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103 lines
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//# Purpose: SPI slave #
//# Author: Andreas Olofsson #
//# License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #
module spi_slave #( parameter UREGS = 13, // number of spi slave regs
parameter AW = 32, // addresss width
parameter PW = 104 // packet width
//clk,reset, cfg
input clk, // core clock
input nreset, // async active low reset
input hw_en, // block enbale pin
output [511:0] spi_regs, // all registers for control
output spi_irq, // interrupt
//IO interface
input sclk, // spi clock
input mosi, // slave input
input ss, // slave select
output miso, // slave output
// read request to core
output access_out, // valid transaction
output [PW-1:0] packet_out, // data to core (from spi port)
input wait_in, // pushback from core (not implemented)
// return from core
input access_in, // read response from core
input [PW-1:0] packet_in, // read response packet from core
output wait_out // pushback (not used)
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire cpha; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v
wire cpol; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v
wire irq_en; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v
wire lsbfirst; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v
wire [5:0] spi_addr; // From spi_slave_io of spi_slave_io.v
wire spi_clk; // From spi_slave_io of spi_slave_io.v
wire spi_en; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v
wire [7:0] spi_rdata; // From spi_slave_regs of spi_slave_regs.v, ...
wire [7:0] spi_wdata; // From spi_slave_io of spi_slave_io.v
wire spi_write; // From spi_slave_io of spi_slave_io.v
// End of automatics
spi_slave_regs #(.AW(AW),
spi_slave_regs (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.spi_rdata (spi_rdata[7:0]),
.spi_en (spi_en),
.cpol (cpol),
.cpha (cpha),
.lsbfirst (lsbfirst),
.irq_en (irq_en),
.spi_regs (spi_regs[511:0]),
.wait_out (wait_out),
// Inputs
.clk (clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.hw_en (hw_en),
.spi_clk (spi_clk),
.spi_wdata (spi_wdata[7:0]),
.spi_write (spi_write),
.spi_addr (spi_addr[5:0]),
.access_out (access_out),
.access_in (access_in),
.packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]));
spi_slave_io #(.PW(PW))
spi_slave_io (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.miso (miso),
.spi_clk (spi_clk),
.spi_write (spi_write),
.spi_addr (spi_addr[5:0]),
.spi_wdata (spi_wdata[7:0]),
.spi_rdata (spi_rdata[7:0]),
.access_out (access_out),
.packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]),
// Inputs
.sclk (sclk),
.mosi (mosi),
.ss (ss),
.spi_en (spi_en),
.cpol (cpol),
.cpha (cpha),
.lsbfirst (lsbfirst),
.clk (clk),
.nreset (nreset),
.wait_in (wait_in));
endmodule // spi_slave