/* ######################################################################## ######################################################################## */ module ecfg_if (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs wait_out, mi_mmu_en, mi_dma_en, mi_cfg_en, mi_we, mi_addr, mi_din, access_out, packet_out, // Inputs clk, reset, access_in, packet_in, mi_dout0, mi_dout1, mi_dout2, mi_dout3, wait_in ); parameter RX = 0; //0,1 parameter PW = 104; parameter AW = 32; parameter DW = 32; parameter ID = 12'h810; /********************************/ /*Clocks/reset */ /********************************/ input clk; input reset; /********************************/ /*Incoming Packet */ /********************************/ input access_in; input [PW-1:0] packet_in; output wait_out; /********************************/ /* Register Interface */ /********************************/ output mi_mmu_en; output mi_dma_en; output mi_cfg_en; output mi_we; output [14:0] mi_addr; output [63:0] mi_din; input [63:0] mi_dout0; input [63:0] mi_dout1; input [63:0] mi_dout2; input [63:0] mi_dout3; /********************************/ /* Outgoing Packet */ /********************************/ output access_out; output [PW-1:0] packet_out; input wait_in; //incoming wait //wires wire [31:0] dstaddr; wire [31:0] data; wire [31:0] srcaddr; wire [1:0] datamode; wire [3:0] ctrlmode; wire [63:0] mi_dout_mux; wire mi_rd; wire access_forward; wire rx_sel; //regs; reg access_out; reg [31:0] dstaddr_out; reg [31:0] data_out; reg [31:0] srcaddr_out; reg [1:0] datamode_out; reg [3:0] ctrlmode_out; reg write_out; //splicing packet packet2emesh p2e (.access_out (), .write_out (write), .datamode_out (datamode[1:0]), .ctrlmode_out (ctrlmode[3:0]), .dstaddr_out (dstaddr[31:0]), .data_out (data[31:0]), .srcaddr_out (srcaddr[31:0]), .packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]) ); //ENABLE SIGNALS assign mi_match = access_in & (dstaddr[31:20]==ID); //signal to carry transaction from ETX to ERX block through fifo_cdc assign mi_rx_en = mi_match & ( ((dstaddr[19:16]==4'hF) & (dstaddr[10:8]==3'h3)) | //RX-CFG ((dstaddr[19:16]==4'hF) & (dstaddr[10:8]==3'h5) & dstaddr[5]) | //RX-DMA ((dstaddr[19:16]==4'hE) & dstaddr[15]) //RX-EMMU ); assign rx_sel = RX; //config select (group 2 and 3) assign mi_cfg_en = mi_match & (dstaddr[19:16]==4'hF) & (dstaddr[10:8]=={2'b01,rx_sel}); //dma select (group 5) assign mi_dma_en = mi_match & (dstaddr[19:16]==4'hF) & (dstaddr[10:8]==3'h5) & (dstaddr[5]==rx_sel); //mmu select assign mi_mmu_en = mi_match & (dstaddr[19:16]==4'hE) & (dstaddr[15]==rx_sel); //read/write indicator assign mi_rd = ~write & (mi_mmu_en | mi_cfg_en | mi_dma_en); assign mi_we = write & (mi_mmu_en | mi_cfg_en | mi_dma_en); //ADDR assign mi_addr[14:0] = dstaddr[14:0]; //DIN assign mi_din[63:0] = {srcaddr[31:0], data[31:0]}; //READBACK MUX (inputs should be zero if not used) assign mi_dout_mux[63:0] = mi_dout0[63:0] | mi_dout1[63:0] | mi_dout2[63:0] | mi_dout3[63:0]; //Access out packet assign access_forward = (mi_rx_en | mi_rd) & ~wait_in; always @ (posedge clk) access_out <= access_forward; always @ (posedge clk) if(access_forward) begin write_out <= mi_rx_en & write; datamode_out[1:0] <= datamode[1:0]; ctrlmode_out[3:0] <= ctrlmode[3:0]; dstaddr_out[31:0] <= mi_rx_en ? dstaddr[31:0] : srcaddr[31:0]; data_out[31:0] <= mi_rx_en ? data[31:0] : mi_dout_mux[31:0]; srcaddr_out[31:0] <= mi_rx_en ? srcaddr[31:0] : mi_dout_mux[63:32]; end //Create packet emesh2packet e2p (.packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]), .access_in (access_out), .write_in (write_out), .datamode_in (datamode_out[1:0]), .ctrlmode_in (ctrlmode_out[3:0]), .dstaddr_in (dstaddr_out[AW-1:0]), .data_in (data_out[DW-1:0]), .srcaddr_in (srcaddr_out[AW-1:0]) ); endmodule // ecfg_if /* Copyright (C) 2015 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */