module erx_arbiter (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs rx_rd_wait, rx_wr_wait, edma_wait, ecfg_wait, rxwr_access, rxwr_packet, rxrd_access, rxrd_packet, rxrr_access, rxrr_packet, // Inputs erx_access, erx_packet, emmu_access, emmu_packet, edma_access, edma_packet, ecfg_access, ecfg_packet, timeout, rxwr_wait, rxrd_wait, rxrr_wait ); parameter AW = 32; parameter DW = 32; parameter PW = 104; parameter ID = 12'h800; //link id parameter RFAW = 6; //From IO (for rr) input erx_access; input [PW-1:0] erx_packet; output rx_rd_wait; //for IO output rx_wr_wait; //for IO //From EMMU input emmu_access; input [PW-1:0] emmu_packet; //From DMA input edma_access; input [PW-1:0] edma_packet; output edma_wait; //From ETX input ecfg_access; input [PW-1:0] ecfg_packet; output ecfg_wait; //From timeout circuit input timeout; //To Master Write FIFO output rxwr_access; output [PW-1:0] rxwr_packet; input rxwr_wait; //To Master Read FIFO output rxrd_access; output [PW-1:0] rxrd_packet; input rxrd_wait; //To Slave Read Response FIFO output rxrr_access; output [PW-1:0] rxrr_packet; input rxrr_wait; //wires wire emmu_write; wire [1:0] emmu_datamode; wire [3:0] emmu_ctrlmode; wire [31:0] emmu_dstaddr; wire [31:0] emmu_srcaddr; wire [31:0] emmu_data; wire emmu_read; wire erx_write; wire [1:0] erx_datamode; wire [3:0] erx_ctrlmode; wire [31:0] erx_dstaddr; wire [31:0] erx_srcaddr; wire [31:0] erx_data; wire erx_read; wire erx_rr_access; wire [11:0] myid; //#################################### //Splicing pakets //#################################### assign myid[11:0] = ID; packet2emesh p2e_erx (// Outputs .access_out (), .write_out (erx_write), .datamode_out (erx_datamode[1:0]), .ctrlmode_out (erx_ctrlmode[3:0]), .dstaddr_out (erx_dstaddr[AW-1:0]), .data_out (erx_data[DW-1:0]), .srcaddr_out (erx_srcaddr[AW-1:0]), // Inputs .packet_in (erx_packet[PW-1:0]) ); packet2emesh p2e_mmu (// Outputs .access_out (), .write_out (emmu_write), .datamode_out (emmu_datamode[1:0]), .ctrlmode_out (emmu_ctrlmode[3:0]), .dstaddr_out (emmu_dstaddr[AW-1:0]), .data_out (emmu_data[DW-1:0]), .srcaddr_out (emmu_srcaddr[AW-1:0]), // Inputs .packet_in (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]) ); //#################################### //Read response path, bypass mmu //#################################### assign erx_rr_access = (erx_access & erx_write & (erx_dstaddr[31:20] == myid[11:0]) & (erx_dstaddr[19:16] == 4'hD) ); assign rxrr_access = erx_rr_access | timeout | ecfg_access; assign rxrr_packet[PW-1:0] = timeout ? {32'h0,32'hDEADBEEF, myid[11:0],4'hF,16'h0000, 8'h03} : erx_rr_access ? erx_packet[PW-1:0] : ecfg_packet[PW-1:0]; assign ecfg_wait = erx_rr_access | timeout; //#################################### //Write Path (direct) //#################################### assign rxwr_access = emmu_access & emmu_write; assign rxwr_packet[PW-1:0] = emmu_packet[PW-1:0]; //#################################### //Read Path //#################################### assign emmu_read = (emmu_access & ~emmu_write); assign rxrd_access = emmu_read | edma_access; assign rxrd_packet[PW-1:0] = emmu_read ? emmu_packet[PW-1:0] : edma_packet[PW-1:0]; //#################################### //Wait Signals //#################################### assign rx_rd_wait = rxrd_wait; assign rx_wr_wait = rxwr_wait | rxrr_wait; assign edma_wait = rxrd_wait | emmu_read; assign erx_cfg_wait = rxwr_wait | rxrr_wait; endmodule // erx_disty // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../common/hdl" "../../emmu/hdl") // End: //############################################################################# /* This file is part of the Parallella Project. Copyright (C) 2014 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */