/* Copyright (C) 2013 Adapteva, Inc. Contributed by Andreas Olofsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING). If not, see . */ /* ######################################################################## EPIPHANY CONFIGURATION REGISTER ######################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSRESET ***Elink reset*** [0] 0 - elink active 1 - elink in reset ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSCFGTX ***Elink transmitter configuration*** [0] 0 - link TX disable 1 - link TX enable [1] 0 - normal pass through transaction mode 1 - mmu mode [3:2] 00 - normal mode 01 - gpio mode 10 - auto-increment 64-bit address/data pairs 11 - reserved [7:4] Transmit control mode for eMesh [11:8] 0000 - No division, full speed 0001 - Divide by 2 Others - Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSCFGRX ***Elink receiver configuration*** [0] 0 - link RX disable 1 - link RX enable [1] 0 - normal transaction mode 1 - mmu mode [3:2] 00 - normal mode 01 - GPIO mode (drive rd wait pins from registers) 10 - loopback mode (loops TX-->RX) 11 - reserved [4] 0 - set monitor to count traffic 1 - set monitor to count congestion ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSCFGCLK ***Epiphany clock frequency setting*** [3:0] Output divider 0000 - Clock turned off 0001 - CLKIN/64 0010 - CLKIN/32 0011 - CLKIN/16 0100 - CLKIN/8 0101 - CLKIN/4 0110 - CLKIN/2 0111 - CLKIN/1 (full speed) 1XXX - RESERVED [7:4] PLL settings (TBD) ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSCOREID ***CORE ID*** [5:0] Column ID-->default at powerup/reset [11:6] Row ID ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSVERSION ***Version number (read only)*** [7:0] Revision #, incremented in each change (match git?) [15:8] Type (features included in FPGA load, same board) [23:16] Board platform # [31:24] Generation # (needed??) ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSDATAIN ***Data on elink input pins [7:0] rx_data[7:0] [8] tx_frame [9] tx_wait_rd [10] tx_wait_wr ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSDATAOUT ***Data on eLink output pins [7:0] tx_data[7:0] [8] tx_frame [9] rx_wait_rd [10] rx_wait_wr ------------------------------------------------------------- ESYSDEBUG ***Various debug signals from elink [31:0] (design specific, generic inferface for now) included: -all wait signals, (4) -fifo fulls, -fifo emptys -axi access, ready signals for master/slave -frame signals (in and out) ######################################################################## */ // These are WORD addresses (bits 11:2) `define E_REG_SYSRESET 10'h010 `define E_REG_SYSCFGTX 10'h011 `define E_REG_SYSCFGRX 10'h012 `define E_REG_SYSCFGCLK 10'h013 `define E_REG_SYSCOREID 10'h014 `define E_REG_SYSVERSION 10'h015 `define E_REG_SYSDATAIN 10'h016 `define E_REG_SYSDATAOUT 10'h017 `define E_REG_SYSDEBUG 10'h018 module ecfg (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs mi_dout, ecfg_reset, ecfg_tx_enable, ecfg_tx_mmu_mode, ecfg_tx_gpio_mode, ecfg_tx_tp_mode, ecfg_tx_ctrl_mode, ecfg_tx_clkdiv, ecfg_rx_enable, ecfg_rx_mmu_mode, ecfg_rx_gpio_mode, ecfg_cclk_en, ecfg_cclk_div, ecfg_cclk_pllcfg, ecfg_coreid, ecfg_dataout, // Inputs mi_clk, mi_en, mi_we, mi_addr, mi_din, hw_reset, ecfg_datain, ecfg_debug_signals ); //Register file parameters /* ##################################################################### COMPILE TIME PARAMETERS ###################################################################### */ parameter COREID = 12'h808; parameter VERSION = 32'h00_00_00_00; // FPGA (gen:plat:type:rev) parameter IDW = 12; // Elink ID (row,column coordinate) parameter RFAW = 12; // Register file address width // NB: The BRAM interface seems to provide BYTE addresses! /******************************/ /*HARDWARE RESET (POR/BUTTON) */ /******************************/ input hw_reset; /*****************************/ /*SIMPLE MEMORY INTERFACE */ /*****************************/ input mi_clk; input mi_en; input mi_we; //Single we, must write full words! input [RFAW-1:0] mi_addr; input [31:0] mi_din; output [31:0] mi_dout; /*****************************/ /*ELINK CONTROL SIGNALS */ /*****************************/ //RESET output ecfg_reset; //tx output ecfg_tx_enable; //enable signal for TX output ecfg_tx_mmu_mode; //enables MMU on transmit path output ecfg_tx_gpio_mode; //forces TX output pins to constants output ecfg_tx_tp_mode; //auto-generates TX transactions output [3:0] ecfg_tx_ctrl_mode; //value for emesh ctrlmode tag output [3:0] ecfg_tx_clkdiv; //transmit clock divider //rx output ecfg_rx_enable; //enable signal for rx output ecfg_rx_mmu_mode; //enables MMU on rx path output ecfg_rx_gpio_mode; //forces rx wait pins to constants //cclk output ecfg_cclk_en; //cclk enable output [3:0] ecfg_cclk_div; //cclk divider setting output [3:0] ecfg_cclk_pllcfg; //pll configuration //coreid output [11:0] ecfg_coreid; //core-id of fpga elink //gpio input [10:0] ecfg_datain; // data from elink inputs output [10:0] ecfg_dataout; //data for elink outputs {rd_wait,wr_wait,frame,data[7:0]} //debug input [31:0] ecfg_debug_signals;//various signals for debugging the elink hardware /*------------------------BODY CODE---------------------------------------*/ //registers reg [11:0] ecfg_cfgtx_reg; reg [4:0] ecfg_cfgrx_reg; reg [7:0] ecfg_cfgclk_reg; reg [11:0] ecfg_coreid_reg; reg ecfg_reset_reg; reg [11:0] ecfg_datain_reg; reg [11:0] ecfg_dataout_reg; reg [31:0] mi_dout; //wires wire ecfg_read; wire ecfg_write; wire ecfg_reset_match; wire ecfg_cfgtx_match; wire ecfg_cfgrx_match; wire ecfg_cfgclk_match; wire ecfg_coreid_match; wire ecfg_datain_match; wire ecfg_dataout_match; wire ecfg_match; wire ecfg_regmux; wire [31:0] ecfg_reg_mux; wire ecfg_cfgtx_write; wire ecfg_cfgrx_write; wire ecfg_cfgclk_write; wire ecfg_coreid_write; wire ecfg_dataout_write; wire ecfg_rx_monitor_mode; wire ecfg_reset_write; /*****************************/ /*ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC */ /*****************************/ //read/write decode assign ecfg_write = mi_en & mi_we; assign ecfg_read = mi_en & ~mi_we; //address match signals assign ecfg_reset_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSRESET; assign ecfg_cfgtx_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSCFGTX; assign ecfg_cfgrx_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSCFGRX; assign ecfg_cfgclk_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSCFGCLK; assign ecfg_coreid_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSCOREID; assign ecfg_version_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSVERSION; assign ecfg_datain_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSDATAIN; assign ecfg_dataout_match = mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]==`E_REG_SYSDATAOUT; assign ecfg_match = ecfg_reset_match | ecfg_cfgtx_match | ecfg_cfgrx_match | ecfg_cfgclk_match | ecfg_coreid_match | ecfg_version_match | ecfg_datain_match | ecfg_dataout_match; //Write enables assign ecfg_reset_write = ecfg_reset_match & ecfg_write; assign ecfg_cfgtx_write = ecfg_cfgtx_match & ecfg_write; assign ecfg_cfgrx_write = ecfg_cfgrx_match & ecfg_write; assign ecfg_cfgclk_write = ecfg_cfgclk_match & ecfg_write; assign ecfg_coreid_write = ecfg_coreid_match & ecfg_write; assign ecfg_dataout_write = ecfg_dataout_match & ecfg_write; //########################### //# ESYSCFGTX //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_cfgtx_reg[11:0] <= 12'b0; else if (ecfg_cfgtx_write) ecfg_cfgtx_reg[11:0] <= mi_din[11:0]; assign ecfg_tx_enable = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[0]; assign ecfg_tx_mmu_mode = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[1]; assign ecfg_tx_gpio_mode = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[3:2]==2'b01; assign ecfg_tx_tp_mode = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[3:2]==2'b10; assign ecfg_tx_ctrl_mode[3:0] = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[7:4]; assign ecfg_tx_clkdiv[3:0] = ecfg_cfgtx_reg[11:8]; //########################### //# ESYSCFGRX //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_cfgrx_reg[4:0] <= 5'b0; else if (ecfg_cfgrx_write) ecfg_cfgrx_reg[4:0] <= mi_din[4:0]; assign ecfg_rx_enable = ecfg_cfgrx_reg[0]; assign ecfg_rx_mmu_mode = ecfg_cfgrx_reg[1]; assign ecfg_rx_gpio_mode = ecfg_cfgrx_reg[3:2]==2'b01; assign ecfg_rx_loopback_mode = ecfg_cfgrx_reg[3:2]==2'b10; assign ecfg_rx_monitor_mode = ecfg_cfgrx_reg[4]; //########################### //# ESYSCFGCLK //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_cfgclk_reg[7:0] <= 8'b0; else if (ecfg_cfgclk_write) ecfg_cfgclk_reg[7:0] <= mi_din[7:0]; assign ecfg_cclk_en = ~(ecfg_cfgclk_reg[3:0]==4'b0000); assign ecfg_cclk_div[3:0] = ecfg_cfgclk_reg[3:0]; assign ecfg_cclk_pllcfg[3:0] = ecfg_cfgclk_reg[7:4]; //########################### //# ESYSCOREID //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_coreid_reg[IDW-1:0] <= PARAM_COREID; else if (ecfg_coreid_write) ecfg_coreid_reg[IDW-1:0] <= mi_din[IDW-1:0]; assign ecfg_coreid[IDW-1:0] = ecfg_coreid_reg[IDW-1:0]; //########################### //# ESYSDATAIN //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) ecfg_datain_reg <= ecfg_datain; //########################### //# ESYSDATAOUT //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_dataout_reg <= 'd0; else if (ecfg_dataout_write) ecfg_dataout_reg <= mi_din[10:0]; assign ecfg_dataout[10:0] = ecfg_dataout_reg[10:0]; //########################### //# ESYSRESET //########################### always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(hw_reset) ecfg_reset_reg <= 1'b0; else if (ecfg_reset_write) ecfg_reset_reg <= mi_din[0]; assign ecfg_reset = ecfg_reset_reg | hw_reset; //############################### //# DATA READBACK MUX //############################### //Pipelineing readback always @ (posedge mi_clk) if(ecfg_read) case(mi_addr[RFAW-1:2]) `E_REG_SYSRESET: mi_dout[31:0] <= {31'b0, ecfg_reset_reg}; `E_REG_SYSCFGTX: mi_dout[31:0] <= {20'b0, ecfg_cfgtx_reg[11:0]}; `E_REG_SYSCFGRX: mi_dout[31:0] <= {27'b0, ecfg_cfgrx_reg[4:0]}; `E_REG_SYSCFGCLK: mi_dout[31:0] <= {24'b0, ecfg_cfgclk_reg[7:0]}; `E_REG_SYSCOREID: mi_dout[31:0] <= {{(32-IDW){1'b0}}, ecfg_coreid_reg[IDW-1:0]}; `E_REG_SYSVERSION: mi_dout[31:0] <= VERSION; `E_REG_SYSDATAIN: mi_dout[31:0] <= {20'b0, ecfg_datain_reg[11:0]}; `E_REG_SYSDATAOUT: mi_dout[31:0] <= {20'b0, ecfg_dataout_reg[11:0]}; `E_REG_SYSDEBUG: mi_dout[31:0] <= ecfg_debug_signals[31:0]; default: mi_dout[31:0] <= 32'd0; endcase endmodule // e_cfg