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synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
-Better to fix to avoid issues across different synthesis platform (even if standard would allow if for verilog2005)
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89 lines
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//# Purpose: Low power standby state machine #
//# Author: Andreas Olofsson #
//# License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #
module oh_standby #(parameter PD = 5,// cycles to stay awake after "wakeup"
parameter N = 5)// cycles delay of irq_reset after posedge
input clkin, //clock input
input nreset,//async active low reset
input testenable,//disable standby (static signal)
input wakeup, //wake up (level, active high)
input idle, //idle indicator
output resetout,//synchronous one clock reset pulse
output clkout //clock output
//Wire declarations
reg [PD-1:0] wakeup_pipe;
wire sync_reset;
wire sync_reset_pulse;
wire wakeup_now;
wire clk_en;
// -Creating an edge one clock cycle pulse on rising edge of reset
// -Event can be used to boot a CPU and any other master as an example
// -Given the clock dependancies, it was deemed safest to put this
// function here
// Synchronizing reset to clock to avoid metastability
oh_dsync #(.PS(2)) oh_dsync (//outputs
// Detecting rising edge of delayed reset
oh_edge2pulse oh_e2p (//outputs
.out (sync_reset_pulse),
.clk (clkin),
.nreset (nreset),
.in (sync_reset));
// Delay irq event by N clock cycles
oh_delay #(.N(N)) oh_delay (//outputs
.out (resetout),
.in (sync_reset_pulse),
.clk (clkin));
// Clock gating circuit for output clock
// EVent can be used to boot a CPU andcany other master as an example
//Adding reset to wakeup signal
assign wakeup_now = sync_reset_pulse | wakeup;
// Stay awake for PD cycles
always @ (posedge clkin or negedge nreset)
wakeup_pipe[PD-1:0] <= 'b0;
wakeup_pipe[PD-1:0] <= {wakeup_pipe[PD-2:0], wakeup_now};
// Clock enable
assign clk_en = wakeup | //immediate wakeup
(|wakeup_pipe[PD-1:0]) | //anything in pipe
~idle; //core not in idle
// Clock gating cell
oh_clockgate oh_clockgate (.eclk(clkout),
endmodule // oh_standby