module etx_core(/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs tx_access, tx_burst, tx_packet, txrd_wait, txrr_wait, txwr_wait, etx_cfg_access, etx_cfg_packet, // Inputs nreset, clk, tx_rd_wait, tx_wr_wait, txrd_access, txrd_packet, txrr_access, txrr_packet, txwr_access, txwr_packet, etx_cfg_wait ); parameter AW = 32; parameter DW = 32; parameter PW = 104; parameter RFAW = 6; parameter ID = 12'h999; //Clocks,reset,config input nreset; input clk; //IO interface output tx_access; output tx_burst; output [PW-1:0] tx_packet; input tx_rd_wait; input tx_wr_wait; //TXRD input txrd_access; input [PW-1:0] txrd_packet; output txrd_wait; //TXRR input txrr_access; input [PW-1:0] txrr_packet; output txrr_wait; //TXWR input txwr_access; input [PW-1:0] txwr_packet; output txwr_wait; //Configuration Interface (for ERX) output etx_cfg_access; output [PW-1:0] etx_cfg_packet; input etx_cfg_wait; //for status? wire[15:0] tx_status; /*AUTOOUTPUT*/ /*AUTOINPUT*/ /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [3:0] ctrlmode; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire ctrlmode_bypass; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire emmu_access; // From etx_mmu of emmu.v wire [PW-1:0] emmu_packet; // From etx_mmu of emmu.v wire etx_access; // From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v wire [PW-1:0] etx_packet; // From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v wire etx_rd_wait; // From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v wire etx_remap_access; // From etx_remap of etx_remap.v wire [PW-1:0] etx_remap_packet; // From etx_remap of etx_remap.v wire etx_rr; // From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v wire etx_wr_wait; // From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v wire [8:0] gpio_data; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire gpio_enable; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire [14:0] mi_addr; // From etx_cfgif of ecfg_if.v wire [DW-1:0] mi_cfg_dout; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire mi_cfg_en; // From etx_cfgif of ecfg_if.v wire [63:0] mi_din; // From etx_cfgif of ecfg_if.v wire [DW-1:0] mi_mmu_dout; // From etx_mmu of emmu.v wire mi_mmu_en; // From etx_cfgif of ecfg_if.v wire mi_we; // From etx_cfgif of ecfg_if.v wire mmu_enable; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire remap_enable; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v wire tx_enable; // From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v // End of automatics /************************************************************/ /*ELINK TRANSMIT ARBITER */ /*-arbitrates between the wr,rr, and rd packets */ /* */ /************************************************************/ defparam etx_arbiter.ID=ID; etx_arbiter etx_arbiter ( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .txwr_wait (txwr_wait), .txrd_wait (txrd_wait), .txrr_wait (txrr_wait), .etx_access (etx_access), .etx_packet (etx_packet[PW-1:0]), .etx_rr (etx_rr), // Inputs .clk (clk), .nreset (nreset), .txwr_access (txwr_access), .txwr_packet (txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), .txrd_access (txrd_access), .txrd_packet (txrd_packet[PW-1:0]), .txrr_access (txrr_access), .txrr_packet (txrr_packet[PW-1:0]), .etx_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), .etx_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait), .etx_cfg_wait (etx_cfg_wait), .ctrlmode_bypass (ctrlmode_bypass), .ctrlmode (ctrlmode[3:0])); /************************************************************/ /* REMAPPING (SHIFT) DESTINATION ADDRESS */ /************************************************************/ /*etx_remap AUTO_TEMPLATE ( .emesh_\(.*\)_in (etx_\1[]), .emesh_\(.*\)_out (etx_remap_\1[]), .remap_en (remap_enable), .remap_bypass (etx_rr), .emesh_wait (etx_wait), ); */ etx_remap etx_remap (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .emesh_access_out(etx_remap_access), // Templated .emesh_packet_out(etx_remap_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .clk (clk), .emesh_access_in(etx_access), // Templated .emesh_packet_in(etx_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .remap_en (remap_enable), // Templated .remap_bypass (etx_rr), // Templated .etx_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), .etx_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait)); /************************************************************/ /* EMMU */ /************************************************************/ /*emmu AUTO_TEMPLATE ( .emesh_\(.*\)_in (etx_remap_\1[]), .emesh_\(.*\)_out (emmu_\1[]), .mmu_en (mmu_enable), .mmu_bp (etx_rr), .rd_clk (clk), .wr_clk (clk), .emmu_access_out (emmu_access), .emmu_packet_out (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]), .mi_dout (mi_mmu_dout[DW-1:0]), .emesh_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), .emesh_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait), .emesh_packet_hi_out (), .mi_en (mi_mmu_en), ); */ emmu etx_mmu ( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .mi_dout (mi_mmu_dout[DW-1:0]), // Templated .emesh_access_out (emmu_access), // Templated .emesh_packet_out (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .emesh_packet_hi_out (), // Templated // Inputs .rd_clk (clk), // Templated .wr_clk (clk), // Templated .mmu_en (mmu_enable), // Templated .mmu_bp (etx_rr), // Templated .mi_en (mi_mmu_en), // Templated .mi_we (mi_we), .mi_addr (mi_addr[14:0]), .mi_din (mi_din[DW-1:0]), .emesh_access_in (etx_remap_access), // Templated .emesh_packet_in (etx_remap_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .emesh_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), // Templated .emesh_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait)); // Templated /************************************************************/ /*ELINK PROTOCOL LOGIC */ /************************************************************/ /*etx_protocol AUTO_TEMPLATE ( .etx_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), .etx_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait), .etx_\(.*\) (emmu_\1[]), .etx_wait (etx_wait), ); */ defparam etx_protocol.ID=ID; etx_protocol etx_protocol ( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .etx_rd_wait (etx_rd_wait), // Templated .etx_wr_wait (etx_wr_wait), // Templated .tx_packet (tx_packet[PW-1:0]), .tx_access (tx_access), .tx_burst (tx_burst), // Inputs .nreset (nreset), .clk (clk), .etx_access (emmu_access), // Templated .etx_packet (emmu_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .tx_enable (tx_enable), .gpio_data (gpio_data[8:0]), .gpio_enable (gpio_enable), .tx_rd_wait (tx_rd_wait), .tx_wr_wait (tx_wr_wait)); /************************************************************/ /* CONFIGURATOIN PACKET */ /************************************************************/ /*ecfg_if AUTO_TEMPLATE ( .\(.*\)_in (etx_\1[]), .\(.*\)_out (etx_cfg_\1[]), .mi_dout0 ({32'b0,mi_cfg_dout[31:0]}), .mi_dout2 ({32'b0,mi_mmu_dout[31:0]}), .wait_in (etx_cfg_wait), ); */ defparam etx_cfgif.RX = 0; defparam etx_cfgif.ID = ID; ecfg_if etx_cfgif (.mi_dout3 (64'b0), .mi_dout1 (64'b0), .mi_dma_en (), /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .mi_mmu_en (mi_mmu_en), .mi_cfg_en (mi_cfg_en), .mi_we (mi_we), .mi_addr (mi_addr[14:0]), .mi_din (mi_din[63:0]), .access_out (etx_cfg_access), // Templated .packet_out (etx_cfg_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated // Inputs .clk (clk), .nreset (nreset), .access_in (etx_access), // Templated .packet_in (etx_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated .mi_dout0 ({32'b0,mi_cfg_dout[31:0]}), // Templated .mi_dout2 ({32'b0,mi_mmu_dout[31:0]}), // Templated .wait_in (etx_cfg_wait)); // Templated /************************************************************/ /* ETX CONFIGURATION REGISTERS */ /************************************************************/ /*etx_cfg AUTO_TEMPLATE (.mi_dout (mi_cfg_dout[DW-1:0]), .mi_en (mi_cfg_en), ); */ //todo: make more useufl assign tx_status[15:0] = 16'b0; /* {2'b0, //15:14 etx_rd_wait, //13 etx_wr_wait, //12 txrr_fifo_read, //11 txrr_wait, //10 txrr_access, //9 txrd_fifo_read, //8 txrd_wait, //7 txrd_access, //6 txwr_fifo_read, //5 txwr_wait, //4 txwr_access, //3 1'b0, //2 1'b0, //1 1'b0 //0 }; */ etx_cfg etx_cfg ( /*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .mi_dout (mi_cfg_dout[DW-1:0]), // Templated .tx_enable (tx_enable), .mmu_enable (mmu_enable), .gpio_enable (gpio_enable), .remap_enable (remap_enable), .gpio_data (gpio_data[8:0]), .ctrlmode (ctrlmode[3:0]), .ctrlmode_bypass (ctrlmode_bypass), // Inputs .nreset (nreset), .clk (clk), .mi_en (mi_cfg_en), // Templated .mi_we (mi_we), .mi_addr (mi_addr[RFAW+1:0]), .mi_din (mi_din[31:0]), .tx_status (tx_status[15:0])); endmodule // elink // Local Variables: // verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emmu/hdl" "../../memory/hdl") // End: