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Quick Reference for Verilog HDL



(Adapted from Rajeev Madhavan's original guide from 1993 with permission)
Copyright Rajeev Madhavan, All Rights Reserved
Copyright Andreas Olofsson, All Rights Reserved


  1. Lexical Elements
  2. Registers and Nets
  3. Compiler Directives
  4. System Tasks and Functions
  5. Reserved Keywords
  6. Structures and Hierarchy
  7. Expressions and Operators
  8. Named Blocks, Disabling Blocks
  9. Tasks and Functions
  10. Continous Assignments
  11. Procedural Assignments
  12. Gate Types, MOS and Bidirectional Switches
  13. Specify Blocks
  14. Verilog Synthesis Constructs

1.0 Lexical Elements

The language is case sensitive and all the keywords are lower case. White space, namely, spaces, tabs and new-lines are ignored. Verilog has two types of comments:

  1. One line comments start with // and end at the end of the line
  2. Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */

Variable names have to start with an alphabetic character or underscore followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters. The only exception to this are the system tasks and functions which start with a dollar sign. Escaped identifiers (identifier whose first characters is a backslash ( \ )) permit non alphanumeric characters in Verilog name. The escaped name includes all the characters following the backslash until the first white space character.

1.1 Integer Literals

  • Binary literal 2b1Z
  • Octal literal 2O17
  • Decimal literal 9 or d9
  • Hexadecimal literal 3h189

Integer literals can have underscores embedded in them for improved readability. For example,

  • Decimal literal 24_000

1.2 Data Types

The values z and Z stand for high impedance, and x and X stand for uninitialized variables or nets with conflicting drivers. String symbols are enclosed within double quotes ( “string” ).and cannot span multiple lines. Real number literals can be either in fixed notation or in scientific notation.

Real and Integer Variables example

	real a, b, c ; // a,b,c to be real
	integer j, k ; // integer variable
	integer i[1:32] ; // array of integer variables

Time, registers and variable usage

    time newtime ;
	/* time and integer are similar in functionality, time is an unsigned 64-bit used for time variables
	reg [8*14:1] string ;
	/* This defines a vector with range [msb_expr: lsb_expr] */
	initial begin
		a = 0.5 ; // same as 5.0e-1. real variable
		b = 1.2E12 ;
		c = 26.19_60_e-11 ; // _s are
			// used for readability
		string =  string example  ;
		newtime =$time;

2.0 Registers and Nets

A register stores its value from one assignment to the next and is used to model data storage elements.

	reg [5:0] din ;
	/* a 6-bit vector register: individual bits
	din[5],.... din[0] */

Nets correspond to physical wires that connect instances. The default range of a wire or reg is one bit. Nets do not store values and have to be continuously driven. If a net has multiple drivers (for example two gate outputs are tied together), then the net value is resolved according to its type.

Net types

|--------|-------| | wire | | | tri | | | wand | | | triand | | | wor | | | trior | | | tri0 | | | tri1 | | | supply0| | | supply1| | | trireg | |

For a wire, if all the drivers have the same value then the wire resolves to this value. If all the drivers except one have a value of z then the wire resolves to the non z value. If two or more non z drivers have different drive strength, then the wire resolves to the stronger driver. If two drivers of equal strength have different values, then the wire resolves to x. A trireg net behaves like a wire except that when all the drivers of the net are in high impedance (z) state, then the net retains its last driven value. trireg s are used to model capacitive networks.

	wire net1 ;
	/* wire and tri have same functionality. tri is used for multiple drive internal wire */
	trireg (medium) capacitor ;
	/* small, medium, weak are used for charge strength modeling */

A wand net or triand net operates as a wired and(wand), and a wor net or trior net operates as a wired or (wor), tri0 and tri1 nets model nets with resistive pulldown or pullup devices on them. When a tri0 net is not driven, then its value is 0. When a tri1 net is not driven, then its value is 1. supply0 and supply1 model nets that are connected to the ground or power supply.

	wand net2 ; // wired-and
	wor net3 ; // wired-or
	triand [4:0] net4 ; // multiple drive wand
	trior net5 ; // multiple drive wor
	tri0 net6 ;
	tri1 net7 ;
	supply0 gnd ; // logic 0 supply wire
	supply1 vcc ; // logic 1 supply wire

Memories are declared using register statements with the address range specified as in the following example,

reg [15:0] mem16X512 [0:511];
// 16-bit by 512 word memory
// mem16X512[4] addresses word 4
// the order lsb:msb or msb:lsb is not important

3.0 Compiler Directives

Verilog has compiler directives which affect the processing of the input files. The directives start ( ` ) followed by some keyword. A directive takes effect from the point that it appears in the file until either the end of all the files, or until another directive that cancels the effect of the first one is encountered. For example,

	`define OPCODEADD 00010

This defines a macro named OPCODEADD. When the text `OPCODEADD appears in the text, then it is replaced by 00010. Verilog macros are simple text substitutions and do not permit arguments.

	`ifdef SYNTH <Verilog code> endif

If SYNTH is a defined macro, then the Verilog code until endif is inserted for the next processing phase. If SYNTH is not defined macro then the code is discarded.

	`include <Verilog file>

The code in is inserted for the next processing phase. Other standard compiler directives are listed below:

|-----------------------------|------------------------------------------| | resetall | resets all compiler directives to default| | define | text-macro substitution | | timescale 1ns / 10ps | specifies time unit/precision | | ifdef, else, endif | conditional compilation | | include | file inclusion | | signed, unsigned | operator selection | | celldefine, endcelldefine | library modules | | default_nettype wire | default net types | | protect and endprotect | encryption capability | | protected and endprotected| encryption capability |

4.0 System Tasks and Functions

System taska are tool specific tasks and functions..

	$display( Example of using function);
	/* display to screen */
	$monitor($time, a=%b, clk = %b,
	add=%h,a,clk,add); // monitor signals
	$setuphold( posedge clk, datain, setup, hold);
	// setup and hold checks

A list of standard system tasks and functions are listed below:

| $display, $write | utility to display information | $fdisplay, $fwrite | write to file | $strobe, $fstrobe | display/write simulation data | $monitor, $fmonitor | monitor, display/write information to file | $time, $realtime | current simulation time | $finish | exit the simulator | $stop | stop the simulator | $setup | setup timing check | $hold, $width | hold/width timing check | $setuphold | combines hold and setup | $readmemb/$readmemh | read stimulus patterns into memory | $sreadmemb/$sreadmemh | load data into memory | $getpattern | fast processing of stimulus patterns | $history | print command history | $save,$restart,$incsave | saving, restarting, incremental saving | $scale | scaling timeunits from another module | $scope | descend to a particular hierarchy level | $showscopes | complete list of named blocks, tasks, modules... | $showvars | show variables at scope

5.0 Reserved Keywords

The following lists the reserved words of Verilog hardware description language. An "*" in the HW field specifies that keyword can be used to synthesize hardware with most modern EDA tools.

always *
assign *
begin *
case *
defparam *
else *
end *
endcase *
endmodule *
for *
if *
initial *
inout *
input *
integer *
module *
output *
parameter *
reg *
wire *

6.0 Structures and Hierarchy

Hierarchical HDL structures are achieved by defining modules and instantiating modules. Nested module definitions (i.e. one module definition within another) are not permitted.

6.1 Module Declarations

The module name must be unique and no other module or primitive can have the same name. The port list is optional. A module without a port list or with an empty port list is typically a top level module. A macromodule is a module with a flattened hierarchy and is used by some simulators for efficiency.

module definition example


Quick Reference for Verilog HDL 7 Overriding parameters example

	module dff_lab;
	reg data,rst;
	// Connecting ports by name.(map)
	dff d1 (.qb(outb), .q(out),
	// overriding module parameters
	dff_lab.dff.n1.delay1 = 5 ,
	dff_lab.dff.n2.delay2 = 6 ;
	// full-path referencing is used
	// over-riding by using #(8,9) delay1=8..
	dff d2 #(8,9) (outc, outd, clk, outb, rst);
	// clock generator
	always clk = #10 ~clk ;
	// stimulus ... contd

Stimulus and Hierarchy example

	initial begin: stimuli // named block stimulus
	clk = 1; data = 1; rst = 0;
	#20 rst = 1;
	#20 data = 0;
	#600 $finish;
	initial // hierarchy: downward path referencing
	#100 force dff.n2.rst = 0 ;
	#200 release dff.n2.rst;

7.0 Expressions and Operators

Arithmetic and logical operators are used to build expressions. Expressions perform operation on one or more operands, the operands being vectored or scalared nets, registers, bit-selects, part selects, function calls or concatenations thereof.

  • Unary Expression:
	a = !b;
  • Binary and Other Expressions:
	if (a < b ) // if (<expression>)
	{c,d} = a + b ;
	// concatenate and add operator
  • Parentheses can be used to change the precedence of operators. For example, ((a+b) * c)

Operator Precedence

Operator Precedence
+,-,!,~ (unary) Highest
*, / %
+, - (binary)
<<. >>
<, < =, >, >=
=, ==. !=
===, !==
&, ~&
^, ^~
, ~
?: Lowest
  • All operators associate left to right, except for the ternary operator “?:” which associates from right to left.

Relational Operators Operator Application < a < b // is a less than b? // return 1-bit true/false

a > b // is a greater than b? = a >= b // is a greater than or // equal to b <= a <= b // is a less than or // equal to b

Arithmetic Operators Operator Application

  • c = a * b ; // multiply a with b / c = a / b ; // int divide a by b
  • sum = a + b ; // add a and b
  • diff = a - b ; // subtract b // from a % amodb = a % b ; // a mod(b)

Logical Operators Operator Application && a && b ; // is a and b true? // returns 1-bit true/false || a || b ; // is a or b true? // returns 1-bit true/false ! if (!a) ; // if a is not true c = b ; // assign b to c

Equality and Identity Operators Operator Application = c = a ; // assign a to c == c == a ; /* is c equal to a returns 1-bit true/false applies for 1 or 0, logic equality, using X or Z operands returns always false hx == h5 returns 0 */ != c != a ; // is c not equal to // a, retruns 1-bit true/ // false logic equality === a === b ; // is a identical to // b (includes 0, 1, x, z) / // hx === h5 returns 0 !== a !== b ; // is a not // identical to b returns 1- // bit true/false

Unary, Bitwise and Reduction Operators Operator Application

  • Unary plus & arithmetic(binary) addition
  • Unary negation & arithmetic (binary) subtraction & b = &a ; // AND all bits of a | b = |a ; // OR all bits ^ b = ^a ; // Exclusive or all bits of a ~&, ~|, ~^ NAND, NOR, EX-NOR all bits to-gether c = ~& b ; d = ~| a; e = ^c ; ~,&, |, ^ bit-wise NOT, AND, OR, EX-OR b = ~a ; // invert a c = b & a ; // bitwise AND a,b e = b | a ; // bitwise OR f = b ^ a ; // bitwise EX-OR ~&, ~|, ~^ bit-wise NAND, NOR, EX-NOR c = a ~& b ; d = a ~| b ; e = a ~^ b ;

Shift Operators and other Operators

Operator Application << a << 1 ; // shift left a by // 1-bit

a >> 1 ; // shift right a by 1 ?: c = sel ? a : b ; /* if sel is true c = a, else c = b , ?: ternary operator / {} {co, sum } = a + b + ci ; / add a, b, ci assign the overflow to co and the result to sum: operator is called concatenation / {{}} b = {3{a}} / replicate a 3 times, equivalent to {a, a, a} */

7.1 Parallel Expressions

fork ... join are used for concurrent expression assignments. fork ... join example

	begin: block
	// This waits for the first event a
	// or b to occur
	@a disable block ;
	@b disable block ;
	// reset at absolute time 20
	#20 reset = 1 ;
	// data at absolute time 100
	#100 data = 0 ;
	// data at absolute time 120
	#120 data = 1 ;

7.2 Conditional Statements

The most commonly used conditional statement is the if, if ... else ... conditions. The statement occurs if the expressions controlling the if statement evaluates to true.

if .. else ...conditions example

	always @(rst)// simple if -else
	if (rst)
	// procedural assignment
	q = 0;
	else // remove the above continous assign
	deassign q;
	always @(WRITE or READ or STATUS)
	// if - else - if
	if (!WRITE) begin
	out = oldvalue ;
	else if (!STATUS) begin
	q = newstatus ;
	STATUS = hold ;
	else if (!READ) begin
	out = newvalue ;

case, casex, casez: case statements are used for switching between multiple selections (if (case1) ... else if (case2) ... else ...). If there are multiple matches only the first is evaluated. casez treats high impedance values as dont cares and casex treats both unknown and high-impedance as dont cares.

case statement example

module d2X8 (select, out); // priority encode
input [0:2] select;
output [0:7] out;
reg [0:7] out;
always @(select) begin
out = 0;
case (select)
0: out[0] = 1;
1: out[1] = 1;
2: out[2] = 1;
3: out[3] = 1;
4: out[4] = 1;
5: out[5] = 1;
6: out[6] = 1;
7: out[7] = 1;

casex statement example

	casex (state)
	// treats both x and z as dont care
	// during comparison : 3b01z, 3b01x, 3b011
	// ... match case 3b01x
	3b01x: fsm = 0 ;
	3b0xx: fsm = 1 ;
	default: begin
	// default matches all other occurances
	fsm = 1 ;
	next_state = 3b011 ;

casez statement example

	casez (state)
	// treats z as dont care during comparison :
	// 3b11z, 3b1zz, ... match 3b1??: fsm = 0 ;
	3b1??: fsm = 0 ; // if MSB is 1, matches 3?b1??
	3b01?: fsm = 1 ;
	default: $display(wrong state) ;

7.3 Looping Statements forever, for, while and repeat loops example

	// should be used with disable or timing control
	@(posedge clock) {co, sum} = a + b + ci ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i=i+1)
	memory[i] = 0 ; // initialize to 0
	for (i = 0 ; i <= bit-width ; i=i+1)
	// multiplier using shift left and add
	if (a[i]) out = out + ( b << (i-1) ) ;
	repeat(bit-width) begin
	if (a[0]) out = b + out ;
	b = b << 1 ; // muliplier using
	a = a << 1 ; // shift left and add
	while(delay) begin @(posedge clk) ;
	ldlang = oldldlang ;
	delay = delay - 1 ;

8.0 Named Blocks, Disabling Blocks

Named blocks are used to create hierarchy within modules and can be used to group a collection of assignments or expressions. disable statement is used to disable or de-activate any named block, tasks or modules. Named blocks, tasks can be accessed by full or reference hierarchy paths (example dff_lab.stimuli).Named blocks can have local variables.

Named blocks and disable statement example

	initial forever @(posedge reset)
	disable MAIN ; // disable named block
	// tasks, modules can also be disabled
	always begin: MAIN // defining named blocks
	if (!qfull) begin
	#30 recv(new, newdata) ; // call task
	if (new) begin
	q[head] = newdata ;
	head = head + 1 ; // queue
	disable recv ;
	end // MAIN

9.0 Tasks and Functions

Tasks and functions permit the grouping of common procedures and then executing these procedures from different places. Arguments are passed in the form of input/inout values and all calls to functions and tasks share variables. The differences between tasks and functions are

Tasks Functions Permits time control Executes in one simulation time Can have zero or more arguments Require at least one input Does not return value, assigns value to outputs Returns a single value, no special output declarations required Can have output arguments, permits #, @, ->, wait, task calls. Does not permit outputs, #, @, ->, wait, task calls

task Example

	// task are declared within modules
	task recv ;
	output valid ;
	output [9:0] data ;
	valid = inreg ;
	if (valid) begin
	ackin = 1 ;
	data = qin ;
	wait(inreg) ;
	ackin = 0 ;
	// task instantiation
	always begin: MAIN //named definition
	if (!qfull) begin
	recv(new, newdata) ; // call task
	if (new) begin
	q[head] = newdata ;
	head = head + 1 ;
	end else
	disable recv ;
	end // MAIN

function Example

	module foo2 (cs, in1, in2, ns);
	input [1:0] cs;
	input in1, in2;
	output [1:0] ns;
	function [1:0] generate_next_state;
	input[1:0] current_state ;
	input input1, input2 ;
	reg [1:0] next_state ;
	// input1 causes 0->1 transition
	// input2 causes 1->2 transition
	// 2->0 illegal and unknown states go to 0
	case (current_state)
	2h0 : next_state = input1 ? 2h1 : 2h0 ;
	2h1 : next_state = input2 ? 2h2 : 2h1 ;
	2h2 : next_state = 2h0 ;
	default: next_state = 2h0 ;
	generate_next_state = next_state;
	endfunction // generate_next_state
	assign ns = generate_next_state(cs, in1,in2) ;

10.0 Continous Assignments

Continous assignments imply that whenever any change on the RHS of the assignment occurs, it is evaluated and assigned to the LHS. These assignments thus drive both vector and scalar values onto nets. Continous assignments always implement combinational logic (possibly with delays). The driving strengths of a continous assignment can be specified by the user on the net types.

Continous assignment on declaration

	/* since only one net15 declaration exists in a
	given module only one such declarative continous
	assignment per signal is allowed */
	wire #10 (atrong1, pull0) net15 = enable ;
	/* delay of 10 for continous assignment with
	strengths of logic 1 as strong1 and logic 0 as
	pull0 */

Continous assignment on already declared nets

	assign #10 net15 = enable ;
	assign (weak1, strong0) {s,c} = a + b ;

11.0 Procedural Assignments

Assignments to register data types may occur within always, initial, task and functions . These expressions are controlled by triggers which cause the assignments to evaluate. The variables to which the expressions are assigned must be made of bit-select or partselect or whole element of a reg, integer, real or time. These triggers can be controlled by loops, if, else ... constructs. assign and deassign are used for procedural assignments and to remove the continous assignments.force and release are also procedural assignments. However, they can force or release values on net data types and registers.

	module dff (q,qb,clk,d,rst);
	output q, qb;
	input d, rst, clk;
	reg q, qb, temp;
	#1 qb = ~q ; // procedural assignment
	always @(rst)
	// procedural assignment with triggers
	if (rst) assign q = temp;
	else deassign q;
	always @(posedge clk)
	temp = d;

11.1 Blocking Assignment

	module adder (a, b, ci, co, sum,clk) ;
	input a, b, ci, clk ;
	output co, sum ;
	reg co, sum;
	always @(posedge clk) // edge control
	// assign co, sum with previous value of a,b,ci
	{co,sum} = #10 a + b + ci ;

11.2 Non-Blocking Assignment

Allows scheduling of assignments without blocking the procedural flow. Blocking assignments allow timing control which are delays, whereas, non-blocking assignments permit timing control which can be delays or event control. The non-blocking assignment is used to avoid race conditions and can model RTL assignments.

12.0 Gate Types, MOS and Bidirectional Switches

Gate declarations permit the user to instantiate different gate-types and assign drive-strengths to the logic values and also any delays

	<gate-declaration> ::= <component>
	<drive_strength>? <delay>? <gate_instance>
	<,?<gate_instance..>> ;

/* assume a = 10, b= 20 c = 30 d = 40 at start of block / always @(posedge clk) begin:block a <= #10 b ; b <= #10 c ; c <= #10 d ; end / at end of block + 10 time units, a = 20, b = 30, c = 40 */

Gates, switch types, and their instantiations

Gate level instantiation example

Gate Types Component Gates Allows strengths and, nand, or, nor,xor, xnor buf, not Three State Drivers | Allows strengths | buif0,bufif1 | | notif0,notif1 MOS Switches | No strengths | nmos,pmos,cmos, | | rnmos,rpmos,rcmos Bi-directional switches | No strengths, | tran, tranif0 | non resistive | tranif1

No strengths, resistive rtran,rtranif0, rtranif1 Allows strengths pullup pulldown cmos i1 (out, datain, ncontrol, pcontrol); nmos i2 (out, datain, ncontrol); pmos i3 (out, datain, pcontrol); pullup (neta) (netb); pulldown (netc); nor i4 (out, in1, in2, ...); and i5 (out, in1, in2, ...); nand i6 (out, in1, in2, ...); buf i7 (out1, out2, in); bufif1 i8 (out, in, control); tranif1 i9 (inout1, inout2, control); // Gate level instantiations nor (highz1, strong0) #(2:3:5) (out, in1, in2); // instantiates a nor gate with out // strength of highz1 (for 1) and // strong0 for 0 #(2:3:5) is the // min:typ:max delay pullup1 (strong1) net1; // instantiates a logic high pullup cmos (out, data, ncontrol, pcontrol); // MOS devices Quick Reference for Verilog HDL 21 The following strength definitions exists • 4 drive strengths (supply, strong, pull, weak) • 3 capacitor strengths (large, medium, small) • 1 high impedance state highz The drive strengths for each of the output signals are • Strength of an output signal with logic value 1 supply1, strong1, pull1, large1, weak1, highz1 • Strength of an output signal with logic value 0 supply0, strong0, pull0, large0, weak0, highz0

12.1 Gate Delays

The delays allow the modeling of rise time, fall time and turn-off delays for the gates. Each of these delay types may be in the min:typ:- max format. The order of the delays are #(trise, tfall, tturnoff). For example, Logic 0 Logic 1 Strength supply0 Su0 supply1 Su1 7 strong0 St0 strong1 St1 6 pull0 Pu0 pull1 Pu1 5 large La0 large La1 4 weak0 We0 weak1 We1 3 medium Me0 medium Me1 2 small Sm0 small Sm1 1 highz0 HiZ0 highz1 HiZ0 0 nand #(6:7:8, 5:6:7, 122:16:19) (out, a, b);

For trireg , the decay of the capacitive network is modeled using the rise-time delay, fall-time delay and charge-decay. For example,

13.0 Specify Blocks

A specify block is used to specify timing information for the module in which the specify block is used. Specparams are used to declare delay constants, much like regular parameters inside a module, but unlike module parameters they cannot be overridden. Paths are used to declare time delays between inputs and outputs. Timing Information using specify blocks Delay Model #(delay) min:typ:max delay #(delay, delay) rise-time delay, fall-time delay, each delay can be with min:typ:max #(delay, delay, delay) rise-time delay, fall-time delay and turn-off delay, each min:typ: max trireg (large) #(0,1,9) capacitor // charge strength is large // decay with tr=0, tf=1, tdecay=9 specify // similar to defparam, used for timing specparam delay1 = 25.0, delay2 = 24.0; // edge sensitive delays -- some simulators // do not support this (posedge clock) => (out1 +: in1) = (delay1, delay2) ; // conditional delays if (OPCODE == 3h4) (in1, in2 *> out1) = (delay1, delay2) ; // +: implies edge-sensitive +ve polarity // -: implies edge sensitive -ve polarity // *> implies multiple paths // level sensitive delays if (clock) (in1, in2 *> out1, out2) = 30 ; // setuphold $setuphold(posedge clock &&& reset, in1 &&& reset, 3:5:6, 2:3:6); (reset *> out1, out2) = (2:3:5,3:4:5); endspecify

14.0 Verilog Synthesis Constructs

The following is a set of Verilog constructs that are supported by most synthesis tools at the time of this writing. To prevent variations in supported synthesis constructs from tool to tool, this is the least common denominator of supported constructs. Tool reference guides cover specific constructs.

Since it is very difficult for the synthesis tool to find hardware with exact delays, all absolute and relative time declarations are ignored by the tools. Also, all signals are assumed to be of maximum strength (strength 7). Boolean operations on X and Z are not permitted. The constructs are classified as

  • Fully supported constructs — Constructs that are supported as defined in the Verilog Language Reference Manual
  • Partially supported — Constructs supported with restrictions on them
  • Ignored constructs — Constructs that are ignored by the synthesis tool
  • Unsupported constructs — Constructs which if used, may cause the synthesis tool to not accept the Verilog input or may cause different results between synthesis and simulation.

14.1 Fully Supported Constructs

	<module instantiation,
	with named and positional notations>
	<integer data types, with all bases>
	<subranges and slices on right-hand
	side of assignment>
	<continuous assignments>
	>>, << , ? : {}
	assign (procedural and declarative), begin, end
	case, casex, casez, endcase
	function, endfunction
	if, else, else if
	input, output, inout
	wire, wand, wor, tri
	integer, reg
	macromodule, module
	supply0, supply1
	task, endtask

14.2 Partially Supported Constructs

Construct Constraints
*, /, % when both operands constants, or 2nd operand power of 2
always only edge-triggered events
for bounded by static variables, only use “+/-” to index
posedge, negedge only with always @
primitive Combinational and edge-sensitive
table,endtable Combinational and edge-sensitive
<= limitations on usage with blocking assignment
and, nand, or, gate types supported without X or Z constructs
nor, xor, xnor,
buf, not, buif0,
!, &&,
, ^,^~, ~^, ~&,
~ , +, - , <, >,
<=, >=, ==, !=