//`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps module dv_embox(); parameter DW = 32; //Stimulus to drive reg clk; reg reset; reg mi_access; reg [5:0] mi_addr; reg [31:0] mi_data_in; reg mi_write; reg [1:0] test_state; reg go; //Reset initial begin $display($time, " << Starting the Simulation >>"); #0 clk = 1'b0; // at time 0 reset = 1'b1; // reset is active mi_write = 1'b0; mi_access = 1'b0; mi_addr[5:0] = 6'h9; mi_data_in[31:0] = 32'h0; test_state[1:0] = 2'b00; go = 1'b0; #100 reset = 1'b0; // at time 100 release reset #100 go = 1'b1; #10000 $finish; end //Clock always #10 clk = ~clk; //Pattern generator //1.) Write in 8 transactions (split into low and high) //2.) Read back 8 transactions (split into low and high) always @ (negedge clk) if(go) begin case(test_state[1:0]) 2'b00://write if(~done) begin mi_access <= 1'b1; mi_write <= 1'b1; mi_addr[5:0] <= mi_addr[5:0] ^ 6'b000001; mi_data_in[31:0] <= mi_data_in[5:0]+1'b1; end else begin test_state <= 2'b01; mi_addr[5:0] <= 6'b001001; mi_data_in[31:0] <= 32'h0; end 2'b01://read if(~done) begin mi_write <= 1'b0; mi_access <= 1'b1; mi_addr[5:0] <= mi_addr[5:0] ^ 6'b000001; mi_data_in[31:0] <= mi_data_in[5:0]+1'b1; end else begin test_state <= 2'b10; mi_write <= 1'b0; mi_access <= 1'b0; end endcase // case (test_state[1:0]) end wire done = (mi_data_in[5:0]==6'b001000); /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire embox_empty; // From embox of embox.v wire embox_full; // From embox of embox.v wire [DW-1:0] mi_data_out; // From embox of embox.v // End of automatics //DUT embox embox( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .mi_data_out (mi_data_out[DW-1:0]), .embox_full (embox_full), .embox_empty (embox_empty), // Inputs .reset (reset), .clk (clk), .mi_access (mi_access), .mi_write (mi_write), .mi_addr (mi_addr[5:0]), .mi_data_in (mi_data_in[DW-1:0])); //Waveform dump initial begin $dumpfile("test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, dv_embox); end endmodule // dv_embox