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synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
126 lines
2.9 KiB
126 lines
2.9 KiB
module dut(/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
dut_active, clkout, wait_out, access_out, packet_out,
// Inputs
clk1, clk2, nreset, vdd, vss, access_in, packet_in, wait_in
parameter SREGS = 40;
parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32;
parameter CW = 2;
parameter IDW = 12;
parameter M_IDW = 6;
parameter S_IDW = 12;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter N = 1;
input clk1;
input clk2;
input nreset;
input [N*N-1:0] vdd;
input vss;
output dut_active;
output clkout;
//Stimulus Driven Transaction
input [N-1:0] access_in;
input [N*PW-1:0] packet_in;
output [N-1:0] wait_out;
//DUT driven transaction
output [N-1:0] access_out;
output [N*PW-1:0] packet_out;
input [N-1:0] wait_in;
wire clk;
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire m_mosi; // From master of spi.v
wire m_sclk; // From master of spi.v
wire m_ss; // From master of spi.v
wire s_miso; // From slave of spi.v
wire spi_irq; // From master of spi.v, ...
// End of automatics
assign clkout = clk1;
assign clk = clk1;
assign wait_out = 1'b0;
assign dut_active = 1'b1;
//# DUT
spi #(.AW(AW),
master (.m_miso (s_miso),
.master_mode (1'b1),
.s_miso (),
.s_sclk (1'b0),
.s_mosi (1'b0),
.s_ss (1'b1),
.wait_in (1'b0),
.access_out (),
.packet_out (),
// Outputs
.spi_irq (spi_irq),
.wait_out (wait_out),
.m_sclk (m_sclk),
.m_mosi (m_mosi),
.m_ss (m_ss),
// Inputs
.nreset (nreset),
.clk (clk),
.access_in (access_in),
.packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]));
spi #(.AW(AW),
slave ( .s_sclk (m_sclk),
.s_mosi (m_mosi),
.s_ss (m_ss),
.master_mode (1'b0),
.access_in (1'b0),
.packet_in (),
.m_miso (),
.m_sclk (),
.m_mosi (),
.m_ss (),
// Outputs
.spi_irq (spi_irq),
.access_out (access_out),
.packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]),
.wait_out (wait_out),
.s_miso (s_miso),
// Inputs
.nreset (nreset),
.clk (clk),
.wait_in (wait_in));
endmodule // dut
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl" "../../emesh/hdl")
// End: