mirror of https://github.com/aolofsson/oh.git synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
2020-01-28 18:12:57 -05:00

363 lines
14 KiB

module dut(/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
clkout, dut_active, wait_out, access_out, packet_out,
// Inputs
clk1, clk2, nreset, vdd, vss, access_in, packet_in, wait_in
parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32;
parameter CW = 2;
parameter IDW = 12;
parameter M_IDW = 6;
parameter S_IDW = 12;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter N = 1;
input clk1;
input clk2;
output clkout;
input nreset;
input [N*N-1:0] vdd;
input vss;
output dut_active;
//Stimulus Driven Transaction
input [N-1:0] access_in;
input [N*PW-1:0] packet_in;
output [N-1:0] wait_out;
//DUT driven transactoin
output [N-1:0] access_out;
output [N*PW-1:0] packet_out;
input [N-1:0] wait_in;
//floating wires
wire elink0_cclk_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_cclk_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_chip_resetb; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire [11:0] elink0_chipid; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_mailbox_full; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_mailbox_not_empty;// From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_timeout; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink1_cclk_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_cclk_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_chip_resetb; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [11:0] elink1_chipid; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_mailbox_full; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_mailbox_not_empty;// From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxrd_access; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxrd_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxrr_access; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxrr_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxwr_access; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink1_rxwr_packet; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_timeout; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txrd_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txrr_access; // From emem of ememory.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink1_txrr_packet; // From emem of ememory.v
wire elink1_txrr_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txwr_wait; // From elink1 of elink.v
//memory wires
wire emem_access;
wire [PW-1:0] emem_packet;
wire elink1_rxrd_wait;
wire elink1_rxwr_wait;
// Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs)
// End of automatics
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire elink0_chip_nreset; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_mailbox_irq; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_rxrr_access; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink0_rxrr_packet; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire [7:0] elink0_txo_data_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire [7:0] elink0_txo_data_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_txo_frame_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_txo_frame_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_txo_lclk_n; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_txo_lclk_p; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink0_txrd_access; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink0_txrd_packet; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v
wire elink0_txrd_wait; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v, ...
wire elink0_txwr_access; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v
wire [PW-1:0] elink0_txwr_packet; // From emesh_if of emesh_if.v
wire elink0_txwr_wait; // From elink0 of elink.v
wire elink1_chip_nreset; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_elink_active; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_mailbox_irq; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [7:0] elink1_txo_data_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire [7:0] elink1_txo_data_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txo_frame_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txo_frame_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txo_lclk_n; // From elink1 of elink.v
wire elink1_txo_lclk_p; // From elink1 of elink.v
// End of automatics
assign clkout = clk1;
/*emesh_if AUTO_TEMPLATE (//Stimulus
//Link side transaction outgoing
emesh_if #(.AW(AW)) emesh_if (.rmesh_access_in(1'b0),
.cmesh_wait_out (elink0_rxrr_wait),
// Outputs
.cmesh_access_out (elink0_txwr_access), // Templated
.cmesh_packet_out (elink0_txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.rmesh_wait_out (elink0_txrd_wait), // Templated
.rmesh_access_out (elink0_txrd_access), // Templated
.rmesh_packet_out (elink0_txrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.xmesh_wait_out (), // Templated
.emesh_wait_out (wait_out), // Templated
.emesh_access_out (access_out), // Templated
.emesh_packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]), // Templated
// Inputs
.cmesh_access_in (elink0_rxrr_access), // Templated
.cmesh_packet_in (elink0_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.cmesh_wait_in (elink0_txwr_wait), // Templated
.rmesh_wait_in (elink0_txrd_wait), // Templated
.emesh_access_in (access_in), // Templated
.emesh_packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.emesh_wait_in (wait_in)); // Templated
// Outputs
.sys_clk (clk1),
.sys_nreset (nreset),
.rxi_\(.*\) (elink1_txo_\1[]),
.txi_\(.*\) (elink1_rxo_\1[]),
.\(.*\) (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 6)"_\1[]),
defparam elink0.ID = 12'h810;
defparam elink0.ETYPE = 0;
elink elink0 (.elink_active (dut_active),
.txrr_access (1'b0),//not tested
.txrr_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}),
.txrr_wait (), //not tested
.rxwr_access (),
.rxwr_packet (),
.rxrd_access (),
.rxrd_packet (),
.rxwr_wait (1'b0),//not tested
.rxrd_wait (1'b0),//not tested
.rxrr_wait (elink0_rxrr_wait),
// Outputs
.rxo_wr_wait_p (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated
.rxo_wr_wait_n (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated
.rxo_rd_wait_p (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated
.rxo_rd_wait_n (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated
.txo_lclk_p (elink0_txo_lclk_p), // Templated
.txo_lclk_n (elink0_txo_lclk_n), // Templated
.txo_frame_p (elink0_txo_frame_p), // Templated
.txo_frame_n (elink0_txo_frame_n), // Templated
.txo_data_p (elink0_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated
.txo_data_n (elink0_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated
.chipid (elink0_chipid[11:0]), // Templated
.cclk_p (elink0_cclk_p), // Templated
.cclk_n (elink0_cclk_n), // Templated
.chip_nreset (elink0_chip_nreset), // Templated
.mailbox_irq (elink0_mailbox_irq), // Templated
.rxrr_access (elink0_rxrr_access), // Templated
.rxrr_packet (elink0_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.txwr_wait (elink0_txwr_wait), // Templated
.txrd_wait (elink0_txrd_wait), // Templated
// Inputs
.sys_nreset (nreset), // Templated
.sys_clk (clk1), // Templated
.rxi_lclk_p (elink1_txo_lclk_p), // Templated
.rxi_lclk_n (elink1_txo_lclk_n), // Templated
.rxi_frame_p (elink1_txo_frame_p), // Templated
.rxi_frame_n (elink1_txo_frame_n), // Templated
.rxi_data_p (elink1_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated
.rxi_data_n (elink1_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated
.txi_wr_wait_p (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated
.txi_wr_wait_n (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated
.txi_rd_wait_p (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated
.txi_rd_wait_n (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated
.txwr_access (elink0_txwr_access), // Templated
.txwr_packet (elink0_txwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.txrd_access (elink0_txrd_access), // Templated
.txrd_packet (elink0_txrd_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated
//elink checker
elink_monitor elink_monitor (.frame (elink0_txo_frame_p),
.clk (elink0_txo_lclk_p),
.din (elink0_txo_data_p[7:0])
// Outputs
.sys_clk (clk1),
.sys_nreset (nreset),
.rxi_\(.*\) (elink0_txo_\1[]),
.txi_\(.*\) (elink0_rxo_\1[]),
.\(.*\) (@"(substring vl-cell-name 0 6)"_\1[]),
//No read/write from elink1 (for now)
wire elink1_txrd_access = 1'b0;
wire elink1_txrd_packet = 'b0;
wire elink1_txwr_access = 1'b0;
wire elink1_txwr_packet = 'b0;
wire elink1_rxrr_wait = 1'b0;
defparam elink1.ID = 12'h820;
defparam elink1.ETYPE = 0;
elink elink1 (.rxrr_wait (1'b0),
.txwr_access (1'b0),
.txwr_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}),
.txrd_access (1'b0),
.txrd_packet ({(PW){1'b0}}),
.txrr_access (elink1_txrr_access),
.txrr_packet (elink1_txrr_packet[PW-1:0]),
// Outputs
.elink_active (elink1_elink_active), // Templated
.rxo_wr_wait_p (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated
.rxo_wr_wait_n (elink1_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated
.rxo_rd_wait_p (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated
.rxo_rd_wait_n (elink1_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated
.txo_lclk_p (elink1_txo_lclk_p), // Templated
.txo_lclk_n (elink1_txo_lclk_n), // Templated
.txo_frame_p (elink1_txo_frame_p), // Templated
.txo_frame_n (elink1_txo_frame_n), // Templated
.txo_data_p (elink1_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated
.txo_data_n (elink1_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated
.chipid (elink1_chipid[11:0]), // Templated
.cclk_p (elink1_cclk_p), // Templated
.cclk_n (elink1_cclk_n), // Templated
.chip_nreset (elink1_chip_nreset), // Templated
.mailbox_irq (elink1_mailbox_irq), // Templated
.rxwr_access (elink1_rxwr_access), // Templated
.rxwr_packet (elink1_rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.rxrd_access (elink1_rxrd_access), // Templated
.rxrd_packet (elink1_rxrd_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.rxrr_access (elink1_rxrr_access), // Templated
.rxrr_packet (elink1_rxrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
.txwr_wait (elink1_txwr_wait), // Templated
.txrd_wait (elink1_txrd_wait), // Templated
.txrr_wait (elink1_txrr_wait), // Templated
// Inputs
.sys_nreset (nreset), // Templated
.sys_clk (clk1), // Templated
.rxi_lclk_p (elink0_txo_lclk_p), // Templated
.rxi_lclk_n (elink0_txo_lclk_n), // Templated
.rxi_frame_p (elink0_txo_frame_p), // Templated
.rxi_frame_n (elink0_txo_frame_n), // Templated
.rxi_data_p (elink0_txo_data_p[7:0]), // Templated
.rxi_data_n (elink0_txo_data_n[7:0]), // Templated
.txi_wr_wait_p (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_p), // Templated
.txi_wr_wait_n (elink0_rxo_wr_wait_n), // Templated
.txi_rd_wait_p (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_p), // Templated
.txi_rd_wait_n (elink0_rxo_rd_wait_n), // Templated
.rxwr_wait (elink1_rxwr_wait), // Templated
.rxrd_wait (elink1_rxrd_wait)); // Templated
wire emem_wait;
//"Arbitration" between read/write transaction
assign emem_access = elink1_rxwr_access | elink1_rxrd_access;
assign emem_packet[PW-1:0] = elink1_rxwr_access ? elink1_rxwr_packet[PW-1:0]:
assign elink1_rxrd_wait = emem_wait | elink1_rxwr_access;
assign elink1_rxwr_wait = emem_wait;
/*ememory AUTO_TEMPLATE (
// Outputs
.\(.*\)_out (elink1_txrr_\1[]),
.\(.*\)_in (emem_\1[]),
.wait_out (emem_wait),
defparam emem.WAIT=0;
ememory emem (.wait_in (elink1_txrr_wait),//pushback on reads
.clk (clk1),
.wait_out (emem_wait),
.coreid (12'h0),
// Outputs
.access_out (elink1_txrr_access), // Templated
.packet_out (elink1_txrr_packet[PW-1:0]), // Templated
// Inputs
.nreset (nreset),
.access_in (emem_access), // Templated
.packet_in (emem_packet[PW-1:0])); // Templated
endmodule // dv_elink
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl" "../../emesh/dv" "../../emesh/hdl")
// End: