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name: Creating an FPGA accelerator in 15 min
---- #Title ---- background-image: /images/parallella_front_slant.png
Creating an FPGA accelerator in 15 min!
Andreas Olofsson, Adapteva & Parallella Founder
(Presented at ANL FPGA Workshop)
---- #parallella-introduction ---- background-image: /images/parallella_front_slant.png
Kickstarting Parallel Computing
- Parallella: "Supercomputing for everyone"
- 18 CPU cores + FPGA on a credit card (5W)
- Democratizes access to parallel computing
- $898K raised on Kickstarter in Oct 2012
- Open source and open access
- Starting at $99
- Available at Amazon & Digi-Key
---- #parallella-specs ----
Parallella Specs (http://parallella.org)
Performance | ~30 GFLOPS |
Architecture | ARM + FPGA + MANYCORE |
Memory | 1GB DDR3 |
IO | ~25 Gb/s (48 GPIO) |
Size | credit-card |
Power | <5W |
Cost | $99 -> $249 |
---- #Software ----
"Hello World" in Software
- CODE: main() { printf("Hello World\n");}
- COMPILE: gcc hello.c
- TEST: ./a.out
- DEBUG: printf, gdb
---- #Hardware ----
"Hello World" in Hardware
- CODE: Verilog/VHDL source
- CODE MORE: Verilog/SystemC testbench
- TEST: VCS/NC/Icarus/Verilator
- DEBUG: Waveform debugging
- TEST MORE: Pray that it works...
---- #Comparison ----
Hardwave vs Software
SW | HW | |
Compile Time | seconds | minutes/months |
Libraries | lots | little |
Debugging | "easy" | an art |
Cost of mistake | low | VERY HIGH!!!! |
---- #start ----
Let's start..."hello world"
assign result[31:0]=input0[31:0]+input1[31:0];
Now what??
---- #Steps ----
What's missing
- Control code
- Host/Accelerator Hardware interfaces
- Test environment
- Synthesis scripts (non trivial)
- Drivers (software)
How many man-years is that?
---- #OH ----
OH! (Open Hardware Library)
- Verilog
- MIT license
- ~15K lines of code so far
- Best practices based on 20 years of chip design
- Silicon proven building blocks
- Small: FIFOs, synchronizers, muxes, arbiters, etc
- Big: chip to chip link, mailboxes, memory translators
- http://github.com/parallela/oh
- Yes, we do accept pull requests!
---- #DEMO ---- background-image: /images/parallella_front_slant.png
---- #Summary ----
Accelerator Case Study
- Coding: 2hrs
- Simulate/Debug: 2hrs
- Synthesize: 2hrs
- Debug 1st "Bus Error": 1hr
- Debug 2nd "Bus Error": 2hrs
9hrs to put together something that takes 30 seconds in C!
---- #Files ----
Files Used
SOURCES: http://github.com/parallella/oh/accelerator
- Code: hdl/{accelerator.v,axi_accelerator.v}
- Testbench: dv/{dut_axi_accelerator.v,build.sh,run.sh}
- Synthesis: fpga/{package.tcl, run.tcl}
- Drivers: sw/{driver.c,test.c}
---- #How-To ----
How to Verify, Modfy, and Burn
$ cd accelerator/dv
$ ./build.sh # build
$ ./run.sh tests/hello.emf # load data
$ gtkwave waveform.vcd # view waveform
$ emacs ../hdl/accelerator.v # "put code here"
$ cd ../fpga
$ ./build.sh # build bitstream
$ sudo cp parallella.bit.bin /media/$user/boot
$ sync #Insert SD card in parallella
---- #Conclusions ----
- Yes, today you CAN build an FPGA accelerator in 15 min
- Anything new is still 100x more expensive to develop than SW
- Develop for FPGAs, but keep ASIC option open
...to make FPGA universally viable we need to catch up with >>$trillion investment in software infrastructure
Email: andreas@adapteva.com
Twitter: @adapteva