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synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
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//# Function: Clock domain crossing FIFO #
//# Author: Andreas Olofsson #
//# License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #
module oh_fifo_cdc
#(parameter N = 32, // fifo width
parameter DEPTH = 32, // fifo depth
parameter TARGET = "DEFAULT", // synthesis/sim target
parameter AW = $clog2(DEPTH) // rd_count width (derived)
input nreset, // async active low reset
//Write Side
input clk_in, // write clock
input valid_in, // write valid
input [N-1:0] packet_in, // write packet
output ready_out, // write pushback
//Read Side
input clk_out, // read clock
output reg valid_out, // read valid
output [N-1:0] packet_out, // read packet
input ready_in, // read pushback
output prog_full, // fifo is half full
output full, // fifo is full
output empty // fifo is empty
// wire declarations
wire wr_en;
wire rd_en;
wire rd_empty;
wire wr_almost_full;
wire wr_full;
wire wr_prog_full;
wire nreset_out;
// FIFO control logic
assign wr_en = valid_in;
assign rd_en = ~empty & ready_in;
assign ready_out = ~(wr_almost_full | wr_full | wr_prog_full);
//async asser, sync deassert of reset
oh_rsync #(.TARGET(TARGET))
sync_reset(.nrst_out (nreset_out),
.clk (clk_out),
.nrst_in (nreset));
//align valid signal with FIFO read delay
always @ (posedge clk_out or negedge nreset_out)
valid_out <= 1'b0;
else if(ready_in)
valid_out <= rd_en;
// parametric async fifo
oh_fifo_async #(.TARGET(TARGET),
oh_fifo_async (
.rd_clk (clk_out),
.rd_dout (packet_out[N-1:0]),
.wr_clk (clk_in),
.wr_din (packet_in[N-1:0]),
.memconfig (8'b0),
.memrepair (8'b0),
.shutdown (1'b0),
.vddio (1'b1),
.vdd (1'b0),
.vss (1'b0),
.bist_en (1'b0),
.bist_we (1'b0),
.bist_wem ({(N){1'b0}}),
.bist_addr ({(AW){1'b0}}),
.bist_din ({(N){1'b0}}),
.bist_dout (),
.wr_count (),
.rd_count (),
// Outputs
.wr_full (wr_full),
.wr_almost_full (wr_almost_full),
.wr_prog_full (wr_prog_full),
.rd_empty (rd_empty),
// Inputs
.nreset (nreset),
.wr_en (wr_en),
.rd_en (rd_en));
endmodule // oh_fifo_cdc
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../fpga/" "../dv")
// End: