS //############################# //DATA genvar i; generate for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : gen_oddr ODDR #(.DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")) oddr_data ( .Q (txo_data[i]), .C (tx_lclk), .CE (1'b1), .D1 (tx_data16[i+8]), .D2 (tx_data16[i]), .R (1'b0), .S (1'b0) ); end endgenerate //FRAME ODDR #(.DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")) oddr_frame ( .Q (txo_frame), .C (tx_lclk), .CE (1'b1), .D1 (tx_frame), .D2 (tx_frame), .R (io_reset), //TODO: should this be buffered? .S (1'b0) ); //LCLK ODDR #(.DDR_CLK_EDGE ("SAME_EDGE")) oddr_lclk ( .Q (txo_lclk90), .C (tx_lclk90), .CE (1'b1), .D1 (1'b1), .D2 (1'b0), .R (io_reset), .S (1'b0) ); //############################## //# OUTPUT BUFFERS //############################## OBUFDS obufds_data[7:0] ( .O (txo_data_p[7:0]), .OB (txo_data_n[7:0]), .I (txo_data[7:0]) ); OBUFDS obufds_frame ( .O (txo_frame_p), .OB (txo_frame_n), .I (txo_frame) ); OBUFDS obufds_lclk ( .O (txo_lclk_p), .OB (txo_lclk_n), .I (txo_lclk90) ); //################################ //# Wait Input Buffers //################################ IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM ("TRUE"), // Differential termination .IOSTANDARD (IOSTD_ELINK)) ibufds_wrwait (.I (txi_wr_wait_p), .IB (txi_wr_wait_n), .O (tx_wr_wait)); //TODO: Come up with cleaner defines for this //Parallella and other platforms... `ifdef TODO IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM ("TRUE"), // Differential termination .IOSTANDARD (IOSTD_ELINK)) ibufds_rdwait (.I (txi_rd_wait_p), .IB (txi_rd_wait_n), .O (tx_rd_wait)); `else //On Parallella this signal comes in single-ended assign tx_rd_wait = txi_rd_wait_p; `endif endmodule // etx_io // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emesh/hdl") // End: /* Copyright (C) 2014 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson Contributed by Gunnar Hillerstrom This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */