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synced 2025-01-30 02:32:53 +08:00
Andreas Olofsson
Adding ASIC interface to single port memory
- Yes, I know this means more signals for others to "ignore". The fpga way to handle this is to auto generate hierarchy to hide the signals. - I prefer a flatter structure with signals tied off and a library of known good components in a repo!
OH! Open hardware for Chips and FPGAs
- Make it work
- Make it simpler
- Make it modular
accelerator | FPGA | Accelerator tutorial |
axi | FPGA | AXI master and slave interfaces |
c2c | HH | Protocol agnostic chip to chip link |
chip | SI | Chip design reference flow |
common | SI | Library of basic components |
elink | SI | Point to point LVDS link |
emailbox | FPGA | Mailbox with interrupt output |
emesh | SI | Emesh interface utility circuits |
emmu | FPGA | Memory transaction translation unit |
etrace | HH | Logic Analyzer |
gpio | HH | General Purpose IO |
pic | SI | Programmable interrupt controller |
parallella | FPGA | Parallella FPGA logic |
risc-v | HH | RISC-V implementation |
spi | HH | SPI master/slave |
verilog | HH | Verilog referenca material |
xilibs | FPGA | Xilinx simulation models |
- "SI"= Silicon validated
- "FPGA" = FPGA validated
- "HH" = Hard hat area (work in progress)
The OH! repository source code is licensed under the MIT license unless otherwise specified. See LICENSE for MIT copyright terms. Design specific licenses can be found in the folder root (eg: aes/LICENSE)
Instructions for contributing can be found HERE.
- Max 80 chars per line
- One input/output statement per line
- Only single line // comments, no /../
- Use vector sizes in every statement, ie "assign a[7:0] = myvec[7:0];"
- Use parameters for reusability and readability
- Use many short statements in place of one big one
- Define wires/regs at beginning of file
- Align input names/comments in column like fashion
- Avoid redundant begin..end statements
- Capitalize macros and constants
- Use lower case for all signal names
- User upper case for all parameters and constants
- Use y down to x vectors
- Use a naming methodology and document it
- Comment every module port
- Do not hard code numerical values in body of code
- Keep parameter names short
- Use common names: nreset, clk, din, dout, en, rd, wr, addr, etc
- Make names as short as possible, but not shorter
- Use _ in constants over 4 bits (eg: 8'h1100_1100)
- One module per file
- Use ".vh" suffix for header files,
- yse ".v" for verilog source files
- Use `include files for constants
- Use `ifndef _CONSTANTS_V to include file only once
- No timescales in design files (only in testbench)
- No delay statements in design
- No logic statements in top level design structures
- Prefer parameters in place of global defines
- Do not use casex
- Use active low reset
- Avoid redundant resets
- Avoid heavily nested if, else statements
- Don't use defparams, place #(.DW(DW)) in module instantation
- Always use connection by name (not by order) in module instantiatoin
- Parametrize as much as possible but not more
- Place a useful comment every 5-20 lines
- If you are going to use async reset, use oh_rsync.v
- Use for loops to reduce bloat and to improve readability
- If you have to mix clock edges, isolate to discrete modules
- Use nonblocking (<=) in all sequential statements
- Use default statements in all case statements
- Don't use proprietary EDA tool pragmas (use parameters)
- Only use synthesizable constructs
- Use $signed() for arithmetic operations on signed types
- Allowed keywords: assign, always, input, output, wire, reg, module, endmodule, if/else, case, casez, ~,|,&,^,==, >>, <<, >, <,?,posedge, negedge, generate, for(...), begin, end, $signed,
- When possible/reasonable use 64b boundaries for scalable registers
- When posible place multi bit fields on nibble boundaries
- All registers should have "0" as default value on reset
- Only include reset values if absolutely needed
- Separate the design from the testbench
- Separate the test from the testbench
- More to come...
- Write docs in markdown
- Specify which registers are reset
- Put lsb on right side, lsb is bit zero
- Indicate type (read/write/etc)
- Indicate what
- All signal should be summarized in a table (markdown)
- All signals should have waveforms (wavedrom)
- List internal block hierarhcy (need script for this)
- Unused/reserved bits in all register should be written as zero
- In tables, place registers in address order
- In description section, place registeres in alphabetical order
- Include links in table to descriptions
- Include "internal register map"
- Base address of chip/block
- Table of interrupts..
- Show how to compile..
- Show how to simulate...
- Show how to synthesize/build..
- Show how to use..
- Is the block datasheet complete and accurate?
- Is there a user guide?
- Is there a script/make file for building/testing the design?
- Is there a self testing testbench?
- Is there an auotomated synthesis script?
- Is the driver written?
- Is there a demo example?
- Is the the block Silicon and FPGA validated?