module etx_fifo(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs txrd_wait, txwr_wait, txrr_wait, etx_cfg_access, etx_cfg_packet, txrd_fifo_access, txrd_fifo_packet, txrr_fifo_access, txrr_fifo_packet, txwr_fifo_access, txwr_fifo_packet, // Inputs reset, sys_clk, tx_lclk_div4, txrd_access, txrd_packet, txwr_access, txwr_packet, txrr_access, txrr_packet, etx_cfg_wait, txrd_fifo_wait, txrr_fifo_wait, txwr_fifo_wait ); parameter AW = 32; parameter DW = 32; parameter PW = 104; parameter RFAW = 6; parameter ID = 12'h000; //Clocks,reset,config input reset; input sys_clk; input tx_lclk_div4; // slow speed parallel clock //Read Request Channel Input input txrd_access; input [PW-1:0] txrd_packet; output txrd_wait; //Write Channel Input input txwr_access; input [PW-1:0] txwr_packet; output txwr_wait; //Read Response Channel Input input txrr_access; input [PW-1:0] txrr_packet; output txrr_wait; //Configuration Interface (for ERX) output etx_cfg_access; output [PW-1:0] etx_cfg_packet; input etx_cfg_wait; output txrd_fifo_access; output [PW-1:0] txrd_fifo_packet; input txrd_fifo_wait; output txrr_fifo_access; output [PW-1:0] txrr_fifo_packet; input txrr_fifo_wait; output txwr_fifo_access; output [PW-1:0] txwr_fifo_packet; input txwr_fifo_wait; /*AUTOOUTPUT*/ /*AUTOINPUT*/ /*AUTOWIRE*/ /************************************************************/ /*FIFOs */ /************************************************************/ //TODO: Minimize depth and width /*fifo_cdc AUTO_TEMPLATE ( // Outputs .access_out (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_access), .packet_out (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), .wait_out (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_wait), .wait_in (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_wait), .clk_out (tx_lclk_div4), .clk_in (sys_clk), .access_in (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_access), .rd_en (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_fifo_read), .reset (reset), .packet_in (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 4)"_packet[PW-1:0]), ); */ //Write fifo (from slave) fifo_cdc #(.WIDTH(104), .DEPTH(16)) txwr_fifo( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .wait_out (txwr_wait), // Templated .access_out (txwr_fifo_access), // Templated .packet_out (txwr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .clk_in (sys_clk), // Templated .clk_out (tx_lclk_div4), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated .access_in (txwr_access), // Templated .packet_in (txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .wait_in (txwr_fifo_wait)); // Templated //Read request fifo (from slave) fifo_cdc #(.WIDTH(104), .DEPTH(16)) txrd_fifo( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .wait_out (txrd_wait), // Templated .access_out (txrd_fifo_access), // Templated .packet_out (txrd_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .clk_in (sys_clk), // Templated .clk_out (tx_lclk_div4), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated .access_in (txrd_access), // Templated .packet_in (txrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .wait_in (txrd_fifo_wait)); // Templated //Read response fifo (from master) fifo_cdc #(.WIDTH(104), .DEPTH(5)) txrr_fifo( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .wait_out (txrr_wait), // Templated .access_out (txrr_fifo_access), // Templated .packet_out (txrr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .clk_in (sys_clk), // Templated .clk_out (tx_lclk_div4), // Templated .reset (reset), // Templated .access_in (txrr_access), // Templated .packet_in (txrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .wait_in (txrr_fifo_wait)); // Templated endmodule // elink // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emmu/hdl" "../../memory/hdl" "../../edma/hdl/") // End: /* Copyright (C) 2015 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */