mirror of https://github.com/aolofsson/oh.git synced 2025-01-17 20:02:53 +08:00
Andreas Olofsson 624d0e6134 Reorg cleanup
-renamed disty for consistency (there is an arbiter there now)
-adding missing ID to etx/erx
-New org working!
2015-05-12 07:41:48 -04:00

200 lines
7.2 KiB

module erx (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
rx_lclk_div4, rxo_wr_wait_p, rxo_wr_wait_n, rxo_rd_wait_p,
rxo_rd_wait_n, rxwr_access, rxwr_packet, rxrd_access, rxrd_packet,
rxrr_access, rxrr_packet, erx_cfg_wait, timeout, mailbox_full,
// Inputs
reset, sys_clk, rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n, rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n,
rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n, rxwr_wait, rxrd_wait, rxrr_wait,
erx_cfg_access, erx_cfg_packet
parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter RFAW = 6;
parameter ID = 12'h800;
//reset & clock
input reset;
input sys_clk; //system input clock for fifos
output rx_lclk_div4; //for synchronization outside erx
//FROM IO Pins
input rxi_lclk_p, rxi_lclk_n; //link rx clock input
input rxi_frame_p, rxi_frame_n; //link rx frame signal
input [7:0] rxi_data_p, rxi_data_n; //link rx data
output rxo_wr_wait_p,rxo_wr_wait_n; //link rx write pushback output
output rxo_rd_wait_p,rxo_rd_wait_n; //link rx read pushback output
//Master write
output rxwr_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxwr_packet;
input rxwr_wait;
//Master read request
output rxrd_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxrd_packet;
input rxrd_wait;
//Slave read response
output rxrr_access;
output [PW-1:0] rxrr_packet;
input rxrr_wait;
//Configuration Interface (from ETX)
input erx_cfg_access;
input [PW-1:0] erx_cfg_packet;
output erx_cfg_wait;
//Readback timeout (synchronized to sys_c
output timeout;
output mailbox_full;
output mailbox_not_empty;
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire [63:0] rx_data_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire [7:0] rx_frame_par; // From erx_io of erx_io.v
wire rx_rd_wait; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire rx_wr_wait; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire rxrd_fifo_access; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxrd_fifo_packet; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire rxrd_fifo_wait; // From erx_fifo of erx_fifo.v
wire rxrr_fifo_access; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxrr_fifo_packet; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire rxrr_fifo_wait; // From erx_fifo of erx_fifo.v
wire rxwr_fifo_access; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire [PW-1:0] rxwr_fifo_packet; // From erx_core of erx_core.v
wire rxwr_fifo_wait; // From erx_fifo of erx_fifo.v
// End of automatics
wire [15:0] rx_status;
wire rxwr_fifo_full;
wire rxrr_fifo_full;
wire rxrd_fifo_full;
wire rxrd_empty;
wire rxwr_empty;
wire rxrr_empty;
wire [103:0] edma_packet; // From edma of edma.v, ...
erx_io erx_io (
// Outputs
.rxo_wr_wait_p (rxo_wr_wait_p),
.rxo_wr_wait_n (rxo_wr_wait_n),
.rxo_rd_wait_p (rxo_rd_wait_p),
.rxo_rd_wait_n (rxo_rd_wait_n),
.rx_lclk_div4 (rx_lclk_div4),
.rx_frame_par (rx_frame_par[7:0]),
.rx_data_par (rx_data_par[63:0]),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.rxi_lclk_p (rxi_lclk_p),
.rxi_lclk_n (rxi_lclk_n),
.rxi_frame_p (rxi_frame_p),
.rxi_frame_n (rxi_frame_n),
.rxi_data_p (rxi_data_p[7:0]),
.rxi_data_n (rxi_data_n[7:0]),
.rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait),
.rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait));
/*erx_core AUTO_TEMPLATE (
.erx_cfg_access (erx_cfg_access),
.erx_cfg_packet (erx_cfg_packet[PW-1:0]),
.erx_cfg_wait (erx_cfg_wait),
.rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait),
.rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait),
.\(.*\)_packet (\1_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]),
.\(.*\)_access (\1_fifo_access),
.\(.*\)_wait (\1_fifo_wait),
defparam erx_core.ID=ID;
erx_core erx_core ( .clk (rx_lclk_div4),
// Outputs
.rx_rd_wait (rx_rd_wait), // Templated
.rx_wr_wait (rx_wr_wait), // Templated
.rxrd_access (rxrd_fifo_access), // Templated
.rxrd_packet (rxrd_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.rxrr_access (rxrr_fifo_access), // Templated
.rxrr_packet (rxrr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.rxwr_access (rxwr_fifo_access), // Templated
.rxwr_packet (rxwr_fifo_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.erx_cfg_wait (erx_cfg_wait), // Templated
.mailbox_full (mailbox_full),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.rx_data_par (rx_data_par[63:0]),
.rx_frame_par (rx_frame_par[7:0]),
.rxrd_wait (rxrd_fifo_wait), // Templated
.rxrr_wait (rxrr_fifo_wait), // Templated
.rxwr_wait (rxwr_fifo_wait), // Templated
.erx_cfg_access (erx_cfg_access), // Templated
.erx_cfg_packet (erx_cfg_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated
/*FIFOs */
erx_fifo erx_fifo (
// Outputs
.rxwr_access (rxwr_access),
.rxwr_packet (rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]),
.rxrd_access (rxrd_access),
.rxrd_packet (rxrd_packet[PW-1:0]),
.rxrr_access (rxrr_access),
.rxrr_packet (rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]),
.rxrd_fifo_wait (rxrd_fifo_wait),
.rxrr_fifo_wait (rxrr_fifo_wait),
.rxwr_fifo_wait (rxwr_fifo_wait),
// Inputs
.reset (reset),
.rx_lclk_div4 (rx_lclk_div4),
.sys_clk (sys_clk),
.rxwr_wait (rxwr_wait),
.rxrd_wait (rxrd_wait),
.rxrr_wait (rxrr_wait),
endmodule // erx
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../../emmu/hdl" "../../edma/hdl" "../../memory/hdl" "../../emailbox/hdl")
// End:
Copyright (C) 2014 Adapteva, Inc.
Contributed by Andreas Olofsson <andreas@adapteva.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy
of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file
COPYING). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.